Local Authors > Matthew Buckley

My First Review

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My first unofficial review comes from a fellow author on another web site...

You can read the review here. .

That's great! That's what you want to hear--that the people who actually read it like your book. Congrats!  ;D

So, I'm in a book store up in Logan, and they had an LDS section 'top seven' section.  I'm not sure why it wasn't top ten, or top five.  Anyway, my book was sitting on this shelf between numbers 3 and 4.  This surprised me because I've been watching as I go to the Seagull and I haven't even cracked the top ten.

So, I couldn't help it and asked the clerk.  "Is this book really doing that well?"

She looked a little embarrassed and said, "Well, actually those numbers don't really mean anything.  We just put the new stuff there..."

I thought it was quite funny...

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
heheheheh. Yeah, that is funny.
You caught them in their lie

sort of like when I type "lol"
I'm not usually laughing out loud.

I am. At you.  ;)


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