Local Authors > Matthew Buckley


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So, I was doing book signings yesterday and finally worked up the courage to ask the clerks if anybody had actually been buying my books.

I should mention, that I've been tracking sales on Deseret Book, because it's fairly easy to do.  I have nothing to compare it to, so I don't know if it's doing good, bad, , normal, whatever.

However, what IS surprising is that the number of books sold by the entire Deseret chain the first week, was the same number that this one store had sold in two weeks.

And when I asked at the second store, they had sold the same amount as the first store.  So these two Seagull Book stores had sold as many books as all of the Deseret Book stores combined.

It's a bit disquieting to think that my book is only going to be marketed to folks in Utah, and that the biggest LDS book chain isn't going to bother marketing it at all...

I think I'm going to release my next book under Creative Commons.


Peter Ahlstrom:
And then it won't be marketed at all?

If you want this book to sell, you have to market it yourself. Get an article in your local paper, your hometown's paper, your high school paper, your college paper, your grandparent's hometown's paper, blah blah blah

Too much work...  :)

Well, if you want the book to sell, you have to work at it.

It would be nice if my book sells, but I'd much rather have people just read it.

The more I think about it, the more tempted I am to go with a CC licence for my second book.  I don't know how that will all shake out, but it might be interesting.


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