Author Topic: Your Background  (Read 99150 times)


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Re: Your Background
« Reply #420 on: March 08, 2011, 04:59:19 AM »
Hi.  You can call me Cat.  I'm 19 and a sophomore in college, hoping to go into archaeology.  I write...alternate universe urban fantasy?  I don't know what to call it, because urban fantasy evokes images of werewolves and vampires in dark alleys, and it's not like that at all, but it is fantasy, and a lot of it is urban, though some of it takes place in the countryside...argh.  Okay, it's definitely not epic fantasy or sword and sorcery or anything like that.  It's also on the boundary between YA and adult fantasy.  Anyway, I've been writing novels pretty consistently since I was 14.  My first series sort of sucked, but has some (I think) good ideas, which I'm stealing and parceling out to other stories.  I have completed another series of 5 books which I think is a good bit better and which I hope to get published one day, but my hopes aren't high.  Anyway, now I'm writing a sort of sequel series.  I've done NaNoWriMo once, but for several more years I just hung out in the forums and didn't actually participate.  And that's enough about me. 
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Re: Your Background
« Reply #421 on: March 09, 2011, 08:09:36 PM »
Hello, everyone. I am a twenty year old college student from New York. I am currently majoring in English with a Creative Writing focus, and I plan to have at least one minor or a second major, probably History or Psychology. I have also been taking my school's Publishing Certificate Program, which is geared toward getting people jobs in the industry. It's basically my not so much fall-back as something to do if I don't get published before I finish school, and the publishing classes may have even been more useful than writing classes, as I have learned quite a bit about publishing, which should help make me a more savvy writer. (Not to mention that part of the program involves getting an internship, which will allow me to meet people in the industry and form relationships that could be helpful when I get to the point of being able to submit a manuscript.

I have been writing, on and off, since eighth grade, when I first got the idea for a novel that I finally think has a proper direction, and I have sufficient writing skills to finally complete a draft (longest previous draft was somewhere around 120 double space WORD pages long). As of now, I am at almost 12,000 words into my novel, and I have a full chapter-by chapter outline.

My novel is probably best described as an epic fantasy in space, or a sci-fi epic (I'm really not quite sure exactly what classification it would fall under). It has a sci-fi setting, but to me the novel feels more like an epic fantasy, and there are some fantasy elements in it.  I also have several ideas for fantasy novels, which are all still in the worldbuilding/outlining stage, though I have written short segments/scenes for some of my writing classes (including a scene which I workshopped in my Fiction Workshop class yesterday, which makes me confident that I am capable of making a living writing). I don't intend on telling that whole, strange story in this post, but to put it simply, the class liked my writing, and gave some good feedback (as they have in my other classes where I wrote sf/f stuff) and the older professor said he 'could not encourage that' and did not give me any useful feedback.

I really should have joined Timewastersguide a long time ago, but I'm glad I did now. I desperately need people who actually read and write in my genres to give me comments on my writing, and everyone in my classes writes the most dull literary fiction (which my current professor, of course, loves). I  hope to get useful feedback that will help me finally complete my novel, and get me working on more things. (I apologize for the length of this post)
I will get around to giving feedback to my fellow Reading Excuses members. As soon as I can.


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Re: Your Background
« Reply #422 on: May 18, 2011, 03:04:37 PM »
Hi all :)

You can call me Will. I'm a 36 year old married man with four beautiful kids and I just got serious about writing a year ago. I've been writing since I was in High School, but started on my current manuscript about 10 years ago. Last June, I finally convinced my wife to read it. When she finished chapter 6, she asked for more and I had to tell her there was no more yet. Well, she was rather upset and strongly encouraged me to pursue my writing more seriously. So, I finally completed my 1st draft last October. It's an epic/high fantasy, currently standing at 140,000 words. I'm in full blown edit mode right now and hoping to pitch it to agents and editors by the end of this year. I entered it into the Genesis contest and placed as a Semi-Finalist, so it's generated some good feedback and a lot of interest.

I'm a part of two writer's groups currently, but while I appreciate the feedback and encouragement, none of them really enjoy fantasy or sci-fi. I'm a big fan of Brandon Sanderson and happened to click on his forum link the other day, which led me here :) I was very excited to see a writer's group that has a great interest in speculative fiction. So, I look forward to reading your material and hope you'll enjoy helping me with mine :)



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Re: Your Background
« Reply #423 on: May 31, 2011, 04:33:03 PM »

I'm Lee. I'm 32, married to a wonderful woman, have five crazy and awesome kids, and just finished my PhD in Genetics and Bioinformatics at Virginia Tech. I've always been interested in Science Fiction and Fantasy writing and now that I'm finished with my degree I have some time to be more active in that pursuit.

