Timewaster's Guide Archive

General => Rants and Stuff => Topic started by: stacer on November 18, 2003, 12:50:00 PM

Title: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: stacer on November 18, 2003, 12:50:00 PM
So I had an interview at Barefoot Books this morning. If you're not familiar with the company, they're a small press that focuses on picture books for young children. About 2 months ago, I sent them my resume for an associate editor position, but was told I didn't have enough relevant experience. Last week, I got asked to come in and interview for the U.S. editor position, a senior position that would be in charge of the entire U.S. line.  :o I thought at first that they must have confused me with someone else, but in doing a little research, they're currently restaffing, and it looks like they're wanting to hire young, relatively inexperienced people so they don't have other business models already stuck in their heads, since Barefoot is trying out some new marketing methods.

So--until talking to a couple friends recently, I was just figuring I'd go in, meet some people, have a nice morning and never hear from them again. But my friends encouraged me that I should go in with confidence that they really did want to talk to me, and so I prepared more for this interview than I do for most. Not only did I do the manuscript evaluation the publisher requested of me, I also went over in my head the way I should answer some questions I knew were bound to come up, not least of which is why someone in the middle of a master's program would be interviewing for a highly demanding full-time position.

Well, I think I answered that one okay--as well as can be expected, for there's no really good professional answer. I just feel that I can get as much experience working in the field as I can from my program, and plus I'd rather be making money than spending it. How do you say this nicely in an interview? I still haven't found a good way.

But the one that got me was this: she asked me how many hours I've been working at Houghton Mifflin, and I told her full time, and she said, "Wow, that must give you absolutely no time for homework." Well, my professional, prepared answer was this: it's helped me to prioritize, it's helped me to know that I can get through the tough times, etc. This is what I said, however, because my mind went blank: yeah, it's hard sometimes, but it's all right. My teachers have been very understanding, and I just need to survive the semester--or something like that.

Augh! That's an honest answer, sure, but not a very good one. Basically, I said that I'm a loser who's not doing well in school (which isn't true--I have a 4.0--and she asked me my undergrad gpa, but not my grad, and my grad one is better, and I should have offered it! augh!) and that I have to work because of money problems (true, but not to the point).

I can only hope that she was impressed by my knowledge of picture books and my experience in publishing.

And THEN! Here's my other rant.

a. They should not make 3-inch heels.

b. Even though they make 3-inch heels, I need to throw mine out, to avoid temptation. The problem is that these shoes are so uncomfortable to wear that I've had them 2 years and they still look brand-new. So, when I have something important--like, say, a job interview--those are the ones I choose to wear, despite what I know will be excruciating pain, because I haven't been able to find a new pair of nice black shoes that go with any of my professional outfits. So all I have are two pairs of dress shoes with scuffed toes and broken soles, and this pair of 3-inch heels. They're nice and big, chunky loafer-looking shoes, so they look good with professional outfits, but man, is it painful.

And did I mention I live in Boston? Yeah. I walk 6 blocks to the bus stop, transfer to the T at Harvard Square, and walk another 4 blocks to the office where the interview is. Just sitting with these shoes on is painful. Why do we allow this!??!

Well, I'll let you all know if it actually went better than I thought. Lately when the interview goes well, nothing comes of it, so maybe the opposite is true.

Oh--and one last thing. I come home, change my clothes, and I'm sitting here in an old t-shirt that I just realized I put on backwards. This isn't my day.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Tage on November 18, 2003, 01:11:25 PM
Then throw out the shoes. Seriously. Give them away or something, then you'll have to go buy a different pair of nice shoes, and maybe this time you'll have the sense to get something comfortable.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: stacer on November 18, 2003, 01:17:25 PM
I know I should, but it seems so wasteful.... Plus, shopping for shoes is really hard for me for some reason. When I try them on in the store and walk around in them, they seem quite good. Then I take them home, and the very next day I find out that once again I was wrong. I'm not really sure what it is about me and shoes. I only have one comfortable pair, my running shoes.

