Author Topic: Alloy of Law Excerpt (Updated with Ch3)  (Read 62063 times)

Peter Ahlstrom

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Re: Alloy of Law Excerpt (Updated with Ch2)
« Reply #60 on: July 05, 2011, 04:00:01 PM »
The only reason I had asked in the first place is because some months ago, I remember a big thread on 17th shard about it... I thought Brandon had made some comment in regards to questions that he was aware that normal physics would cause that type of problem, but wasn't sure how he was going to handle it in universe. I guess I had just falsely assumed that with the bullet deflection, it would have a similar explanation as the redshift/blueshift as discussed before.
The things said in that thread influenced Brandon's decision on how things would work. I posted in that thread.
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Re: Alloy of Law Excerpt (Updated with Ch2)
« Reply #61 on: July 07, 2011, 05:05:40 AM »
The Wheel of Time glossary has become really huge over the years and is still missing a ton of information.

Except for that age old pesky question that was answered in the last glossary!

I'll keep checking on 17th shard. Just so you know, I really appreciate the lengths you go to answer all of my questions from glossary to publishing to grammar/spelling!


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Re: Alloy of Law Excerpt (Updated with Ch2)
« Reply #62 on: July 12, 2011, 06:42:42 AM »
I really like that Brandon introduces Bendalloy by using it so Wax and Wayne can have a private conversation, rather than in a fight. :)

Also, the idea of "allomantically inert" alloys and metals other than silver is new, but that would make sense as in previous novels silver is the only metal that they'd be likely to be making anything from, wheras in a more industrial era aluminium is likely to be much more common both as a metal and as an alloy.

I agree totally. This is the best part of Brandon, the fact that he can take a magic system and think of unique and sometimes even strange ways that it can be used without being used to kill armies and subjugate the masses.

I'm also happy that he had the "allomantically inert" alloys, because it sort of pissed me off that steel/iron could work on all metals. I thought that there should be some metals that can't be pushed/pulled, just like a magnet doesn't attract/reject all metals

Aluminum would make sense that it is "Allomantically inert". Unlike most metals in the real world, Aluminum cannot be magnetized. This leads to an interesting question: do Coinshots/Lurchers magically control metals or do they magically control magnetism? If it is magnetism, I wonder what Wax's abilities could do to the new electric lights they installed? Hmmm.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 06:59:44 AM by whynaut »


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Re: Alloy of Law Excerpt (Updated with Ch2)
« Reply #63 on: July 12, 2011, 02:12:39 PM »
Personally, I always kind of assumed that is was a manipulation of electromagnetic forces. We have seen him play with other fundamental forces/properties, like mass and gravity, so it falls in line with the other systems.

On the the theoretical note... if a coinshot/lurcher did use magnetism to move metals, could this be used to generate wireless power like Tesla was experimenting with? Could lead to some interesting effects in later Mistborn trilogies...


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Re: Alloy of Law Excerpt (Updated with Ch3)
« Reply #65 on: July 13, 2011, 05:52:22 PM »
WOW... lots of good hints in that chapter. Aluminum can block soothers and rioters when when around the head? All Pathiens wear an earring during warship? Apparently Sazed likes to mettle a lot with the people of the world.

I am totally pumped we might actually see a lot more of Sazed then we originally thought, even if not necessarily a first person view.

Also, with the stolen goods being mostly allomantic and food stuffs, I am guessing they are trying to build an army of some kind. Maybe the mastermind behind this found some way to compulse people like Vin did with the koloss and kandra, however, the only person who could be powerful enough right now is Marsh, unless there is another full Mistborn around now. Thoughts?


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Re: Alloy of Law Excerpt (Updated with Ch3)
« Reply #66 on: July 13, 2011, 06:05:50 PM »
I did giggle when I read about aluminum lining for hats. It makes sense, this is another world so they are aliens!  :D


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Re: Alloy of Law Excerpt (Updated with Ch3)
« Reply #67 on: July 13, 2011, 06:14:22 PM »
I did giggle when I read about aluminum lining for hats. It makes sense, this is another world so they are aliens!  :D

Maybe those homeless people on my street corner aren't so crazy after all!


