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Messages - RavenstarRHJF

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I'm going to agree with Frog and say that this is definitely not chapter one.  I feel like I came into a movie theatre five to ten minutes into the actual movie (not counting the opening sequence).  WHY NOT JUST START US WITH CHAPTER 1????!!! >:(

Aliese seems young- early teens, rather than late teens, but it would help to know her exact age.  Zellenya's behavior and the fact that she's her friend (despite your careful noting that her behavior isn't normal) reinforce this.

Also, you seem to contradict yourself a bit, because at the beginning, you say that Aliese would 'definitely stay if it were a lecture by a master,' thereby implying that said master would let her stay rather than kicking her out.  But later you say that classes taught by masters raised the chances of her being in trouble.

Also, just who exactly is Aliese's mother?!  You say she's influential, with many loyal and dedicated servants... and then lump her in with a bunch of seamstresses. ???

Aliese's familiarity with Cloud Dancer initially left me feeling like the horse was something special- something akin to a Companion (I LIKE Valdemar).  But none of the other horses mentioned act in similar manner.

Overall, I liked it, and I want to see more.

See and here was I thinking that all this was happening sometime after they reached the frontier as exiles.  I assumed Jake had been exiled sometime before Baltier and they managed to meet up somewhere.  Apparently, I was wrong.  :-\

Still, great chapter!  I wasn't unduly confused by anything that was happening at the time, and I think we're getting a better sense of character for Baltier than we ever had when he was still Jarl.  I really look forward to his transformation...

I will agree on the slight incongruity with the knight's armor, but other than that, I have no complaints.

Reading Excuses / Re: Oct. 19 - Concord - Ch. 14+15
« on: November 14, 2009, 02:10:08 AM »
Should be "repulsed" instead.
I thought so, too, but "revulsed" was the word that first came to mind when typing, so I thought I'd stick with it. "Repulsed" does seem to imply some kind of an actively repulsing agent, which isn't entirely what I was aiming for.

In that case, use 'revulsion' instead.  While 'revulsed' is technically correct, a lot of people are going to think, especially in the first drafts, and possibly when you send it off to publishers, that it's a typo. ;)

Reading Excuses / Re: Nov. 9 - Frog - DR - Chp 1&6 Rewrite
« on: November 14, 2009, 02:05:58 AM »
You gave us the first Mordin scene somewhere else, didn't you?  I recall reading it before...

Anyway, the first chapter is great in terms of adequately foreshadowing, yet still leaving suspense.  Chapter 6, on the other hand, ruins that advantage.  To me (and I fully admit that I am not longer a 'young' adult), it's blatantly obvious what happened- particularly with the thoughts he thinks.  They're too different, and I think a lot of readers would pick up on that.

So, it's up to you.  Do you want to keep the suspense, or give the game away early?  There's advantages to both.

I actually like beginning right off the bat with the chase scene.  I'm not so sure that we need to see the scene with the wagons, but you do need to clarify what happened, even if only to have Khyus complain to himself that it wasn't his fault- or perhaps shout something to that effect to his pursuers.  Secondly, the setting needs clarification, but that's been said.  I also agree with Cynic that you need to foreshadow the magic.  You spend a whole lot of time having Khyus explain that no one knows that he can do magic, which made me think it's not usual- probably regarded as dangerous somehow (incidentally, that would be a good place to hear his thoughts on government vs. rogue mages- maybe have him wonder about finding a teacher).

Good start!  Look forward to more.

Well, I'm NOT offended.  I realize that slavery makes people do stupidly horrible things- all people, not just men.  At the same time, it gets progressively more uncomfortable the more women you portray as being harsh, cruel, and unkind (admittedly because I am female, and it's easier to identify with female characters).