At any rate, they only added to what was already a worrisome day. Now I need to let it go and concentrate on other things. Like the 5-page paper due tomorrow that I haven't started the research for yet.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on November 18, 2003, 01:52:46 PM
Thank heavens for Doc Marten's.

Anyway, Tage, be sure you don't show any sympathy whatsoever next time. it makes you look weak.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Tage on November 18, 2003, 02:37:04 PM
Crap, was there sympathy in my last post? I was SURE I'd managed to remove all traces of such an emotion, but obviously I still need more work.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Mistress of Darkness on November 18, 2003, 05:50:26 PM
/me pat, pats Tage

I hear you stacer. I went through it myself a lot at BYU. I didn't have any nice casual shoes, just heels, loafers and tennis shoes. Wore right through the soles of my loafers in about 6 mos (and I still didn't wear them *that* often).

So, here's what I've discovered on heels.

1) Heels are a wonderful thing. They make you look professional and they do good things for your calves.

2) Heels never have been, and never will be, marketed as walking shoes. Don't plan on walking for any longer than five consecutive minutes in them. If you are walking up to campus, bring your shoes in your backpack and change.

3) Price is everything. Yeah, you can buy a pair of heels for $15. And the heels will probably prove their cost-effectiveness by being incredibly uncomfortable. I personally prefer the more expensive, true leather (forms around the foot better than vinyl) shoes. I always get them at an outlet store, and for less than the price of Docs. It's a long term investment that could easily last 10 years, especially when you don't use them very often.

As for shoe shopping, I had the same problem. The thing I learned was to look at how they looked on my feet less than I walked around the store. If you concentrate on settling into your shoes as you walk around the store, and refuse to be wowed by the enjoyment of buying new shoes, then it's pretty easy to catch the early signs.

If the shoes aren't comfortable take them back, most shoe stores have a 30 day policy. Take them up on it.

For work, get some flip-flops and a purse big enough to stuff them in. I know that's not ideal in the winter, but if you can stand the cold, it's worth saving the wear and tear on your shoes (and feet). Formal and nice casual shoes just weren't meant to be walked in, at least not for long periods of time. Hence why missionaries either go through 3 pairs of shoes, or one pair of Docs.

Etienne Aigner is my favorite for heels, and Clarks for nice casuals. Clarks is the only brand of shoe that hasn't given me blisters on my heels as I broke them in. Both of them are pretty expensive, so I only go to outlets. This is why my Clarks are 4 years old and I still wear them, despite the fact that the buckle has fallen off one and they are very sad looking.

Here's wishing you were closer and I could take you shoe shopping ;)

And in response to all of the male retching going on, shoe shopping is a perfectly legit time wasting enterprise.


Okay, and on the job interview. Personally, I would feel very leery about that company. Sounds like they are pretty unstable, if they are ditching a large portion of their staff in favor of a new strategy, rather than find a strategy that works. If you get the chance, ask her some questions about where the company is and where it is going. What its plans are. Of course, if it's only a temp job to you, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

I think you should answer the time question: "I like to be challenged. Being involved in a variety of things helps me to be more productive and get better grades than I would if I had more spare time." Just leave out the stuff about money. That point is pretty much a given.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Lieutenant Kije on November 18, 2003, 06:08:44 PM
I've got your title, MoD: Head of Shoes at TWG.  You can review all the new fashions that come out, and put out an article every once in a while.  
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Mistress of Darkness on November 18, 2003, 06:11:26 PM
Not unless there are free shoes involved.

And what I really mean is Nordstrom gift certificates.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on November 18, 2003, 06:21:32 PM
Ok, the thing is: why do you voluntarily pay for and wear something that you KNOW is so uncomfortable you can't even keep them on for very long?

"It makes you look good." right ok, so do a dozen other things that are less painful, and require less logistical planning.

this querying is not a "guy thing" thing either. I can't understand Tuxes, ties, etc either for the same reason. Comfort has a much higher appeal to me than preening.

And most of all, if you're going to do the thing you know is going to cause pain, then don't expect sympathy when you get some pain or discomfort.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: fuzzyoctopus on November 18, 2003, 07:24:30 PM
I wish I had more occasion to wear high heels.  It makes my husband feel awfully short when I do, though.

