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Topics - stacer

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Rants and Stuff / One down, one to go!
« on: December 13, 2004, 11:34:58 PM »
One class now finished! Turned in the final paper today and we had our last day of class. Now, just have to finish this other paper and turn it in by Thursday afternoon, then I'm free!

I'm so not in the mood to work on it. I've kind of already checked out mentally. But it has never gone beyond that first draft I finished before Thanksgiving, so here I go again.

Rants and Stuff / Scholarship rant
« on: December 11, 2004, 01:04:39 PM »
There's a scholarship for next semester that would completely pay my tuition that was just announced in class on Thursday and the deadline is Dec. 21st. To have a full application, you *have* to have a letter of recommendation from a teacher. I've already asked two of my teachers. One says she'd love to and normally would, but doesn't have time before the deadline. The other said she's already said she'd do one for someone else, so it'd invalidate both if she wrote one for me. I can't ask one teacher because she's the chair of the committee, and that leaves two. I sent the email off to my fantasy class teacher, but the thing is I took that class from her two years ago. She'll probably say that it's been too long. And I haven't done as well in the last teacher's classes, so I doubt she'd be willing to write one--and has probably been asked to write a letter by someone else by now.

This is the perfect scholarship for me. It's a publishing scholarship, for a student who has demonstrated a strong interest in pursuing a career in publishing and is likely to make a contribution to the community of publishing. I can't apply without a teacher's recommendation, but everyone's saying no. I don't know what to do except go back to my publishing teacher and beg her to write one, but I doubt she'd change her mind just because everyone else said no. She said she'd try to help me in the decision making process later down the line because she's offered to help, but it won't help if I can't even apply.

Everything Else / Del Rey hiring an editor
« on: December 07, 2004, 11:20:39 PM »
Every now and then I browse job listings just to see what's out there. I found this--thought Ookla and Brenna, at least, would have an interest:


Editor - Del Rey Books
Publication or Company  Random House U.S.A
Industry  Book Publishing
Benefits Health
Job Duration Full Time
Job Location NEW YORK, NY USA
Job Requirements
About our company
Random House, Inc. is the world's largest general trade book publisher. It is a division of Bertelsmann AG, one of the foremost media companies in the world.

Your tasks
Del Rey Books seeks an Editor to join its team. Reporting to the VP & Editor in Chief, you will acquire, evaluate, develop and edit manuscripts and proposals. Responsibilities include: negotiating purchase of manuscripts with authors/agents, attending weekly meetings to discuss acquisitions, consulting with authors on content, style and format of publication and preparing/writing copy for books, catalogs and title information sheets. You will also establish and coordinate the editorial production and publication schedules as well as track through all stages until completion.

Our requirements
Candidates must have a minimum of 5 years book experience with a concentration in the sci-fi/fantasy genre as well as a solid track record of spearheading successful acquisitions. Correspondingly, you must also have proven agent relationships. Strong negotiation and conceptual editing skills are necessary.

Thank you for your interest in Random House. Random House is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Submit application to
Please apply using our online application process.

Contact Human Resources

I found it here. You have to register, but it's free, and you really should know about this site anyway if you don't already. Their job board is centered around New York, but there are often other locations listed, too, and some freelance.

Books / Anyone ever heard of...
« on: November 30, 2004, 06:48:17 PM »
Rudy Rucker or John Kessel?

I googled them but don't recognize the names or their books. Rudy Rucker is apparently published by Tor, and his newest book is out this year, Frek and the Elixer. John Kessel has apparently won several Hugos and Nebulas for short stories and novellas.

Anyway, I've never read them. Wondering if anyone else has.

Books / Last-minute call for papers
« on: November 30, 2004, 01:16:21 AM »
There's a conference on the fantastic in the arts coming up that I just found out today has extended their paper deadline, if anyone's interested. Deadline is tomorrow, so you'll want to contact the coordinator right away if you're interested. It's not just children's and YA; there are about seven different tracks including fantastic literature in English, the fantastic in film and media, etc. It sounds more academic than publishing-related, but it still sounds fascinating.

