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Messages - toddbodz

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Gathering Storm - First Impressions
« on: October 28, 2009, 05:33:30 PM »
Ya, Spoilers would be nice, I'm about 250 pages in and now I'm Dying to see the Verin reveal, but alas work gets in the way... 


If you happen to read this, I just want to say that I too, am a long time fan of RJ's, I first got involved in in the WOT books back around 1994 and have been hooked since.  So far I think your attempts to get the "voices" of the characters down have been pretty spot on with a few exceptions (Suian being too "Suianish" for my taste).  Thank you for taking up the challenge to complete this story that million's of fans love and adore.

Congrat's on what so far ( IMHO) is turning into a wonderful addition to the WOT world.  I eagerly look forward to your future works.



P.S.  Since learning of your involvement in the WOT work, I have read through and thouroughly enjoyed your Mistborn trilogy, Elantris, and Warbreaker novels.  Keep up the good work!

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