Local Authors > Dan Wells

Buy Dan Bacon?

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--- Quote ---So, do you really like bacon this much?

...or are you just trying to get free stuff?
--- End quote ---

I'm trying to get free stuff BECAUSE I like bacon this much.


--- Quote from: Fellfrosch on November 14, 2008, 05:32:22 PM ---
--- Quote ---So, do you really like bacon this much?

...or are you just trying to get free stuff?
--- End quote ---

I'm trying to get free stuff BECAUSE I like bacon this much.

--- End quote ---

Well, you better enjoy bacon floss then, because you're about to get some in 3-5 business days :D

You forgot about this:


Imagine Footloose with biking instead of dancing and set in New York instead of Lehi.  You get the idea.

That looks cool, but I'm skeptical. I have trouble believing any movie in which the villain is not played by John Lithgow.

A. Bacon. Wallet. Bwahahahahahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Oh, my. You can actually bring home the bacon in more ways than one. Oooh, and the bacon & eggs cufflinks are spiffy.

But, hang on one second, Fell. I seem to recall that EUOL's arch nemesis has a very worshipful relationship with bacon. Are you joining together with the force of evil known as SCALZIIIIIIIIIIIIII?


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