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Messages - Miyabi

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Books / Re: Steam punk research reading list
« on: January 31, 2011, 02:03:23 AM »

@Bookstore Guy - I'm about 2/3 of the way through the book.  (I'm reading quite slowly because I've been really busy. lol.)  I decided to visit your blog to read your review on it.  I find much of it very true.  Maybe when I'm done with and think back to it I'll find the characters as boring as you describe.  For now I kind of like the mystery of them and want to know what happens to them, but your review discourages me I won't learn much more than I already know.

Overall I'm enjoying the book, but it seems more of a leper-colony book to me than a steam punk novel.  I have liked what steam punk elements have been talked about, but I wish there were more and they played a bigger part in the story.

EDIT -  I forgot to mention something I was going to mention.  In most steam punk I've seen it's all about just after the invention of steam punk technology and not too advanced.  I want to try and write maybe a few short stories in that premise, but the novel itself I want to take it beyond.  In way that asks, "What if steam kept going for a hundred years or two?" and "How would steam based technology evolve?"  The short stories I'll write will focus on the advancements made in different parts of that 100 years or so, so that I can have some form of basis for the way things happened.   Maybe I'll give up on this and write in a classic steam punk fashion.  I don't know.  I have a good basic storyline. (I think.)  I need a few more side plots than what I have to give more insight to what's going on for a reader.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn e-book art
« on: January 29, 2011, 05:01:48 AM »

Yeah, the knives were goofey.


Socom-Delta:  Way of Kings itself is 10 books.  Not including anything else.

Totellini:  Bridge Crews and Shattered Plains were brought over from Dragonsteel.

Books / Re: Steam punk research reading list
« on: January 27, 2011, 02:26:24 AM »

Bookstore Guy. . .  . . you are my hero.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Nature of Shardblades? (Spoilers)
« on: January 26, 2011, 05:30:51 AM »
Which makes me wonder whether the nature of the user can change his or her Blade to an extent. I don't think the Blade changes as soon as you pick it up, but maybe over time...

I think if this is the case, we will see the effects of this through the next book on Sadeas's Blade.  We will have to watch and make special not of any description that is given for the Blade and compare it to ones of Dalinar's.

Books / Re: Steam punk research reading list
« on: January 26, 2011, 01:20:46 AM »

Awesome!  Thanks!  This gives me a good base to start from. =]

Books / Steam punk research reading list
« on: January 26, 2011, 01:07:20 AM »

So I've recently decided to pick up an old project of mine.  Reading through it I found quite a few good elements and some atrocious ones.  I realized I was very strong on the vampire mythos, but my world building sucked when I wrote it.  This lead me to decide I need to do a lot of steam punk reading to find what people have done.  So I can get some ideas on what to research specifically as well as make sure to not write something that has already been written.  (Yes, I said vampires and steam punk referring to the same project.)

I picked up a book by Cherie Priest today called Boneshaker.

My question to yous guys is, what books should I add to my list of books to read for well built steam punk worlds and cultures.


You could shank Dalinar and say sorry and he'd forgive you.


I don't think Sadeas is going to end up being a bad guy. >>'  I have a feeling he'll be one of the main heroes in the end. . . he just needs to open his eyes.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Unpublished Books
« on: January 19, 2011, 12:55:51 AM »

You can find some of the unpublished stuff if you dig deep enough.

Sample chapters of Scribbler.
Sample chapters from two versions of "Dragonsteel: The Liar of Partinel"
ILL for Dragonsteel if it can be found.

As far as becoming an Alpha reader, it can happen, though it is a very long process.

I am a beta reader and that happened after having been reading Brandon's books, emailing him, and going to a lot of signings and such for about 5 years.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: January 17, 2011, 06:24:57 AM »

Well the closet place they can admit me is Ogden.  So it looks like I'm off to Utah to get help.  Friend is driving me down.

EDIT: Everything seems to be going better.  Have to work on some stuff.  Got some meds.  Going to start going to counseling.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: January 17, 2011, 01:45:00 AM »

I have a lot of emotional goings on and have for a long time.  I'm headed out to the hospital to get some help.  I've ignored it too long.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Alloy of Law Information?
« on: January 15, 2011, 09:38:01 PM »
There is apparently going to be a lesbian character in this novel. And a bendalloy and cadmium misting.

I'm excited to see a homosexual character!


Thread-necro GO!

I vote we should just do it from the 26th of Nov through the end of Nov.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: January 14, 2011, 06:12:51 AM »

I would like to announce that I have discovered the existence of gay x-men and other such super-heroes.

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