Local Authors > Matthew Buckley


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Actually, I was talking about actually taking two original pieces of literature and using the actual text to try and make one story that works together.  Not like fanfic fusions or crossovers, but--like in a music mash-up--a blending where you take the actual pieces and combine them.  One chapter from Dracula.  One chapter from Emma.  Perhaps with some minor changes, such as making the names of characters in two pieces be the same.


--- Quote --- Actually, I was talking about actually taking two original pieces of literature and using the actual text to try and make one story that works together.
--- End quote ---

Yes, this is what I pictured too.  So you might take two conversations, and try to add them together in a way that makes sense.  

For example, taking the Romeo and Juliet balcony scene, and then adding something else taking place further down the alley.  Maybe something from Pulp Fiction.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
That would be totally awesome

Peter Ahlstrom:
Wait, I heard about this already being done, like on NPR or something. I think they just used individual sentences.

But after searching for 15 minutes I can't find any trace of this actually existing.

There was a recent contest in Salt Lake--in fact, I don't think the submission deadline has passed yet--where you have to use sentences from existing books to write an all new one. I was excited to try it, until I learned that you have to use books from Time Magazine top 100 novels list, which is a tragic mockery of literature.


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