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Everything Else / Memoirs of the KGB
« on: March 11, 2005, 05:21:11 AM »
So my sister has returned from Russia, and I'm learning all kinds of new stuff about the country (or at least about the Urals area of Russia).

Essentially, Russia is in pure chaos and anarchy.

Fortunately, my sister kind of looks Russian so she faired reasonably well. (Probably the only time in her life where being blonde-haired, blue-eyed and pale will be an advantage.)

But things I have learned.

In Russia, car drives you. Also, they don't paint lines on their roads.

In Russia, Russians complain about liquor from other countries. Apparently none of it is as hard as Russian beverages, and Russians say they just can't seem to get drunk off of anything other than Russian' Alchohal.

In Russia, beer is used as baby formula.

In Russia, drinking outside during the winter is prohibited. There is a problem there of people passing out while drinking outside during the winter and freezing to death (usually in just a couple of hours).

In Russia, foreigners are required to leave the country every six months. Also foreigners must have government approval if they stay in any city longer than 3 days.

In Russia, old people on pensions aren't faring to well.

In Russia, the far east (Siberia) is a lot like the Old Wild West of U.S. of A., just colder.

In Russia, radioactivity is a life-style choice, not an environmental hazard.

In Russia, families get to enjoy spacious 2 room apartments. (2 rooms meaning 2 rooms, not 2 bedrooms.)

In Russia, they still have cool furry hats.

In Russia, the U.N. is a big pain in the %*!#.

So my sister absolutely loves Russia, but she's glad to be back in the U.S.

Movies and TV / Avatar
« on: February 26, 2005, 07:10:57 PM »
So nick has a new cartoon called Avatar.
I like it over-all. It reminds me of the fantasy cartoons from the late eighties, but with better animation.

Anyone else seen this?

Rants and Stuff / Working with the other half
« on: February 18, 2005, 07:28:00 AM »
So another thread reminded me of this.
About a month ago, I was with a few of my older siblings, when my brother-in-law went on a rant how he hated working mostly with women. My dad chimed in agreeing.

So then one of my older brothers, a supposed organizational behavior specialist, gave a spiel about how the problem with working with women, generally, is that they fail to compartmentalize things as a man would. Thus they bring all of their personal, social, and family issues with them to work. Some would call this "multi-tasking," but to men it's just annoying when we are trying to focus and meet dead-lines.

So then my older sister, mom, and sister-in-law vehemently retorted. Saying that working with usually sucks because they are competitive, selfish, and tend to power-trip a lot.

Having worked in both kind of environments where one gender is more prominent than the other, I would agree with the generalities. Hence, I've concluded that it is best to just work alone.

Thoughts? Opinions? Violent Dissagreements?

Movies and TV / RT Awards our announced
« on: January 22, 2005, 05:31:43 PM »
Well, rottentomatoes have given out some big ripe fresh tomatoes.

I like how they added catagories this year.

Fortunately, I didn't go to movies on the moldy tomato list.

Books / Self Publishing success
« on: January 22, 2005, 03:35:10 PM »

So I hadn't heard of this book, but it sure is a cool idea.

Everything Else / ambiance
« on: January 09, 2005, 12:50:09 AM »
So I'm at work sitting by the lobby fire. The wind outiside is gusting at 30 mph, the lights are flickering, the windows are rattling, and the part of the ceiling in the pool room just collapsed (again).

What a perfect setting a for a Call of Cthulu game.

Role-Playing Games / In game ethical questions
« on: January 08, 2005, 02:28:29 PM »
So I'm wondering how people approach ethical dilemas faced by their characters during a role-playing session.

The general approach I've seen is to just ignore ethics and have the characters do what is most advantagious.

But those of us who actually what to play a ethical, non-hedonistic character, things become more problematic.

I'm thinking about this in current session where I play noble who is involved in a rebelion. Okay, my character was a major instigator of the rebellion. Now many of the other players are arguing that starting a rebellion is an evil act, but I don't see it that way. I see the current regime as being corrupt and evil, at least that's my impression from what the GM has presented. So I see my character as serving the greater good.

