Author Topic: A few questions regarding Mistborn  (Read 8510 times)


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A few questions regarding Mistborn
« on: January 27, 2011, 12:27:23 AM »
So I want to write a fanfic about Mistborn, but I need a little help. Any kind persons around willing to answer a few questions? Sadly, I borrowed the books from the library, so I don't have them with me to cross reference any factoid. I'll need to buy them from the local bookstore sooner or later.

1. What was the order of power of the Noble Houses? I'm sure it was Venture, then maybe Hasting?

2. What were the Elariels' known to import/export?

3. How often were Nobles allowed to see the Lord Ruler? If at all? Did he give audiences?

The answers are probably already present in the book. I'm sure more will pop up, but these are all for now. Thanks in advance =].


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Re: A few questions regarding Mistborn
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2011, 07:36:19 AM »
I know this is a month old, but I happened to be rereading the books, and happened to see the answers to one of your questions in there - it was a pretty unique question, so I had remembered it.

1. Venture, Hasting, Elariel, Tekiel, Lekal, Erikeller, Erikell, Haught, Urbain and Buvidas (Mistborn I paperback, p. 180)

2. If there is information about this one, I don't remember seeing it. I think the only export mentioned in the books is weapons, and I don't know if House Elariel was associated with it.

3. On this one I am certain there is no information. I know nobles got to see him very rarely, as he felt balls and parties were beneath him. The most they saw from him was during the public executions. Obligators and Ministry officials got to talk to him more frequently - as inferred from the conversation between him, the Inquisitor Kar, and Vin's father.
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Re: A few questions regarding Mistborn
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2011, 06:40:33 PM »
How did your your fanfiction go?


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Re: A few questions regarding Mistborn
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2011, 06:38:48 AM »
I think it was mentioned that the Lord Ruler attends balls on occasion, but has not for some time.

Elariel's export is never mentioned.  I know this, because, for the mistborn RP, I play house Elariel, and I looked up every instance that the word 'Elariel' appears in all three books.  What I did learn, is that the Elariels have many cousin houses, including the Houses Habren, Seeris, and Patreson.  The only part of their keep that is described is the ball room.

For the purposes of the RP, Elariel is a buying and selling house, based on an empire of lesser houses each with their own specialty, while Elariel itself has spread it's money out into a number of different fields.  We just made that up though, since it is never mentioned in the books, so you can do that for yourself.
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Re: A few questions regarding Mistborn
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2011, 02:07:49 PM »
hey I also have a question: Did they specify what House Lekiel's/Lekal's main source of income was? Just curious . . .

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Re: A few questions regarding Mistborn
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2011, 02:12:57 PM »
Oh, just remembered, concerning the lord ruler and how often nobles saw him, I recall that most transactions between the lord ruler and the nobles were with the obligators, since they're nobility, but I'm pretty sure the interaction between the normal nobility and the lord ruler was minimal, seeing that he was so reserved.