I guess what I'm saying is, even in the stories where slavery and subjection of women is normal, there's usually at least one male who "respects and honors" the women, and has at least internal conflict about the situation.  So far, you haven't presented anything like that.  But you've only submitted two chapters here, so... I'll wait and see before judging. :D

Actually, from what you've given us, Mav could go either way at this point- she doesn't immediately demand Jin's execution for being able to read, but she also treats him like the slave he is.

Ok, so... I'm really not getting why being educated and a boy/man is such a bad thing here.  Beyond the obvious reasons that you don't want your majority of slaves to be too knowledgeable because they might get it into their heads to revolt.  I guess what I'm saying, is that I don't understand why Jin knowing nine languages is a bad thing.

I'm also pretty interested in how he ended up in the Pits to begin with.  Apparently his father was murdered.  But why not just kill him, too?  Is it a 'conquest' thing? (since you said most of the research was based on African tribes, and it was a fairly common practice with them to enslave their conquered enemies)  If it's the 'conquest' mentality, I'm surprised the Hellfane women would allow an autonomous male trader into their lands, particularly since he's so very talented.  Seems to me they'd make him a slave under some pretext.

Agree with what's been said about Mahala.  She is distinctly odd, and the only reason I can think of for her to be that way is because she is either mentally handicapped, or her mother encouraged her to develop that way- possibly to ensure that she wouldn't challenge her in the future.

I'm looking forward to more, if only to find out the answers to some of my questions.

I don't think there was necessarily too much exposition, but you could probably streamline it a lot.  We still need to know the information so we can see who and what everything is, but some things don't need all the details.

I'm a bit confused about the Pits.  The way you describe it sounds like, well, a huge open pit in the ground where they keep all the slaves. But the only thing we see is a small group of boys being trained in combat.  Where is the training field?  Is it just the floor of the pit?  Why aren't there very many slaves there?  Is Jalean and her group the people who control the Pits, or are there several 'trainers' offering different 'wares?'  Where are the slaves taken when they aren't training?  Also, I'm getting the impression that only men are slaves or servants, but the presence of dancing girls in the procession suggests otherwise.  (And why does a matron going to buy slaves need a cavalcade that big, anyway?  Is it just a side trip- is she on her way somewhere else? And if so, why not just go around the Pits?  I say this, because she dismisses the procession once out of the Pits so they can go buy clothes and weapons.)

I'm getting a good sense of the flavor of the society, but it's not quite there yet.

I don't really have anything to say about the apparently woman-dominated society, yet.  At this point it isn't rubbing me the wrong way, but I think it could easily get to that point.

Reading Excuses / Re: Nov 9 - Recovering Cynic - Oathbound - Chp 1 Rewrite
« on: November 11, 2009, 04:08:22 AM »
Hmm, see, I'm gonna have to disagree with Chaos, because I think Baltier's character IS progressing with everything he does. 

But Underdog is right- a polearm, while intimidating, isn't the ideal weapon to be poking people in the butt with when they're close to you- it's too long and unwieldy.  Personally, I had the impression the guards were standing very close to the transport.

You do need to be more consistent with your description of said transport though.  A cart is usually a two-wheeled wooden contraption with half-sides, no roof, and an open back end.  A wagon is generally longer, with four wheels and usually four enclosed sides, but again, made of wood and with only half sides.  I think the closest you got to what you're intending (based on description of bars and rain falling through them) is the cage idea.

Good rewrite! It looks like you're setting things up nicely.

I like this new prologue.  It establishes the conflict quite well, in my opinion.

Reading Excuses / Re: Oct. 19 - Concord - Ch. 14+15
« on: November 11, 2009, 03:33:57 AM »
Ooo, yet more intrigue!

It's interesting that Von Bredow seems to be the only one who can shield her out.  Natural shielding, perhaps unconscious?  It's the only thing I can think of...

Anyway, not much to call you on here, just a few things:

She couldn't help but be drenched, and a part of her was disgusted – revulsed, even – that he felt this way.
Should be "repulsed" instead.  GREAT imagery, though!

