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Games => Video Games => Topic started by: Spriggan on May 05, 2004, 12:48:35 AM

Title: KoTOR 2
Post by: Spriggan on May 05, 2004, 12:48:35 AM
Ha I was right, Knights of the old Republic 2 is being developed by ex-Black Isle people.  http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/05/04/news_6095387.html
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on May 05, 2004, 01:02:11 AM
ugh, why?
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Spriggan on May 05, 2004, 01:05:44 AM
Becasue Bioware rarely makes sequals.  They all most allwayse toss them to Black Isle.

It's also LucasArts call since it's there lincence to give out, but I wouldn't be suprised if the reason Obsidion has it is becasue of BioWare.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Onion of Death on May 05, 2004, 07:23:00 AM
No, they should be working on Fallout 3!!! Arghh...
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Spriggan on May 05, 2004, 07:40:19 AM
They can't unless Interpay contracts them to do so, Black Isle didn't own the rights to the fallout series, Interplay does.  Interplay is expected to announce who the developer for Fallout 3 is at E3, if there's no announcement then the project is more the likely dead.  But I doubt Obsidion will get it since the bad blood between them (all haveing been fired by Interplay) and Interplay.  I am a little worried about this since the BlackIsle people haven't made a great game (there's been some decent/good games) since Baldurs gate 2 and the first Icewind Dale.  The reason Interplay canned them is that LeonHeart was such a bad game, and there had been a lot of time and money put into it.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Onion of Death on May 05, 2004, 07:50:11 PM
I agree that Lionheart was awful. But it was because development was rushed, and they couldn't add in the Fallout style turn based combat. I thought Icewind Dale II was good.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Fellfrosch on May 06, 2004, 01:40:09 AM
I thought that Lionheart was Reflexive, not Black Isle. Are they the same?
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Spriggan on May 06, 2004, 03:23:40 AM
No LionHeart was a Black Isle game that they had Reflexive develop but it was through BI that it was made and they (BI) took  the blunt of the blame from Interplay for the games poor performance wheither they deserved it or not.

But according to Tycho these are some of the original Black Isle people, some who worked on Planescape.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Spriggan on May 13, 2004, 09:51:30 PM
Bioware announced it's new game http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/05/12/news_6097833.html, and it apperent the roumors were true.  Wich is Bioware dosen't want to develop games for other peoples settings.  Which is probaly the main reason why they're not doing KoTOR 2 or NWN 2.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on May 13, 2004, 10:00:54 PM
Sooo, essentially Dragon Age is NWN 2/BG 3?
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Spriggan on May 13, 2004, 10:26:09 PM
I guess you could say they are in spirit.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on May 13, 2004, 10:52:00 PM
"Besides boasting that it would have the "tantalizing blend of the exploration and combat of Baldur’s Gate" and "the multi-player gameplay and community support of Neverwinter Nights," BioWare said Dragon Age will have separate multiplayer and single-player campaigns. As with other BioWare RPGs, gameplay will be party-based in both modes. But BioWare also said players can "participate in massive battles," meaning the game's tactical combat may be on a larger scale than most RPGs."

MMmm, that reeks of "we aren't making sequels to these games, but instead are going to make them but call them by a different name."
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Spriggan on May 13, 2004, 10:56:50 PM
Ya, but I know Bioware had lots of problems with Wizards when it came to developing NWN and other games.  I'm frankly surprised with how long it took Bioware to make their own settings, no company likes to make games for others and I'm glad they did it.  It shows a matureaty in the game company, they don;t need to ride off of others anymore and I have a feeling Bioware's games will be nothing but better becasue of this.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on May 13, 2004, 11:48:23 PM
the link Sprig posted says it will have a new engine. That probably means new mechanics as well. Hardly a sequel.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Spriggan on May 14, 2004, 12:08:08 AM
I think what Gemm is saying is that instead of doing a sequal they're doing this which has a lot of the same concepts.  And Bioware couldn't use the same system even if they watned to without getting Wizards permission which is what they're trying to get away from.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Spriggan on August 27, 2004, 05:49:54 AM
Didn't feel like makeing a new thread for this.

Lucas Arts just lowered KORTOR 1's price down to $20 for both the Xbox and PC.  If you've been slacking on getting the game now's a good time to do so.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: MoreDew on October 16, 2004, 12:32:26 PM
I have to admit that KoTOR was one of the best damn games I've ever played in all my years.  I can't wait for KoTOR2.  Is it really going to be that bad if Black Isle makes it?  I'm not looking forward to crying myself to sleep at night if it is. :'(
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Spriggan on October 16, 2004, 05:57:20 PM
No, Obsidian (who's made up of all the ex-blackisle people) should do a good job.  These are the guys who made Baulders gate 1 and 2 after all.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: MoreDew on November 19, 2004, 01:04:14 AM
I just saw the trailer for KoTOR 2, and it looks sweeeettt!!!!  I am definately going to go buy this game on the release date.  I'll listen to her reasoning to wait until Christmas for Halo2, but not KoTOR 2!
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Captain Morgan on March 03, 2005, 01:46:28 AM
I just got KoTOR2 for the PC, and it rocks. I am impressed with how much Obsidian kept to the orginal look and feel from the first one. I did find the light side ending a bit weak compared to the first one, and now I'm going through a dark side version. We shall see if it has the replayabilty that the first one had. all in all it wasn't to bad of a game.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Fellfrosch on March 03, 2005, 02:03:52 AM
I'm a few hours into the dark side (just left Telos), and I've been pretty impressed. It's not as technically sound, though--I got caught in a couple of really bad dialogue loops, and I've had some other weird scripting things happen to me. I'm also annoyed about the story--they reveal your past in pieces, which worked in teh first game because you couldn't remember, but this time the character does but the player doesn't. That's bad writing.

