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Departments => Movies and TV => Topic started by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on June 30, 2003, 12:34:54 PM

Title: 28 Days Later
Post by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on June 30, 2003, 12:34:54 PM
Ok, I saw this movie yesterday. I must say in the fewest words possibly it was grossly stupid. So the guy wakes up in London and finds that everyone's gone. Ok. Then he finds a few people that aren't infected as they're being chased by the infected. Then they go find a military base, some of them are nuts, all of them end up dead, or infected, and Jim and his crew get away and are found. End movie.

I have nothing more to say about it. Other than at some points it was actually funny. And the one scene where Jim gouged his fingers into the guys eyes was cool, it was a bit unexpected.
Title: Re: 28 Days Later
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on June 30, 2003, 01:24:31 PM
Ah, so it *is* a remake of "Night of the Comet" which was an almost tongue-and-cheek horror flick of the mid-80s. Low budget, typical teenager heroes, same plot as described above.
Title: Re: 28 Days Later
Post by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on June 30, 2003, 02:39:15 PM
Well I'm not sure if it was low budgeted. The hero wasn't a teenager though. Plot...well... I'm not sure if there was one.
Title: Re: 28 Days Later
Post by: 42 on June 30, 2003, 03:48:12 PM
it sounds a little  like The Omega Man, but without Heston, which is what i thought when IĀ first saw the trailer.
Title: Re: 28 Days Later
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on July 01, 2003, 08:00:03 AM
actually, I was describing Night of the Comet, the "plots" sound the same, including the military base
Title: Re: 28 Days Later
Post by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on July 01, 2003, 10:39:33 AM
Ok, let me elaborate on the military base. Its someplace a little north of Manchester. About 6-7 military dudes have taken over this big house that has a nice open area around its perimeter. So they have flood lights(that for some reason aren't very good), and in the open field they've set up land mines. Also since the walls around the house are high they've put barbed wire around the house as well.

All of them has guns, except the one "philisophical" irish dude. But don't let the guns fool you, one of them(the really bad cook) can't shoot it very well, and the obligatory black guy in this outfit doesn't have any bullets when the infected get into the house.

They also have an area where they take the killed infected bodies to. I think thats about it for the military persons.
Title: Re: 28 Days Later
Post by: Fellfrosch on July 01, 2003, 02:18:49 PM
The majority of positive reviews have called this the "thinking man's" zombie movie. It takes all the cliches of the genre but presents them in terms of fully constructed characters and human insight. That may or may not be true, as I haven't seen it, but I'm just repeating what I've heard. I think Kilowatt has a review of it somewhere here on the site.
Title: Re: 28 Days Later
Post by: Spriggan on July 01, 2003, 02:51:08 PM
it just came out , so is Kid writting us reviews again?
Title: Re: 28 Days Later
Post by: Fellfrosch on July 01, 2003, 03:10:52 PM
It debuted at Sundance months ago, and he reviewed it there.
Title: Re: 28 Days Later
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on July 01, 2003, 11:16:04 PM
My buddy at work gave a similar assessment. It asks the questions that Lord of the Flies asks: how do you react to the end of the world. But he also said that I probably wouldn't like it, since I'm more selective and picky (which I acknowledged really meant "snobby"). Probably not excellent fare, but passable if you have a few (dollars and hours). Yeah, I'm passing judgement without having seen it. But I'm not too impressed with the premise, so I'll allow myself some prejudices.
Title: Re: 28 Days Later
Post by: Mr_Pleasington on July 02, 2003, 02:26:29 AM
I enjoy few things more than a good zombie movie.  Or even a bad one.  Cheesy horror flicks are my bread and butter whether they are purposefully cheesy or not. I'll see this.  I'm hoping to like it.  

I'm also hoping to catch Rob Zombie's House of 1000 Corpses before it gets out of the budget theatres.  Rumor has it that the sequel is already in the works.