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Messages - Munin

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Truthless
« on: September 21, 2010, 06:56:12 PM »
He's Truthless for trying to overthrow the government, hell he tells us that much.

I never saw that in the book.

We might not be able to rule it out but I find it highly unlikely that it is hate due to the way they treat their enemy on the battle field. Why would hateful people show respect and honor.
Hateful people would have attacked Kaladin as soon as his back was to him and he was going for their shardbearer.
Hateful people wouldn't salute someone for being able to flee, to would be angry.
So where you can't say with 100% surety that it isn't hate, it doesn't seem very likely.

In my opinion, "respectful violence" describes the Parshendi. Hatred really doesn't enter the equation.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Truthless
« on: September 21, 2010, 02:59:56 PM »
My favorite theory so far (that I did not come up with) is that he became Truthless for becoming a Surgebinder to fight Voidbringers. The Shin apparently don't believe that Voidbringers exist, so Szeth's crime was learning to learn to do something sacrilegious for no reason (keep in mind that Stormlight is apparently sacred to the Shin). However, Szeth believes (or at least believed) that the Voidbringers exist, and that Surgebinding would be vital to stopping them.

Do we really know enough about the parshendi to judge whether they are motivated by hate? Everything they have done is clouded in mystery, making it hard to discern their true motives.
We know how they act.

Either they're not motivated by hate, or their definition of "hate" is very different from ours.

How would you define assassinating Gavilar? It is not too much of a stretch to say he was killed because of hate. He have no idea what there motives behind that move was. How about declaring war? War is usually driven by hate. What's there motive behind the war? we just dont know. It could very well be hate.
It is a stretch to say that he was killed because of hate, because so far, they haven't shown any emotional animosity towards any humans, and we have no idea why they killed him in the first place.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Truthless
« on: September 21, 2010, 02:41:32 PM »
There are no spren in Shinovar.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« on: September 21, 2010, 02:21:20 PM »
A Szeth vs. Kaladin fight would be super cool. I worry of course that Szeth may kill Dalinar but, I really don't see that happening. Maybe just some paranoia from my time reading George R.R. Martin. That man uses his characters like kleenex. I really want to see the rising of the new Knights Radiant. When that was mentioned in the book I got goose bumps! I really look forward to seeing what happens between Hoid and Talenel. Oh hells, I just want the second book out now!!


Life before Death, Strength before Weakness, Journey before Destination.
Dalinar = Ned, Sadeus = Lord Bailish?  ;D
If GRRM had had a hand in the last plateau-assault, Dalinar would now have to bury one of his sons...

If GRRM has written that passage, they probably would've lost and Elohkar would have been killed by his wife that was having incest with the her twin brother, so then Dalinar would come in all high and mighty to fix things and also end up without a head.

Lol I love GRRM, he has a way of writing that no other fantasy author can recreate. His books are dunked in realism and set alight, so that all characters slowly burn. It is awesome, but thank the Almighty this doesn't happen in WoK. Books can get depressing when cool characters die. I dont want that to happen here.  :(
...Because Brandon Sanderson doesn't kill off cool characters?

Kelsier, Vin, Elend, Clubs, Hrathen, and Lightsong would like a word with you.

Do we really know enough about the parshendi to judge whether they are motivated by hate? Everything they have done is clouded in mystery, making it hard to discern their true motives.
We know how they act.

Either they're not motivated by hate, or their definition of "hate" is very different from ours.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Theory: The Tranquiline Halls
« on: September 21, 2010, 04:57:16 AM »
The well was of preservation, and he did not create but modified.
Oh, right. Got that backwards.

Also, it's possible that the other shards "created" humans by modifying pre-existing life on the worlds they came to. Since the Almighty is known as "He Who Transforms", that's likely something he was capable of.

Or perhaps "binding" them is what changed the Parshendi into the Parshmen.

Then what would happen if you bonded a creature mortal? (i.e. human)
You get a Surgebinder?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Theory: The Tranquiline Halls
« on: September 20, 2010, 11:22:29 PM »
Also, who says Shards can't create on their own?  It's only Ruin and Preservation that have that problem, as far as I can tell.  Endowment probably created humanity in Warbreaker all on his(her?) lonesome.

I just think that the power to create humanity resting in one shard is just too much power for a shard to have. From a writer's perspective, you just dont want to create a being that powerful.
For what it's worth, even Ruin alone could apparently create life. Keep in mind that Rashek was able to use the power of the Well of Ascension to create ash-eating microbes.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: *Spoilers* General Shard List
« on: September 20, 2010, 09:10:23 PM »
perhaps Hoid did not take the shards personality upon himself, and if it was a shard, how did it become completely worthless?
Maybe the shard was something completely at odds with his nature.

Y'know... "Straightforwardness", or "Full Disclosure" or something.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: First Interlude *Way of Kings SPOILERS*
« on: September 20, 2010, 04:16:58 PM »
Using the teleportation Aon requires knowing the precise direction and distance to your destination.  Figuring out that information for an interplanetary jump with sufficient precision to neither land underground (and instantly die) nor high in the air (and probably die from impact) nor in outer space (and die from cold, lack of air, and friction of reentry) strikes me as implausibly difficult.  Assuming most of real-world physics and cosmology is followed in the Cosmere, you would also have to account for the relative velocities of the two planets - which would require both changing your velocity drastically at the same time as the teleport and timing it correctly with microsecond or even nanosecond precision.  Good luck with that.

The 17th Shard definitely does, as an organization, have a means of interplanetary travel, but I really doubt that particular Aon is involved.
Fair enough.

Or perhaps "binding" them is what changed the Parshendi into the Parshmen.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: King Tavarangian (WOK Spoilers!!!)
« on: September 20, 2010, 02:06:45 PM »
Btw who is Thaidakar? At first I thought he was some random name who would become apparent in a latter book, but it seems I have missed his name a couple of times (i'm not very good with names and i haven't got around to my second reading yet). Do we know who he is, or are we only making wild guesses?
We don't really know yet.

From what Amaram said, he might be the leader of the Ghostbloods.

So far, the only real information on the Dawnshards that we have comes from Jasnah's notes in the epigraphs:

'Taking the Dawnshard, known to bind any creature voidish or mortal, he crawled up the steps crafted for Heralds, ten strides tall apiece, toward the grand temple above."

I'm curious as to exactly what "bind" means in this context.

Binded to the oathpact maybe?
Well, it says it can bind "voidish" creatures, which I assume means Voidbringers. And it doesn't seem to make much sense to be able to bind them into the Oathpact.

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