I have a huge list of things I want to complain about, actually, but on the other hand I completely love playing it. I just wasted a few hours playing it this evening, in fact, when I should have been writing. I'll see how much of the night I can salvage.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Captain Morgan on March 03, 2005, 02:30:50 AM
I know exactly what you mean. I too have thought it a bit annoying that I had to guess the characters past when I was playing it. But after completing the game, it makes sense so that you can set up your light side or dark side history so your actions now would be sound. I think the game even takes some of those actions and sets up how characters respond further down the line. I'll see if that is true as I play the dark side. \ Plus if you didn't play the first game, it fills in all the history you missed (well sort of since you could have been good or evil in that game). But I have a feeling based on how you anwsered some questions, it sets up wether Revan was good or evil in this game.

I have ran into a couple of dialog glitches that were annoing so I couldn't finish a side quest or two, but not as many as I thought. The only other complaints I have is the maps seem smaller than the first (although I am impressed that they use parts of them from the first game) and there seems to be way to much dialog. But it is a great game to do some great time wasting.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Dex1138 on March 03, 2005, 09:59:05 AM
I'm close to finishing the Light Side (I think). It seems it's been easier combat-wise than the first. I've hardly used any stims or grenades. But I have been making a lot of my own upgrades to get the most out of my equipment, so that may count for something. Or it could be there are less force using opponents.
The dialog choices are definately weird in places. I didn't pick anything that wasn't revealed to me in the game...just didn't seem right. How should I know if my character remembers this or that?
One minor annoyance: There was a point where I had taken care of a crime lord and walked back past his receptionist. And they said "Don't kill me, I just work here." For my response I chose "Then you'd better find a new place to work." My kind of humor.
What it really means is "Oh well, I'm going to kill you anyway." I suppose I should have known by that point that most dialog in that slot leans toward Dark Side. Thankfully I am a paragon of light, so it wasn't too detrimental.

When you play, do you find yourself using certain characters more than others or do you mix it up when you head out?
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Captain Morgan on March 03, 2005, 10:50:09 AM
The first time I played, it seemed like I was using the same characters alot. I only managed to get the Handmadien and Atton turned since I used them the most. It looks like you really should use all of the characters all them time in order to gain their influence to turn them. I don't know if I will do it that way for the dark side or not. I usually just like sticking to one set of characters instead of a whole party. Like Darkside I always have to have HK-47. His dialoges are funny.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Fellfrosch on March 03, 2005, 12:01:37 PM
For some reason I've decided that my character's best friend is T3, so I always try to take him with me wherever I go (kind of hard in the first part of the game). I'm also very nice to him, despite being a total jerk to everyone else, which is annoying because it keeps giving me light side points. I'm enough of a tyrant that I'm still pretty freakishly dark, though, so it's not too bad.

I love having Kreia around because of the Force Chain thing, but I'm getting bored of her. Bao-Dur is cool but his voice gets on my nerves, so I probably won't use him much.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Onion of Death on March 04, 2005, 07:31:25 AM
I've played through as both sides, and as both sexes. Did anyone else have problems where there would be no sound, and the dialogue would just skip to the part where you get to answer? I wish they would make a patch to fix the more annoying bugs in the game. Still, I though the game was very well done, though the lack of a solid plot and the ending were very dissapointing to me.

As light side I turned every non-droid but Mandalore,  and that was pretty cool. As dark side I mainly just used Handmaiden and Bao-Dur the entire game, which got boring after a while. I'm going to go through as a Jedi Watchman next, and maybe I'll get around to using some of those cheats I learned to, uh... "enhance the gaming experience"  ;D
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Spriggan on March 04, 2005, 06:53:49 PM
Tycho just linked to a page on obsidions forums where a user opened up some files and found the oringinal ending for Kortor 2 and tons of missing dialoug.  Apprently lots of things were cut which lead to confsuion.  There are about 45 pages of comments but many have transcripts and MP3s of the dialuge.  I haven't played eithe KoTOR but most people on the fourm were mad Obsidion went with the not so much an ending ending.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Dex1138 on March 07, 2005, 07:25:25 AM
Having now finished the game, I'm seriously disappointed with the ending and the unresolved sub-plots. Not to mention, what's the deal with Visas' master? All that buildup, a brief fight and that's it ?!?
There's a good editorial here (http://www.theforce.net/jedicouncil/editorials/030405.asp) discussing the lack of an ending and missing elements. It also has links to some of the missing cutscenes and dialog.
Bao's voice bothered me too, just something weird about it.
I mostly used Mira (packing a pair of pimped out Mandalorian disintegrators) and Visas. Hardly ever used the droids except when I needed some comic relief by HK.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Fellfrosch on March 07, 2005, 11:56:01 AM
I like Bao's character, but his voice bugs me so much I can't stand to use him. I like Visas, but she's not nearly aggressive enough.