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Re: Alloy of Law Excerpt (Updated with Ch3)
« Reply #68 on: July 14, 2011, 12:13:25 AM »
When I read the bit about it being impossible to make a speed bubble big enough, my first thought was "what about a mistborn using duralumin?"  Sure, mistborn are incredibly rare now so it's a bit of a long shot, but they're not completely gone - Brandon has said that the next full trilogy, which will happen later in the time line, will feature a mistborn serial killer as the antagonist.

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Re: Alloy of Law Excerpt (Updated with Ch3)
« Reply #69 on: July 14, 2011, 12:42:24 AM »
...maybe it's Marsh that's behind the Vanishers.  With the right spikes, he could make a speed bubble big enough, as well as helping move all of the freight that they stole.  Either that, or else the freight is stolen at loading time, and the rest is just a big distraction, except for the hostages.


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Re: Alloy of Law Excerpt (Updated with Ch3)
« Reply #70 on: July 14, 2011, 02:25:29 AM »
Marsh is presumably a servant of Sazed at this point, I don't see why Saze would be getting him to kidnap presumably innocent women, or letting him do it if he was doing it on his own.


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Re: Alloy of Law Excerpt (Updated with Ch3)
« Reply #71 on: July 14, 2011, 04:12:35 AM »
I did giggle when I read about aluminum lining for hats. It makes sense, this is another world so they are aliens!  :D

I've read the whole book 3 times now, and somehow I never did catch the link to "tinfoil hats".




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Re: Alloy of Law Excerpt (Updated with Ch3)
« Reply #72 on: July 14, 2011, 03:45:23 PM »
Now that I've thought about it a bit more, I'm abandoning my mistborn-bendalloy/duralumin theory even as a long shot.  You don't actually need a mistborn to produce that effect, just a bendalloy misting and a nicrosil misting, and the people dismissing a sufficiently large speed bubble as impossible in the book should know that.

What I'd like to know is what kind of spike Waxillium's earring is, and what ability or attribute it grants or enhances.  I got the impression from the chapter that Waxillium (along with probably most of the world population) doesn't know anything about hemalurgic spikes and is just putting it in because it's traditional, but it clearly is a spike and allows Sazed to communicate through Ruin's hemalurgy backdoor.  It also makes me wonder who the woman who gave it to him is, as she almost certainly does know about hemalurgy.


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Re: Alloy of Law Excerpt (Updated with Ch3)
« Reply #73 on: July 14, 2011, 04:22:24 PM »
What I'd like to know is what kind of spike Waxillium's earring is, and what ability or attribute it grants or enhances. 

I am of the mind that it is not necessarily a hemalurgic spike, so much of a means for Sazed to readily identify, possibly communicate with his followers. My guess is just with the nature of the shards he holds, its easier to find someone with a spike, even if it isn't charged.

Also Sazed likely doesn't even need the spike to do this, as Chaos found and posted on the 17th shard forums.

Spook was the only one in the crew he could speak to. That's because Spook truly has faith in Kelsier as a deity—which, for these few weeks between Preservation's death and the coming of the Hero of Ages, Kelsier is.

It seems against Saze's nature to actually kill someone to make a spike so he can talk to one person, however, he does appear to be taking a special interest in Wax.


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Re: Alloy of Law Excerpt (Updated with Ch3)
« Reply #74 on: July 15, 2011, 12:10:47 AM »
Just to be clear, Spook isn't the only one who's talked to. Elend, who has an enourmous level of trust and faith in Vin, is able to be "talked to" by Vin. The faith that a person has in a Shard makes it easier for the Shard to communicate to the person.
“It’s a fun tradition.”
“So was witch-burning,” Melody said.  “Unless you were the witch.”