Games > CCGs


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OK. In an effort to conform, I've reworked my decks again, partially since I'm not certain that Fell would change our rules and partially because I wanted to anyway. My Soldiers are hanging out with Beasts now in a weird 5 color deck, the Zombies are consorting with Shades again and they kicked the Clerics out of the clubhouse. The Clerics, however, decided that they liked Wizards more than Zombies anyway (the clubhouse was a mess), and the Angels found more worthy counterparts than the soldiers they suffered Thursday's loss with. There's still one outstanding issue in my decks, but that's a whole lot better than it used to be, and it isn't very big. (Along the lines of a Vitality Charm used outside of an Insect deck.)

That said, I haven't the foggiest idea when Fell wants to hold this tournament thing after he decided to postpone it. Also, are we going to do a huge multiplayer game or a series of 1v1?


does anyone know the release date for scourge yet, I'm aiming to get most of the set within a week of release!(if i can afford it!)


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