Yet, some of the other players repeated tell me that my character is evil because he is involved in the rebellion. Admittably, being in the rebellion has caused my character to commit several evil acts (lying, deception, theft, and assassination to name a few).

Course, war and rebellion are inherently evil, but I don't see the Founding Fathers of the US as being evil because they lied, cheated, stole, and killed to found this country.

So as you can see it is an ethical dilema.

Suggestions? Simular Experiences?

Preferaly answer in the next couple of days, because I plan to run my players through an ethical problem next weekend.

Everything Else / Teacher bias
« on: December 29, 2004, 08:36:06 AM »
I found this article to be interesting:

I mostly found that english teachers were the prime offender. In my education classes, I would often argue with english teaching majors who seemed to be trying to teach everything, but english.

I actually don't have anything against a teacher expressing his or her own viewpoints, just as long as they are aware that they are doing so and that they shouldn't expect the whole class to agree with them. I have problem with teachers who are too unaware for their own leanings to seperate it from their grading.

Books / Writers and the Law
« on: December 23, 2004, 07:46:53 PM »
Well, I found this to be an interesting developement.

I agree with the statement that writers can't duck responsibility for what they write or say. But I'm not sure what would be the end result of this law suit.

Books / Publishing House Opening
« on: December 20, 2004, 11:53:20 PM »
Well, there is now room for a new comic-book publisher. Todd Mcfarlane Production Inc. is now bankrupt.

Everything Else / Grad School
« on: December 16, 2004, 12:43:35 AM »
So my parents are offering to send me to grad school with a few conditions.

I had been thinking about going to grad school to become a psychologist. I still like the idea, but to be honest psychologist get paid poorly for the amount of schooling it requires and they usually aren't treated too well in their work environment.

So my parents have proposed I get an MBA. I'm looking at acounting for the moment. Yes accounting is definietely not related to my art degree. However, accountants get paid much better than any other degree I've looked at, accept maybe law and medical degrees.

Course, I can always try for an MFA in art, but there really isn't much that can be done with an MFA other than teach (which I like to do). Still the cost of getting an MFA is more than what one would make after getting the degree.

Now the psychology and MBA degree would require me to take some classes before applying, maybe a year worth of schooling. My parents are willing to pay for me to take the pre-requisite classes for the MBA.

So thoughts? Opinions?

Movies and TV / Stargate
« on: December 15, 2004, 09:34:09 PM »
So, I'm wondering if anyone else thinks that Stargate is starting to become the next big sf franchise. Stargate SG1 is starting production on it's ninth season. Course they may have lost MacGuyver, but are gaining Ben Browder from Farscape.

Then there is Stargate: Atlantis which isn't too bad.

So what else could they do with it? Or is it on its death-bed?

Site News / TWG Utah Christmas events
« on: December 08, 2004, 11:41:47 PM »
So I'm thinking that we need to have more Christamas parties.

I'm also thinking that I will prabably be watching the Earthsea mini-series on scifi next monday.

The mini-series may not be that good so I need other to watch it with me.

And I'm thinking a Christmas cookie swap would be cool. Cause I like cookies.

So any takers? RSVP

Rants and Stuff / Joy to the World
« on: December 08, 2004, 11:28:10 PM »
So the roof above the swimming pool where I work finally collapsed.

I'm so happy.

The pool should have been closed when the filtration pump and the heater broke down. But, thanks to the recent snow storms, the roof has come down. Now the indoor/outdoor pool is officially an outdoor pool and now closed for the winter.

Everything Else / 42's 42 Days of Christmas
« on: December 02, 2004, 01:56:59 PM »

A partridge in  pear tree
2 calling birds
3 french hens
4 turtle-doves
5 golden rings
6 geese a laying
7 swans a swimming
8 maids a milking
9 lords a leaping
10 pipers piping
11 dancers dancing
12 drummers drumming

or something like that.

Now fill in the the other 30 days.
(please only post one day/gift at a time.)

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