I didn't notice this in the first game, but in Kotor2 I've found that when I give someone actions and then switch to a different character, the first character's action queue frequently gets cleared. That's pretty annoying.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Captain Morgan on March 08, 2005, 01:35:29 AM
when I give someone actions and then switch to a different character, the first character's action queue frequently gets cleared

That happened to me in the first one too. It is rather annoying, but you want the other characters to do stuff without you babysitting them, so I don't think that there is away around that.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Dex1138 on March 09, 2005, 12:51:16 PM
I've had people go running off opening doors that had more enemies behind them while fighting.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Captain Morgan on March 11, 2005, 02:57:48 AM
Cahnge the mode of combat that they are doing. From aggressive to standstill to jedi support. You need to do it for each character though.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Dex1138 on March 11, 2005, 10:49:09 AM
Yeah I've tried that. Even that aspect needs some tweaking. No matter the setting though, they shouldn't go about willy-nilly opening doors
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Entsuropi on March 11, 2005, 10:56:41 AM
I have the tendency to brainlessly do that in WoW...
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Fellfrosch on March 18, 2005, 03:50:00 AM
Just finished it, and...the ending is as lame as I was led to expect. I'm not even sure what happened. Everything leading up to that was great, though, and I thought it was even better than the first one. The ability to corrupt my followers was awesome.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Dex1138 on March 18, 2005, 10:18:40 AM
Yeah the ending just...ended.
Apparently there was a whole subplot between G0-T0 and the remote and a whole planet of droids. You can tell watching the cut scenes things were left out and that just makes me sad.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Fellfrosch on March 18, 2005, 04:29:37 PM
So I've decided to play through it again, light side this time (and female, so I can use the dance costume). I'm not certain which class I want to go with, though: I'm leaning toward Sentinel/Watchman because I like the skills, but the extra lightsaber powers of the Guardian are very enticing. Does the Sentinel/Watchman get anything special in this game that they didn't in the first one?
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Oseleon on March 18, 2005, 04:31:09 PM
acording to back-channel poop, The development house ran out of time and had to rush through the last 1/3 of the game development as they were under a hard dead-line.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Dex1138 on March 23, 2005, 11:44:39 AM
Some day companies will realize that making a deadline and making a good game don't always go together.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Oseleon on March 23, 2005, 06:19:49 PM
The best companies know how to work within their constraints and manage their time
Black Isle Studio
Raven Software
Look at the mess Ion Storm ended up with when they tried a "Developer Friendly" environment.  Diakatana slipped interminably and was released FINALY, years late, uninspired, to a world that called it junk.  
You have to have some form of deadlines,  with room for flexibility.  
The problem is that the Developer and the Publisher are 2 seperate entities in most cases, and the Publisher dosent know whats going on and is therfore unflexable with deadlines.  
Thankfully Valve is starting to change that, with Steam they can start releasing games STRAIGHT to the user and bypass the publisher all together.  

The problem isn't just the deadlines,  its the Farbot Dev-Pub system we have now.  

Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Fellfrosch on March 23, 2005, 06:25:06 PM
On the other hand, look at a company like Blizzard-infamous for postpone their game releases sometimes by years, and yet always delivering an excellent product. Of course, they are their own publisher as well, which fixes part of the problem you mentioned.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Entsuropi on March 23, 2005, 06:30:31 PM
It's human nature :) But in this case, Dex was right - KOTOR 2 was rushed horribly by the publisher, given 12 months to make it from scratch.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Dex1138 on March 24, 2005, 12:09:32 PM

Well, it wasn't a statement of fact, so I'm not sure how my opinion can be wrong...anyway...
What I meant was: Companies should realize that taking a game as is, or forcing it's completion, by a deadline does not always deliver a quality product.
Yes, deadlines are a good idea to make sure the product is done in a timely fashion, but it also should be a realistic goal.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Oseleon on March 24, 2005, 05:08:07 PM
The use of the word WRONG is used in opinion. Debating semantics is just a poor tactic
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Fellfrosch on March 24, 2005, 05:35:13 PM
Opinions should not be aggressive and all caps. You have to admit, your post was pretty in-your-face. The point you made, however, was excellent.

Last night I got the two key pieces of equipment my light side jedi has been waiting for: a lightsaber and the dancer's outfit. Now I'm ready to take on the Sith.
Title: Re: KoTOR 2
Post by: Oseleon on March 25, 2005, 04:56:50 PM
Opinions should not be aggressive and all caps. You have to admit, your post was pretty in-your-face.

I am an in-your-face guy.
Its why I use IMAO instead of IMHO
the H dont apply