I gave them the info on my paper on George MacDonald (the Princess books), and they snapped it up. There's someone else doing a paper on MacDonald and she said it would be great to juxtapose them against each other. So it looks like I'm going! (So it doesn't necessarily have to be on blurring the boundaries.) This is the organization that publishes the academic journal The Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts. Never looked at it, but it sounds interesting.

26th Annual International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts Children's and YA Literature Division

Blurring the Boundaries: Transrealism and Other Movements
March 16-20, 2005
Wyndham Fort Lauderdale Airport Hotel

The focus of ICFA-26 is on the the breaking and blurring of the boundaries between between reality and illusion, between the 'real'world and the possible worlds of the imagination.

Of special interest in Children's and YA fantastic  literature are "metatexts", books where books are part of the story, as in the works of Garth Nix, Cornelia Funke, Michael Ende. Other authors of interest include Phillip Pullman, J. K. Rowling, Joan Aiken, Madeleine L'Engle, and any author who uses elements of the fantastic, including science fiction and horror, to tell stories for children and young adults.

As always, we also welcome proposals for individual papers and for academic sessions and panels on any aspect of the fantastic in any media.

The updated deadline for submissions is November 30, 2004. Please contact the Division Head, Mary Harris Russell, at [email protected].

Everything Else / Finally!
« on: November 28, 2004, 09:24:10 PM »
Okay, so I finally figured out what was wrong with my computer and why I hadn't been able to log into my gallery. So I've finally been able to upload pictures from my visit to Utah on Halloween weekend.

Oh, by the way, it's rather random photography. I didn't take many pictures, and some people didn't get any pictures taken of them. Sorry! Nefertiti gets the starring role.

Everything Else / Hidden talents
« on: November 25, 2004, 12:50:28 PM »
I've officially been recruited (roped in?) for the annual stake Messiah singalong as a trumpet player. I play my trumpet, for fun, about twice a year, if that, mainly for fun, because my lip is about gone. But I'm going to be practicing a lot in the next week or so, because who wants to play really badly in front of all those people? I'll go for mediocre.

So I was thinking that until recently many of you didn't know that I played trumpet. What other lights are we hiding under bushels? Anybody else have a talent we don't know about?

Books / Hey 42
« on: November 24, 2004, 05:20:18 PM »
Or anyone else who can tell me about typography.

Current paperback version of Earthsea that I'm looking at here has 10pt type and, as far as I can tell (don't know if I'm using the ruler correctly) 11pt leading. I'm looking at some books that are coming out recently, and the leading is so wide, that 15pts on my ruler is not measuring it (that's the highest it goes). Type is 12pt. Another has 8pt type, but the leading ruler still doesn't match with anything under 15 pt. Do you happen to know what the standard leading is nowadays on YA hardback fantasy? 16? 17?

I just got this pica ruler and haven't really ever known how to use it. Perhaps there's another place on the ruler that I can use to figure it out? How do you calculate leading--baseline to baseline?

FYI, this ruler has a leading gauge, a computer picas scale, inches, point size samples, rule thickness samples, and a computer point scale. But I really don't know what I'm doing with it.

Books / Incorporating faith into your art
« on: November 19, 2004, 07:19:13 PM »
Just went to see Katherine Paterson speak last night. She wrote Bridge to Terabithia and The Great Gillie Hopkins and Jacob Have I Loved, if you've read any of those. I think you'd really like what she had to say. She talked about how she includes religion and belief in her books because she is a person of faith--that she can't help but include it, even if it's just in the background. She quoted C.S. Lewis: "The book cannot be what the writer is not."

One thing I remember her saying is that it's useless to pretend that all is well, but cynicism is the easy way out. She prefers to seek for meaning instead, "healing and illumination." She also talked about hope. All in all, it was a thoughtful talk about integrating faith with art. If you ever wanted to hear it, they said they were going to put it on the web. It's the public station here, WGBH. I'll have to find the site. If you've ever read her books, they're very thoughtful, and all of them are realistic fiction. A few are historical fiction, though.

