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Messages - Morag

Pages: [1]
Table-Top Games / Re: Warhammer Related Groovy Stuff (WRGS)
« on: January 26, 2004, 10:41:23 PM »
I just want to let everybody know (at least those of you who care) That today I had my first decisive victory with my Daemon Hunter army.   I have been slowly building up this army and I have fought with it several times.  Just over half the time I lost, but when I won my battles it was just by the skin of my teeth. When I lost I just got blown away.  Grey Knights cost 25 points so it doesn't take much to shoot them all to heck.  But I perservered and kept building my army (my birthday and Christmas came in handy for that)  And painted my little dudes.
And my luck, or I would like to blame my stratagy skill, finally improved.  Today I fought my friend's Chaos army and kicked his butt.  It felt so good.

I know you guys probably don't care but I just had to tell people.

And just for Dan and those who have been reading TWG since the begining I beat my friend like a red-headed step child.

Books / Re: Generic discussions about Literature
« on: January 20, 2004, 02:11:47 PM »
What do you mean by read a story you hate and still enjoy it as liturature?  After reading through hundreds a really bad stories as a slush puppy at TLE, if I would have read one of my creative writing assignments as a submission, I still would have rejected it (even if it had SF or F elements in it.)

And I am back in school studying Statistics, I desided to get a read Degree (no offence to English majors intended, becasue most of you actually want to use your degree, as apposed to my degree in psychology.)

Books / Re: Generic discussions about Literature
« on: January 19, 2004, 09:38:50 PM »
I'm not a real Lit fan, about a year ago I took a Creative Writing class at the University of Utah (it was not as fun as Daves Class) and we had to read all these short stories.  I had never heard of most of them but my wife (graduated in english) and EUOL both had read just about everything I had to read for this class.  I reall didn't many of the stories, and even the ones that I hated less than the others were never anything I would like to write.  Were are talking stories like I Stand Here Ironing, The Misfit and Master and Man.
The worst part was the title of the book that had all our reading assignments in it was called "You Got to Read This"

I was actually excited to erad some stories that might help my onw writing but that class inspired me to stay to the clasics like Jordan and Herbert.

Books / Re: So...what's everyone reading?
« on: January 19, 2004, 09:30:08 PM »
I also went on my misison to japan and I went to the Sapporo Mission.  It is the top, the Kobe mission is near Osaka though they were different missions last I heard.

We did get alot of snow. four feet in one storm, but that was a really big storm.  They had sidewalk size snowblower tractor things that just drove down the side walk to clear the snow.  So latter when we rode down them on our bikes (yes we rode bikes all year) it was just like the attack on the death star.

But that is enough on Japan I went to Master an commander and loved it so much I have been reading all the Patric O'Briam books I can get my hands on.  They are historical fiction rather than SF&F but I really like them.  
For those who don't know Patric O'brian wrote several books about Jack Aubry and Stephen Maturin, two of which were titled MAster and Comander and The Far Side of the World.  The plot of the movie is very loosly based on a sort of amalgam of the two books.

I really recomend his books, Istarted with The Golden Ocean which isn't part of his series but it was relly good.  Since it is a stand alone book it might be the best place to start though it is about a Midshipmen and not a captain.

Books / Re: A title!  A title!
« on: January 19, 2004, 05:43:34 PM »
Well it sounds like TBIAWAAKNKWDT is the winner who wouldn't pick a book off the shelf with that title.  I mean you have to find out what it sdands for I read what it stands for and still cann't remember what it means :o

Books / Re: A title!  A title!
« on: January 13, 2004, 05:14:52 PM »

Well I know this forum is more about HoM's title but I am just starting a new book and well it has no title.  Some of you who were in my writing group a long time ago may remember a chapter I wrote about a little boy names Koshin who just happend to be the son of the High priestess of a religion that dominated a vaguely asian empire, it was the one with the tea.

Well I need a title for this new book.  I know most of you don't know anything about it and those who read the first chapter years ago well a lot has changed.  

But the current title is just Koshin
pononced like
'ko' from coke
'shi' is like she (the female pronoun)
and the 'n' is well like any other n

Just start sending titles who know maybe one of you will get inspired.  I know as much about this new book as any one and I have no idea what to call it so clearly knowledge of the book in not the decideding actor in knowing what to name it.

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