Timewaster's Guide Archive

General => Rants and Stuff => Topic started by: The Lost One on September 22, 2005, 11:45:00 PM

Title: Job Interviews
Post by: The Lost One on September 22, 2005, 11:45:00 PM
I got a job interview for next tuesday! It is just an interview so I couldn't put this under "ya for the employed" and "happy things go here". In addition, it is just for a part-time job (20 hours a week at $35/hour).

What I really like to point out on TWG is how deperately I could use even a part-time job. If I get this job it means no more being mocked for being unemployed and back in school when I already have three college degrees. It means my wife can buy some clothes and no more keepign diapers on kids until the diapers sag to their knees. It means no more welfare. Most importantly, it means I won't have to sell off any more body parts.

Although, if I don't get the job, I'll be taking offers for one of my kidneys.

Wish me luck.
Title: Re: Job Interviews
Post by: Spriggan on September 23, 2005, 12:28:16 AM
Good luck there.

$35/hour is great pay even if it's only part time.
Title: Re: Job Interviews
Post by: fuzzyoctopus on September 23, 2005, 01:10:46 AM
I've been spending the day convincing myself that my job interview went alternately wonderfully and horribly.  They said they'd let me know by tomorrow afternoon, so they can't have *that* many other people to interview I figure.

If I get the job though, man this month of not working will come to an end.  I kind of liked being a lazy unemployed bum.  But you know, bills, and stuff.  Plus, if I get this job I have a reason to buy new clothes, because it's business professional attire and I only own like two suit jackets.
Title: Re: Job Interviews
Post by: Legion on September 23, 2005, 09:16:44 AM
I had an interview for a company.  Nice job in a really nice area.  They told me that they would let me know in about 1 - 3 weeks about the job. That was over 4 weeks ago.  I tried to call the guy but he was not in and he has not returned my message.....I am thinking this is a bad sign.  But hey good luck on your interview I hope you get the job
Title: Re: Job Interviews
Post by: scAri on September 24, 2005, 02:48:15 AM
You know what, everyone's financial problems really depress me. One of my friends here just took a few of us to really good sushi and plans to go again next week. And he wonders why his entire student loan is gone already. It punctures my heart to hear things like this. I feel like I should subject everyone to a tight budget to keep them out of trouble, but that would be a bit Satanic. Instead, I will pray for all of your interviews.
Title: Re: Job Interviews
Post by: 42 on September 24, 2005, 06:16:38 AM
Yes, it would be nice if we were all fiscally responsible. And if nothing unexpected would happen, like your car breaking down, having tons of medical bills, or being in a natural disaster where you lose all or most of your worldly possessions.

Even though I hate being poor, I guess I've made peace with it. Money really doesn't buy happiness, if you have the right outlook on things.
Title: Re: Job Interviews
Post by: The Lost One on September 24, 2005, 12:22:47 PM
One problem with a job interview is that you can't be as honest you might want to be.

For example, one lady that I know wish to say this in a job interview at a retail store:

"You, I'm only human and I'm sure that I will botch up something soon. Also, I pass a lot of gas. I could be your new perfume lady."
Title: Re: Job Interviews
Post by: fuzzyoctopus on September 24, 2005, 12:40:26 PM
Hey, I'm fiscally responsible, I just don't have any money to budget.  Things are really tight until the 30th when J.T. gets his first paycheck, which will in fact be a whole month's worth of pay, so we can pay all our bills and be almost broke again.  

The job I interviewed with actually did call yesterday about 6pm - they were still checking my references (who are all in Utah, go figure.)  My family says that's probably a good sign.  If I get this job, our combined income will be about four times our monthly expenses.  I will be stashing so much money away it will not be funny.
Title: Re: Job Interviews
Post by: Peter Ahlstrom on September 30, 2005, 11:59:00 AM
I wish comfortably more than adequate employment upon you all.
Title: Re: Job Interviews
Post by: The Lost One on November 15, 2005, 04:40:51 PM
Well, I just got a call from one of the "Big 4" accounting firms. They would like to interview me for their tax department in McLean, VA. I'm not sure how to take this considering that I'm not an accountant and hope not to become one. I just what and see how the interview goes.
Title: Re: Job Interviews
Post by: stacer on November 15, 2005, 04:42:08 PM
Perhaps it's for tax law?
Title: Re: Job Interviews
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on November 15, 2005, 08:01:15 PM
watch out, if you move to McLean Jeffe and I will quickly make you one of us.