Author Topic: Peks 7  (Read 1946 times)

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Peks 7
« on: February 12, 2004, 07:26:15 PM »
Here's the issues for next week, it's a fairly long chapter

Sir Ansel's true colors. Over done?

The story Gretus tells: does it work for you?

Mercurius, take 3: is it becoming any clearer what he's trying to do?

The Imperial Knights arrive: is the contrast clear? do you find the people's and soldiers' reactions make sense?

the dinner scene, I have few concerns about it till the fight. I think I suck at action scenes. Was this disappointing?

What about the conclusion of the chapter: does it make sense that Aglav takes the boys?

Additional comments also welcome.

Mistress of Darkness

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Re: Peks 7
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2004, 02:04:55 PM »
Sir Ansel: I think it was overdone, but not in a bad way. By overdoing Sir Ansel it made it clear that it was a characterization of all of Lund's knights. So the incidental behavior of Duke Judlik when Peks is first attacked, and the king at the dinning hall with the imperial soilders cements the idea that the Lund knights' nobility is skin deep.

The story Gretus tells: I think it should be shorter, given the abrupt tone of his storytelling. But I don't have my heart set on it or anything. ;)

Mercurius: I think it's funny that he keeps clobbering Peks. He's trying to get Peks to accept/understand his gift? But I knew that at the beginning, so I'm probably missing something.

He does seem to be taking a different tack this time around. He tested Peks to see how much he had accepted. When he realized Peks hadn't made any progress, he let go at that.

Imperial Knights: Yes. I think your strongest point was when Ansel revealed that Anglav (sp?) was a bastard. It clearly characterizes the IKs as valuing the man more than his title/station in life.

Fight: I wasn't all that impressed with your blow-by-blow account. You may want to be more generalized in your description. I could tell by the first sentence that Anglav was the better fighter (on the defensive against an energetic attack--obviously waiting for his opponent to tire), so don't feel afraid to cut out some of the description and leave it to your reader's imagination. I loved the part where one of the boys pointed out that Ansel had become rhythmic (one-two-three). It points out the fact that Ansel has spent almost no time in real combat.

Conclusion: It makes sense that Anglav takes the boys, but I had a hard time buying into how you handled his acceptance. Why would he think the boys were running away if they were present in the king's dinning hall, especially when the king obviously knew they were there and didn't have them thrown out? His last line about the best answer he had heard yet seemed a bit sappy, especially given Peks's faltering reply.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2004, 02:18:53 PM by Treyva »
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