Congrats on being what the market wants, stacer!

Oh, and Eric- looking good and thinking you look good is the important part.  That's the only reason to wear uncomfortable shoes.  I have a pair of knee-high black leather boots that look hot, but kill my feet if I wear them for more than an hour or so.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Mad Dr Jeffe on November 18, 2003, 07:38:39 PM
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm black leather boots mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Mad Dr Jeffe on November 18, 2003, 07:39:24 PM
You know its almost a board record to have 3 women posting at a time.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on November 18, 2003, 07:56:07 PM
so you're saying esteem is clothes based.... interesting.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: JP Dogberry on November 18, 2003, 08:02:39 PM
You know its almost a world record to actually have 3 women posting on an internet message board at all.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Entsuropi on November 18, 2003, 08:13:18 PM
Unless said board has the word "Everquest" in its title.

Or, i suppose, "ass-numbingly boring" as an unmentioned rule for things to be discussed :P
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Mad Dr Jeffe on November 18, 2003, 08:17:34 PM
/me inches away from entropy nervously
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Lieutenant Kije on November 18, 2003, 08:40:30 PM
I wear a tux for the show I'm in right now (actually it's tux pants with a dinner jacket, but I've got the cummerbund and suspenders and bow tie and all of that with it) and while it isn't the most comfortable thing I do have to admit that it does look kind of sharp, and I'm willing to go to the trouble to wear it on those occasions where I'd like to look especially sharp.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Mad Dr Jeffe on November 18, 2003, 08:44:53 PM
I wore a black pierre Cardin shirt with a nice pair of virgin wool slacks to work today,... and then changed into my crappy cotton and polyester blend uniform.... oh yeah at least my pants were wool as well.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: stacer on November 18, 2003, 11:45:29 PM
Ok, the thing is: why do you voluntarily pay for and wear something that you KNOW is so uncomfortable you can't even keep them on for very long?

My problem is that when I buy them, I don't realize they're going to be uncomfortable--it's after walking in them for a while. And this particular pair of shoes (real leather, more expensive than Payless, BTW, MoD--but not good enough, obviously) have been hanging around in my closet because I don't have the heart to throw them out, since they're so new-looking. The thing is, when you're broke, you rationalize away getting the new comfortable shoes, since there are so many other things you should be spending money on, like rent and food.

MoD, I do wish you could go shoe-shopping with me. I own a pair of Docs that are even more uncomfortable than the 3-inch heels, if you can believe it. The shoe store didn't have the right size, and the salesman convinced me that I could put another notch in the latch (they're Mary Janes) and wear insoles to make up the difference, but it doesn't change the fact that they're half an inch too long.  ::)

I just don't have sense when it comes to shoes, I guess--as Tage rightly guessed. Everything seems like a good idea in the store, and I hate shopping so much that if it seems comfortable enough in the store, I'm okay with it.

And most of all, if you're going to do the thing you know is going to cause pain, then don't expect sympathy when you get some pain or discomfort.

Well, I my post was under Rants--sometimes you just have to vent, especially when there are no roommates home. So, you guys bear the brunt of Belle having class today.  ;D
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on November 19, 2003, 12:14:22 AM
well, from what I understand, heels = uncomfortable.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Brenna on November 19, 2003, 12:50:41 AM
yes, heels are evil. Except ballroom dance shoes.  I personally cannot walk more than five feet in high heeled shoes before tripping, unless they are my ballroom dance shoes.  This is because the ones marketed in stores have the heel coming straight down from the back of the heel.  Dance shoes are balanced so that the heel slopes down from the back and you balance more towards the middle of your heel (much more natural!)  I just wish that someone would make heels that are balanced like dance shoes but don't have suede soles...
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Mad Dr Jeffe on November 19, 2003, 10:24:37 AM
/me does a quadruple take...
" Four Women on a board mostly devoted to guyish nerd things, who would have thunk. This makes me so Happy! Theres hope!"
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on November 19, 2003, 11:08:04 AM
easy there cowboy
a) you're married
b) so are half the girls you're talking about
c) they're posting on a thread about shoes
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Mad Dr Jeffe on November 19, 2003, 11:31:18 AM
A.)I dont know what being married has to do with eqality of the sexes
B.) Im Lloyd Dobbler and I drive a blue chevy malibu if you need to know, your daughter doesn't know me, well, she does know me, we went out on a date at the Bel Square Mall, look could you have her call Lloyd at 555-1212 thats 555-1-2-1-2, 5551212 thanks.
C.)Shoes today, LOTR tomorrow
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on November 19, 2003, 11:38:01 AM
/me sends his ninjas out after this "lloyd"
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Mad Dr Jeffe on November 19, 2003, 11:40:32 AM
might be tough, he's into kickboxing, sport of the future!
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Mistress of Darkness on November 19, 2003, 12:16:56 PM
/me lights Entropy on fire