Well, he would have been the first to treat her like a normal person.
I'm not sure what you mean here.  Is he the first person to treat her normally, or is she disappointed that she feels reluctance from him as well?

She couldn't even see her own arms moving, only a starch field of white.
'Stark,' not starch.  Also, Von Bredow doesn't mention or imply that she was flailing around as he carried her to sick bay, so was she imagining her arms moving, or did he simply not tell the doctor everything?

I'm still wondering why they aren't analyzing the pills themselves.  They have the technology to jump vast distance in the blink of an eye, but they can't make the necessary equipment small enough to test medicines in sick bay?  A basic analysis of what's in them should offer at least some insight into what they do.

Reading Excuses / Re: Nov. 9th - Chaos - Rebirth, Chapter 4
« on: November 11, 2009, 03:02:52 AM »
Again with the cheeriness and light.  Seriously, I thought you wrote dark fantasy? /sarcasm

This is really heavy stuff.  I mean really.  Punishing people for what they did in their past lives is NOT a way to engender feelings of responsibility- you know, the kind of thing that could make you want to be good?  "Oh, it's not use trying, obviously I'm a horrible person, so I'll just go and be horrible." :P

Obviously, you're trying to set up something like that with Tavaris, but again, society is going to be against him on this.  Speaking of... how the heck did the assassin guy know who he was/had been?  Is there some aspect of Potency or Cerebrance that will identify souls you've met in your past lives?  Even as fundamentally as "friend" or "foe?"

Sigh.  I guess I'm going to have to keep reading.

Anyway, from a technical standpoint, as far as I am aware, kerosene lamps aren't turned on by a switch on the wall- not unless there's electricity involved to operate a sparker near the wick- and if you have that, why not just have an electric light?  Even gas lamps need to have their valves manually opened and then lit before you can adjust the brightness.  That was, of course, the major convenience and mind-blowing factor introduced with electric lights- the ability to control the light with a simple flick of a switch as you entered the room.

The action could be smoothed out, yes, but I thought it flowed rather well.  I'll agree with Lethalfalcon, though, and say you need to describe the layout better- at the very least, you need to redefine the terms you're going to use if they have different universally accepted meanings IRL.

What you really did well, here, is in describing Tavaris' difficulties with his newfound Cerebrance.  Good job! :)

I do think you need to introduce at least the possibility of these internal struggles sooner than chapter four- I know you've hinted at it in chapters three and two, but we really need to see it in chapter one- that is that hook that's making me want to read more.  Not the action, but the idea that people have to live with the fact that their station in life- what they were born into and to whom- is of more importance societally than what they do with their lives.

Reading Excuses / Re: Nov. 2nd - Chaos - Rebirth, Chapter 3
« on: November 11, 2009, 02:39:39 AM »
Ok, first of all, wow.  You are just full of cheeriness and light, aren't ya? :P  That said, Medora is definitely coming across as unstable and (in my opinion) an accident waiting to happen.  She's got good goals, but how on earth does she think she can reach them if she's as unstable as she is?  Just wondering.

Secondly, I thought for sure Haiden would be confirmed, just because it would set up the power struggle between him and Medora very well.  However, now you've surprised me, and I'll have to see what you've come up with instead.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Grumpiness in New, Seasonal Flavours
« on: November 07, 2009, 04:56:29 AM »
Hopefull it will.  I don't imagine it will be any fun at all, but, well... you do what you have to. :-\

That sucks about your notes, though.. unscheduled computer crash?  Hope you can reboot and recover...

Rants and Stuff / Re: Grumpiness in New, Seasonal Flavours
« on: November 05, 2009, 04:46:09 AM »
Grumpy: Hubby got arrested for "bad tags" on his car.  Which is ridiculous, as they are perfectly legal.  Enter the urgent need to pay back bail and get the car out of impound, and we are veritably up the financial creek with no paddle.

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