I like writing Middle Grade and YA SF&F, Epic Fantasy, and some non-fiction (which I won't bore you with  :) ).

Since I don't live anywhere near any genre fiction writers that I know of, I was really excited to find out about this writing group from the writing excuses podcast. I look forward to reading and sharing.



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Re: Your Background
« Reply #424 on: June 11, 2011, 12:43:00 AM »
My name's Caleb.  I'm in my 30s, and a computer programmer by day.  Lately I've started writing again (it's cheaper than WoW).  So far most of my writing has been fantasy.  I enjoy most types of sci-fi and fantasy in varying doses.

This will be my first attempt at an online critique group.  I hope it works out.


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Re: Your Background
« Reply #425 on: June 15, 2011, 03:21:02 AM »
Hi everyone.

I go by Justin. I found this forum while perusing Brandon Sanderson's website.

I've done the writing group thing a few times. Both groups I was involved in dissolved due to either critique disagreements verging on fistfights or people acting out a nuclear holocaust as a result of aforementioned critiques. I don't believe, however, that either method truly worked to improve their writing, but alas, so it goes.

I've written for a long time, well over a decade now, but don't consider myself a veteran. I've won a few awards for short stories here and there (literary fiction), but I'm still awaiting the day I arrive at that dreamy moment when I receive an OK on a manuscript. I like to think comets and meteors will crisscross and festoon over the sky when that happens, though, for now, they seem to form a huge fist, flipping me off (and I think that fist is my own).

As of now I'm an Intermedia Sculpture student at the UofU.

I have gone on several hiatuses throughout my writing "career," though the last (and the longest) one spanned a year and a half in the wake of my disillusion of my formerly declared English major. I found myself yearning for fantasy and science fiction, though I still often read literature, particularly South American literature. I have written three/four novels (do tens of thousands of freewriting account for something as well?), but all remain unpublished and to this day rest at the bottom of my desk drawer. I've finally found my voice again, and wish to explore a world and story I've been actively imagining for a decade.

What I write is dark, speculative, and introspective.


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Re: Your Background
« Reply #426 on: July 09, 2011, 07:15:32 PM »
iīm a newbie in this forum and in writing generally .
donīt know if you have to start writing as a child to become an author. many authors have always written.
i didnīt and iīm just learning.
i come from a more visual field and always have drawn my stories . i study costume design and would like to earn my living as an illustrator. but at both of these jobs you are working with other peoples stories . this can be much fun if you work with the right people. but i would like to tell my own stories. so - here i am , trying to learn all about writing.

hm is there something else to tell? well iīm a big reader (ok more a audiobook listener) like everyone here i guess. i read in all genres but i think in my own work i will always be a sci-fi/fantasy/horror geek ;-) . i would like to write children-picture-books or books for young adults (and of course publish those).
at the moment itīs the end of the semester, there is much to do and iīm illustrating a story of a friend . iīm still in the research-stage for my own story and hope i will start to write in the semester holidays. i would like to write in english, what is not my mother tongue, because i just want to get better in english, most of the books i read  are in english - so i have in writing more the rhythm of the english language and i would like to move to the uk, usa or canada ... or sweden (but iīm awfully bad in learning new languages XD )

oh and partly why iīm here - do you know this situation? :
i just meet with friends in the university or with my parents and i begin to say
"i just read a new book..." and everyone goes īnot againī .
 and when i get to  "... itīs so well written and i didnīt see the end coming and how the author uses here and here the words - this is genies"..." they are only half listening.
and when i then begin with "oh and then i listen to this sci-fi book but itīs really not sci-fi how you think it is" - then i lost them.
so itīs nice to find a forum like this ;-) !

so, thats my life (and wishes) in short ;-) - hello everyone

« Last Edit: July 09, 2011, 07:46:27 PM by yoringel »


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Re: Your Background
« Reply #427 on: July 15, 2011, 10:31:48 PM »
Hi I'm new here, but have been listening to Writing Excuses since Season 3.

