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I have to totally disagree. Glau is an amazing actress. She conveys emotional sublties that most actors and actresses would need a line to explain. Also, every character she plays is a truly unique person. She doesn't just play Glau as a robot or Glau as a psychotic half Reaver. As a great actor should she becomes River, or the terminator, or the psychotic scientist.

At any rate the cast is great and the stories are compelling and it's a mistake to cancel Dollhouse.

Ren: are we watching the same actress? You are talking about summer Glau right? The skinnier, black haired version of Jennifer Garner.

Bookstore Guy:
I wouldn't go that far.  I think Glau can be good, but they force her into emotionless roles.  She was quite good in The 4400.  She had a decent role in The Unit as well.  She isn't near as bad as Garner.

As for canceling Dollhouse, I don't like that it is being canceled, but with only half the episodes being worth a damn, I can see why they are doing it.  It seems like it took the announcement of the show getting canceled for it to start going anywhere.  I also think that it's time-slot is poor, and that is leading to a false perception of poor viewership.  Am I sad Dollhouse is being canceled? Kinda.  More like I am upset that these types of shows have such short life-spans.  Terminator, Dollhouse, Firefly, Fringe (in danger of being canceled), 4400, Kings (alternate reality) etc.  All this does is set a precedent that all SF shows are poor.   Some of them may be, but not all of them.  Instead, they will make a cheap "reality" TV show because they are worried about the public's perception of SF shows or original IPs.

oh my, BSG, I absolutely HATED her charachter in 4400. She may not be as bad as Garner's 2 emotion acting, but she is rather close. But then again, she isn't nearly as bad as Kristanna Loken.

Pink Bunkadoo:
Isn't Enver Gjokaj amazing?  It was so fun watching him as Topher.


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