She also talked a bit about her writing process, which was great. She's a mother of four, and now a grandmother. She says that everyone expects her to be organized, to write every day, etc. She said, "I had four kids in four years. I wrote in 5 minute snatches whenever I could. I just got it out." She said one time someone told her, "Yeah, I know what it's like to be a writer, that kind of life. One of my friend's dads when I was growing up was a writer. Man, did we have to tiptoe around!" To which she answered, "Yes, but you said he was a *dad*?"  ;) I can just imagine all the things she was juggling as a mom, and it just couldn't be her full time job. It sounds to me like she just did it when she could, but she made time for it all the same. It's fun to hear about different writers and how all their processes are so different.

Everything Else / Triumph!
« on: November 18, 2004, 10:04:14 AM »
Well, sort of. I may be stressing out over this paper, but I think I just found a part-time job. They sound terribly interested, and who wouldn't be, in this situation--it's Houghton Mifflin again, but this time it's in the Reading department, and this time it's a real part-time job--I think. I saw a posting on my school's job site about a part-time job with Reading, and called just to clarify whether it's a part-time job or a short-term contract, and told them I used to work in Social Studies. He called me right back this morning, and once I told him who I worked for and what I did, he was all over getting my resume. Yay! So, hopefully it'll work out for next semester, and it'll give me a financial leeway between graduating and finding a trade job.

Rants and Stuff / Someone wake me up
« on: November 16, 2004, 09:00:20 PM »
I just woke up from a nap. A really long one. I wasn't feeling well this afternoon, so I laid down. Now I have to get working on this paper, but I just can't think straight. Yelp.

Books / Cover artists/fantasy artists
« on: November 16, 2004, 12:42:03 AM »
I searched for the thread in which EUOL posted links to artists Tor was considering for his cover, but now I can't find it. And I don't want to confine it to just those few anyway, so I thought I'd throw it out there.

For my publishing class project, I need to find an artist whose style would work well for a contemporary publishing of Wizard of Earthsea (if you haven't heard me talk about it before, I'm pretending as if it's a manuscript that has just come to me, and we're publishing it at the same point in the career of the artist as it was originally, only in 2004). I've got a number of books I've been looking at for their cover art, but was thinking of looking at some fine artists who haven't necessarily done book covers, or who might have done book covers I've never seen before.

So, favorite artists, anyone? If you have links, too, that would help me out a lot.

As a side note, I'm pretending to be Arthur Levine. As in, of Harry Potter fame. He's got a whole list of really great YA fantasy.

Edit: I guess he didn't publish HDM here in the states, but some other books by Philip Pullman. Something like that.

Everything Else / LTUE vs. Boskone
« on: November 15, 2004, 11:55:21 PM »
I just got a flyer in the mail for Boskone. Orson Scott Card is the Guest of Honor, and it only costs $42. But it's the exact same days as LTUE.  :( I would have paid $42 to hear him speak and go to a few interesting panels. But I've already gotten the ticket for LTUE (it was a good sale I didn't want to miss).

Oh well. It will be good professional development to be on a panel, rather than just listening.

Everything Else / It's a sad day for Tage
« on: November 12, 2004, 10:54:06 PM »
Belle is on the phone with my roommate right now, and just announced that she's getting married. Married!

I haven't gotten the details yet, but just thought I'd let ya know, Tage.

EDIT: Oh, and--ironically, she's moving to Orem.

Everything Else / And this is why it took an hour to comb out
« on: November 10, 2004, 06:58:53 PM »
It was a fun little cruise, but the hair got a little out of control. (And in case you're wondering, NO, that is not a side ponytail. Side ponytails are simply a strange Napoleon Dynamite-related Utah phenomenon.)

A couple more pictures from that outing are here and here (this last one is me and my roommates, for those of you who didn't meet them at WorldCon).

Also, a lighthouse rather reminiscent of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

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