I have a thing for hard science fiction, hence why I write a lot of short stories revolving around hard science fact. My first work, which is now lost, was a Halo Fan fiction, but since then I have only worked on original stories. I was the director for an audio drama anthology show called "Seminar" (produced by pendant productions). One of my short stories was adapted, by myself, into a short. You can find the episode that features my adapted story here:

(Mine is the second story, titled "No")

The original ending is different from the one in the audio version.

Anyway, I look forward to reading all of your stories.

The story I'm working on now is a fantasy with some real science. The premise came out of the idea of reversing of magic with science. Basically, science is fiction and magic is fact. But, that soon turned into a story where a world outlaws science. And only magic is allowed. But, the magic is split into two categories, mage and wizard magic. I'm not sure if this is going to be a novel or a novella. But, it's my first project that isn't planned as a short story or screenplay/audio play.

–Michael B.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2011, 12:46:33 AM by globalbergonzi »
Books lie, but I swear they're truthful.


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Re: Your Background
« Reply #428 on: July 28, 2011, 04:02:27 AM »
Hi everyone.  :)

I'm new here. I'm 35, married, and mom to five awesome kids.

I write Urban Fantasy. I've been writing since I was a kid but nothing serious until last year. I'm now on my fourth novel since October. Let's just say the others were a real learning curve.

I'm really hoping to get an agent this year.  So far, I'm only 1/3 of the way done with the book I'm working on now, so I've got a long way to go. I also have the others, which I may end up trying to do some editing on but those stories need so much work that it would be easier to set them all on fire.

I love to read Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy and any free moments not spent on writing are spent reading.

This isn't my first crit group experience, but none of the other groups lasted very long. I'm hoping this one lasts for a long time.



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Re: Your Background
« Reply #429 on: July 31, 2011, 05:17:27 PM »
Hello all.  :)
I write epic fantasy, and am currently also toying with romance.
I have a bad habit of abandoning my stories for new ones. My longest draft is 20k words.
That's my first time in an online writing group, and I'm hoping to have a fun (and productive) time.  ;)
- Amnonian

Sir Robert

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Re: Your Background
« Reply #430 on: August 03, 2011, 06:45:31 PM »
Greetings fellow scratchers!   My handle is Sir Robert but you may call me Sir Robert.  I live in IL.  I am 41 and am raising 7 beautiful daughters.  I write fantasy YA and am looking for help with a story I just switched to First person.  I have been in many critique groups before and love giving as well as getting a different pov. 


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Re: Your Background
« Reply #431 on: August 08, 2011, 08:40:02 AM »
Hi all.

My name is Matthew Hollingsworth, and I just decided to join this writing group on the recommendation of Chaos2651, who I know from the 17th Shard forums.

But enough about why I joined. Who am I? Well, as I said, my name is Matthew. I am 25 years old, and male, though you probably could have guessed that from my name. My preferred forms of entertainment generally involve fiction in ny of its forms, though I especially love books, video games, and anime/manga.

I am also an aspiring writer, which is another thing I'm sure you could have guessed.  :P I actually didn't originally want to write. When I was younger, I loved math and video games. (And I still do now that I'm older, I just love other things as well). I wanted to either become a highschool math teacher or a video game designer, and I figured I could break into the video game industry as a programmer, so I assumed I'd be doing something related to math as I got older.

Then tons of personal stuff happened that would take pages and pages to explain, and reveal too much about my family anyays. Some of them probably wouldn't want me blabbing everything to the net. And I'm honestly not sure how comfortable I'd be doing it myself. So... moving on.

As time went on and I came up with my ideas for video games, I realized I really loved creating the story concepts for them, and coming up with interesting ways to take advantage of or incorperate video game conventions into the stories. I realized I loved writing, and so I figured I now had two ways to maybe break into video game design. Programmer, or writer.

Then I realized I truly loved writing more than anything else, and that I would be perfectly happy telling my stories as novels. And so my desires have changed, and I now aspire to be a writer. Though I certainly wouldn't mind working on a video game if I got the chance.

My genre of choice is fantasy. I enjoy reading books in other genres, I'm just not sure I'd enjoy writing them. I love creating unique worlds for my characters to live in, so I'd probably love writing Sci-Fi as well. I'm just not sure I know enough to write good Sci-Fi right now. Oh, I could probably do ok if I did extremely soft Sci-Fi, but my personality is such that I'd want my stories to be a bit more grounded I think. Yes, I have no problem coming up with totally insane things in fantasy, but if I say "this is happening in the real world," I want to be able to at least sound realistc. So for now, I'm focusing on writing fantasy.

Anyways, I figure that should be ok for an introduction for now.