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Messages - Kingston

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: February 24, 2008, 12:13:19 AM »
Brandon I just finished version 4.2 on my Kindle and can't tell you how much I loved it.

Wait, maybe I can:  I had not read fiction for over 40 years and mainly read non-fiction, biographies, etc.  With the Kindle I took the plunge and started Garth Nix' Abhorsen series. Liked that and read Pullman's Dark Materials trilogy, followed by Gaiman's Coraline and Neverwhere.

I am not being untruthful when I say your book was by far the best. In none of the other fantasy books did the characters seem more than cardboard figures put in place to move the story along. They were not living breathing human beings as your main characters were--people we came to know and care about. The main characters in the other books, indeed ALL the characters in the other books were distant, unknowable, two dimensional, somewhat colorless and interchangeable, like your lesser priests, slum lords and Idrians Vasher & Vivenna met with.

But you managed to bring some real people into the pages and you've accomplished what you set out to do--I'm a lifelong fan of yours.

I hope all your work is put in ebook format as that is now my preferred method of reading. As an aging Baby Boomer I can change the font size to meet my diminishing visual needs and it will be hard to go back to a tree book.

One small quibble: the name 'Lightsong' did not seem to fit the character. Perhaps I'm a bit biased because I dabbled in gospel music and 'Windsong' is one of the record label names, that and I remember Paul Rubens screaming 'lightspeed' in the StarWars ride in Disney MGM Kingdom.   As well as the name of the CT scanner where I work "Lightspeed".

So to me it's a bit of a corny name with some juvenile like connotations. You other names are spot on. I've read reviewers who have mentioned (and I agree) that Pullman is very poor with names. You are not.

The magic element was wonderfully done, easily surpassing Pullman and equalling Nix.

Does Tor plan to release the trilogy in digital format? I have Mistborn but will wait to read it until subsequent volumes can be read on my Kindle. I asked about this on a Kindle blog and J. Scott Savage said he would ask you about it after the Life of the Universe panel you two shared.

You are blessed with a great talent!

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