Author Topic: Old Schoolers and Noobies Unite  (Read 1617 times)


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Old Schoolers and Noobies Unite
« on: November 02, 2006, 01:44:48 AM »
I was just wondering: Is there a place, like a retirement village where us old schoolers go to roleplay? It might be just the ticket for the closed minded.

Let me clarify a little, if i may.

It's not that I don't like young players - in fact in my games, i've always welcomed them.
It's not only healthy to get new blood into the game - but it provides a chance for the old timers to put their ear to the ground - to see what is happening outside of the small box they play in.
Often times we bury ourselves into our books and our notions to hang out with friends that we've had since Christ was a cowboy. Often times - we can't see the forest for the trees. It might sound trivial, but I assure you - it's far from it. There is an ugly problem lurking in your local game house. It's called: Fear of rejection. Need more to go on? Are you rolling 2's on your Gather Information checks? Well then: read on.

Now don't get me wrong - I don't hate noobs. They're a vital part of "continuing the species" as it were. But they could show us a little more respect.
After all we were the first ones to bravely venture into that famous Temple, or that terrible Tomb. We were the first ones to conquer the Mountain, to send the Giants scampering back to their caves. We stood tall in the face of evil - We pushed back the evil of the Spider Queen. We made her think twice about messing with the powers of good. We survived to fight another day. We earned our stripes the hard way - the way they were meant to be earned. We forged on when all others failed, perished or turned back. Back in the day, I remember when....but I digress - I could go on, and on and on but that is another story.
Perhaps another day.

I daresay a little would go a long way in bridging the chasm that exists between the young roleplayers and the old. But it doesn't end there. What about us old timers actually giving two hoots towards the youngin's? Well that needs to happen too.
The problem is - nobody wants to be the first to extend the hand.
The old - stuck in their ways - proud.
The young - naive - albeit stuck in their young ways. It's a vicious circle. It's like being stuck on the fringes of the Abyss - with nary a cleric nor a paladin nearby to make you feel safe (or to at the very least act as a monster magnet to attract all the baddies - while you slip away unnoticed out the back door). The Abyss has a back door!? Who knew??

So, can you taste the frustration? It's there. My entire point - if you haven't gotten it by now is to illustrate how different - yet the same - us old schoolers are from the noobies of today's generation. We're all playing the same games - we're all rolling dice to see who makes the Will save and lives to tell. Why can't we just get along?
We'll never see eye to eye - but that's ok - that's part of the challenge. To recognize that is to score that critical threat everyone dreams of. They don't come by nearly as much as they should.
To sum up, the greatest campaign one can set out on is one where old schoolies and noobs adventure together - one big, happy party. Where the Paladin is a young'in, fresh out of jr. high, saving all those who fall into peril - Showing that experience isn't always a required for bravery.
And the Mage is leaving behind his cane and imparting wisdom to all who venture with him.
That's the game I want to be a part of. Lessons we can all learn from.
I'm hoping that retirement village will wait for another day. I'm just not ready for it yet. I've got a few more 20's up my sleeve.
Here's to critical threats everywhere, and never ending successful Will saves!
And the moral of the story?
That chasm needs to be braved.
I extend my hand.

Mad Dr Jeffe

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Re: Old Schoolers and Noobies Unite
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2006, 05:12:34 PM »
Your idea is intriguing,... but Im afraid I'd have trouble getting over my base hatred of humanity, to do this.
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Re: Old Schoolers and Noobies Unite
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2006, 11:12:14 PM »
I will say that there is a fear from the old-timers of being left behind and there is a fear from the noobs that they can't catch-up.
The Folly of youth is to think that intelligence is a subsitute for experience. The folly of age is to think that experience is a subsitute for intelligence.