Ah, but  I do have comfortable heels. I'm not saying they run a close second to a warm pair of slippers or a favorite pair of tennis shoes, but they are comfortable. You're right though, I wouldn't want to wear them and stand around in them all day. I love three inch heels.

Saint--I think it's a personality thing. Sometimes it's nice to look nice, and know that you look nice. Just like sometimes it's nice to loaf around the house in my favorite pair of sweats and my disgusting slippers (disgusting because I spilled root beer on them the first day that I got them).

/me is jealous of Megan's boots--and Megan's great sense of style

I understand about money concerns. I need a new pair of jeans (I only have one that is wearable to work), and I want a new pair of nice casual black shoes (and brown if I'm really lucky), but I just can't justify it, especially with Christmas just around the bend. Now I hate all the commercials for Christmas before Thanksgiving is even over, but with our income, I do need to start saving now in order to be able to afford gifts and rent. ;)

So, stacer, next time we are anywhere near each other, let's go shoe shopping, k?
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: fuzzyoctopus on December 11, 2003, 01:46:39 PM
So I was doing some research about high heels and why they're  bad for your feet, (they put your entire leg in an unnatural position) and was wondering if anyone specifically made high heels that are designed to be more orthopedically sound.

Apparently no one does.  There HAS to be a market for this.  Anyone with good grades in human anatomy want to help me design a line of comfortable sexy heels?  Sure, maybe it's impossible, but that never stops anyone.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Brenna on December 11, 2003, 02:06:00 PM
What you need to do is get in touch with dance shoe designers, take some of their design elements, and add practical soles that you could wear outside (the suede leather bottoms just don't cut it on normal floors).  It does get tiring to wear dance shoes after a (long) while, but a lot of the elements would be really good for normal high heels (the way the heel is shaped, the way it is balanced for optimal weight distribution, etc.)
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: fuzzyoctopus on December 11, 2003, 07:40:52 PM
Actually I bought a pair of ballroom shoes on Ebay for that reason.  But I'm afraid to wear them outside because the suede soles are so nice!
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on December 24, 2003, 12:53:06 PM
on the note of shoes:
(also, the one after it)
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: stacer on December 24, 2003, 01:14:44 PM
Are you sure that's the right one? The link takes me to some strip about calculus.

And speaking of shoes, I was talking to a friend the other day who saw my shoes and said, "Hey, are those Born shoes? I have some just like them." And I said, "sure, looks like they are. They're just a cheap pair of shoes I picked up at Marshall's." And she told me that she picked up her pair of Born shoes in Europe for over $100. The same pair of shoes. Apparently they're one of the best brands of shoes out there, according to my friend. Maybe I have a tiny bit of shoe intuition after all. All I knew was that they're real leather and my orthotics fit into them. Great surprise!
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on December 24, 2003, 02:25:25 PM
ignroe I said anything, I'm too lazy to find the right one. I blame the insane number of popup that suddenly attacked me at one point, forcing me to copy a url and close ALL windows, even the unconnected one.
Title: Re: High heels, interviews, and other sundry rants
Post by: Mistress of Darkness on December 29, 2003, 01:21:01 PM
Good for you!

/me smiles with pride

I just picked up a pair of Bjorndal shoes for half price in California at a place called . . . I can't remember, but it's a discount shoe place. Nice comfortable Mary Janes.