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Messages - Shivertongue

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Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: July 30, 2010, 09:47:05 AM »
Just finished Red Seas Under Red Skies, the sequel to The Lies of Locke Lamora, by Scott Lynch.

Wow. Simply... wow. That book was amazing. The ending was perfect. I can't really think of anything else to say other than that. Lies and Red Seas are two of the best book I've read in a long while, and two of the most satisfying stories I think I have ever experienced.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: July 25, 2010, 05:47:28 AM »
Finished The Magic of Recluce last night. Decided to reread Ender's Game, and see if I like it any better this time around.

Reading Excuses / Re: Progress and Submission Reports
« on: July 23, 2010, 04:30:02 AM »
The good news: I've been getting a lot more hours at work, which means I should be able to get a new computer in about a month.

The bad news: I've barely written a word of Wavepainter in the last few weeks. Chapter two is currently paused at 522 words, and has been there for about two weeks now. The ideas are flowing fine, I'm just two exhausted to think them through when I sit down to write. Also, webcomics are a distraction..

Everything Else / Re: A pumpkin carving escapade...
« on: July 21, 2010, 06:52:16 PM »

That is awesome. :D

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: July 20, 2010, 07:34:40 PM »
Red Seas under Red Skies... not sure if it was better or worst than Lies of Locke Lamora, anyways it's an excellent read.

Currently reading this as well and enjoying it immensely. Also reading Grave Peril, the third book of the Dresden Files, The City and the City by China Meilville, and every Calvin and Hobbes book (currently partway through Scientific Progress Goes 'Boink'),

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Scribbled Auguries
« on: July 17, 2010, 07:21:31 AM »
'The Scribbled Auguries' sounds like something that would fit in with Alcatraz, though...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon's chat room
« on: July 14, 2010, 10:50:05 PM »
I still have my Animorphs books on a back layer of one of my bookshelves. I think I got up to #26 before I started getting old enough to just not feel so intensely interested. I have been tempted to read the rest, though.

That's actually about where I got, maybe #29 or #30. I finished them about a year and a half ago when I suddenly was struck by this burning desire to know how it all ended. Tracked down all the books I didn't have and went on a reading binge. It was quite satisfying and nostalgic. ^_^

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon's chat room
« on: July 14, 2010, 08:54:08 AM »
Now here is where I guess I've got to come in and tell you why I can't take Paolini's work seriously. Its not an issue of snobbiness, I just read that first book and it made me very very sad. I was seeing bits and pieces of cliched plots that had been done before put together in what was honestly kind of a haphazard manner. I mean, from the whole "My uncle who raised me is dead I must quest for understanding, also run for my life" thing was a little Luke Skywalker meets...well everyone else. And the fact that the magical mystical [noun] him and Old Man Mentorpants are search-questing for for hundreds and hundreds of pages ends up being...well, completely redundant is a huge letdown for the readers.

I've found that the best speculative fiction is the kind that is subtle with its cliches, the kind that doesn't immediately announce itself as something you've seen before. Inheritance instead, for me at least, waved a big flashy sign saying "YARR, HERE THERE BE BADLY REHASHED TOLKIEN!"
It works for me probably because I've never read Tolkien, and despite being a big Star Wars fan, I never noticed the tropes at work.  I see every story I read as independent of everything else while I'm in them, it's not till later that I put together similarities.

I really do like Paolini's books.  I'm stuck in the story.  He is not however a good author.
And that is where we disagree.  I'd simply appreciate a bit more tact about it, please.
Hey, I like the Inheritance books!  It was my first epic fantasy book!
By definition, yes they would be.
But here's what I tell the kids at work: I'm just glad that someone managed to get you to read, even if it is something I would never recommend.
Actually, the honor of getting me to read belongs to Miss K.A. Applegate, author of Animorphs (which, even ten years later, I still adore they're just that good), and J.K. Rowling for fantasy in general.  Eragon got me into epic fantasy as a sub-genre.

Woot! Animorphs love! I still have every book of that series! I should reread them again.

I struggled to get through Eragon. I found it incredibly cliche and derivative, not to mention the writing was just awful. Not the worst I've ever read, but the prose goes through these moments of such horrid purpleness... Storywise, Eragon feels like a Mary Sue, the plot is overwhelmingly predictable, and I'm still not entirely certain why Galbatorix is such a bad guy, or why he needs to be overthrown. I mean, the reader never sees Galby actually DOING anything evil.

Don't mean to be a snob about it, but I kind of am.

(Keep in mind, though, that I tend to get bored/annoyed easily with any story that involves elves, dwarves, or dragons in ways I've seen a million times before.)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon's chat room
« on: July 12, 2010, 10:02:03 PM »
Brandon and Christopher Paolini on one panel?  *drool*

Oh... this can't be good.. you do realize that such a vast difference in creative talent, originality, and pure writing ability brought within such a close proximity could very well rip a hole in the fabric of reality, right?

If only the ostrich incident had happened in reality, and not the twisted world within which I live...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic of the Stormlight Archives
« on: July 12, 2010, 08:09:19 AM »
Okay, so everyone failed their Detect Sarcasm checks...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Magic of the Stormlight Archives
« on: July 11, 2010, 08:48:12 AM »
I read on some website...that there are these weapons/armors that are sort of a big deal.

The Shardblades/Shard-armour-whatsits? How do you figure?

I mean, admittedly, I haven't read the sample chapters yet, but I have a feeling that the Blades and armour won't have that much of an impact on the story. MAYBE a few mentions here and there, in passing, but I doubt they'll tie into any of the book's plotlines.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings signings
« on: July 11, 2010, 03:41:27 AM »
Is there a closer one?

I'd have to look, but I know the tour isn't coming to Wisconsin. The closest to me is Chicago, and I'm pretty sure that's also the closest one to La Crosse.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings signings
« on: July 06, 2010, 06:13:44 AM »
I'd go to the one in Atlanta, but we just moved up to Wisconsin. :P

Chicago signing. Only a few hours away... well, from Madison. I don't know where you moved to. :P

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: July 02, 2010, 03:29:47 AM »

A woman I work with gave me a book called Shapechangers Song by Jennifer Roberson. She said she is terrific. Anyone read any of her books?

I've only read The Saga of Tiger and Del by her (since I can never find a copy of Karavans when I feel like reading it) and I loved it immensely. I devoured all six books of that series in five days. They're still among my all-time favourites.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Which book should I read first?
« on: July 01, 2010, 08:49:54 PM »
11 is awesome 9 and 10 are the ones that are lacking

I loved 9. I'm probably one of the few who did, from the sound of things. 10, though, was very lacking.

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