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Messages - Chaos

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Ruin and Preservation
« on: March 27, 2008, 09:51:21 PM »
Maybe... maybe the quote means that Allomancy causes the mists? Or something?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« on: March 27, 2008, 09:40:42 PM »
I am fairly certain the earring is bronze, but without my copy of WoA with me at the moment, I do not have evidence to verify that.

I also came to the realization that the reason Inquisitors have the powers of a Mistborn is because they ate the metal Elend ate, thus granting them that power. It would also make their Allomancy quite powerful, because the Allomancers in the early days were very powerful, according to TenSoon.

Which, by consequence, makes Elend powerful.

Video Games / Re: Baten Kaitos
« on: March 27, 2008, 08:38:35 PM »
*Sigh* I will admit, I have both Baten Kaitos and Origins. Both played. Both unbeaten. It's so sad when you buy the sequel (and/or prequel, as it is here) and realize that you haven't beaten the first one.

I will say that Baten Kaitos was a spectacular game. It's perfect for the RPG-weak Gamecube. The graphics are gorgeous. It's very clever how they got the most out of that small little Cube.

I'll disagree with you Comatose, I think the first game got the Magnus system more correct. Mostly, Origins just made me angry because you shared the deck among all of your party members, where in the first one they each had their specialized ones. It got tedious, then, because sometimes it was one character's turn, but he had the items that only another could use!

Video Games / Re: guild wars anthology
« on: March 27, 2008, 08:34:48 PM »
I have numerous characters (only a few of them, though, are ones I actually use). The most common of mine is Isaac Veran. He's my aforementioned Warrior/Necro. I also have Mia Veran, who is a monk, Sakura Veran, an assassin, and Felix Veran, my dervish. All of those four are level 20's.

And yes, all my characters' last names are Veran. They are like a big, extended, multi-ethnicity family!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Origins of Allomancy *Spoilers*
« on: March 27, 2008, 08:04:05 PM »
I'm sorry for not posting in this topic sooner! Usually I'm good about these things.

I agree with you now--that the metal creates Mistborn.

In fact, it is rather interesting... Inquisitors are created through Hemalurgy... and Allomancers are also created! It brings a nice dichotomy to them like one which is talked about in the Hemalurgy thread.

Ooooh, you evil genius. You just gave me an awesome idea! Allomancy is a created magic! The Lord Ruler, perhaps, just gives Steel Inquisitors that metal which grants them the power of a Mistborn! That's fantastic, since that little key fact has never been discussed before.

Genius, man, genius.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Wild Theory: Hemallurgy and Atium Geodes
« on: March 27, 2008, 06:11:45 PM »
I had an idea, based off of what's talked about in the Hemalurgy thread. Blood--skaa blood--is necessary for Hemalurgy to work.

Well darxbane... there's plenty of skaa blood and dead bodies down in the Pits.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Atium Mistings?
« on: March 27, 2008, 06:07:42 PM »
I'm of the mind that he used it up on something. Like keeping the Deepness under control and since he died, he couldn't feed it any more atium and thereby it grew more powerful.... I don't know, maybe not, but I do think it's gone because he used it on something.

I've been wondering, recently, why atium is so special. It's the only metal Brandon made up for Mistborn, it's only produced in one place--and its a very peculiar place, at that. It seems far too unique to just be used for... Allomancy.

I've also always wondered about how the Lord Ruler keeps Ruin under control. In WoA, Vin describes its power like you burn it away in an instant and then it's gone. Well, obviously, the Lord Ruler didn't do a very good job--Ruin is still prevalent (though you can't exactly 'defeat' a force of nature, not totally). The point is, after he burned the Well's power away, there was something he was doing by simply existing that kept Ruin/Deepness away.

Using atium could be how he does it. I understand others' concern about the Lord Ruler's control over the economy, but in reality, he doesn't care. That's the whole point of MB1, to show that this self-proclaimed "god" isn't a god. He's not incredibly smart or anything, he just has lots of magical power. He lets house wars go out of control to keep the nobility in check. His obligators see everything that goes on. He has plenty of control to go around.

Plus, having him stave off the Deepness gives him quite a bit of control in the world, you have to admit.

I agree with charity, there could still be some atium as a cache, but the Lord Ruler wouldn't need all of it. No way.  He's been using it.

Quote from: darxbane
I know it's speculation, but it just makes so much sense, especially showing the spikes with blood on them?  Why would EUOL show this to us, and have Sazed think how it looked just like an Inquisitor's spike, then show all the dead and mangled bodies?  EUOL even has Sazed speculate how Marsh hasn't really been specific about how Inquisitors are created, and the Marsh seemed "different".  He even just up and disappeared the next day, after conveniently showing Sazed Kwaan's writing while not giving him enough time to read the whole thing.  There didn't seem to be any other purpose for going there.

Marsh was looking for something, actually, but didn't find it.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Gemmel
« on: March 27, 2008, 04:49:52 PM »
There's a Mistborn RPG deal potentially coming through fruition!? That's awesome!

But yes, stay on task and write AMoL :P.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: ***Spoilers*** Poll Question***Spoilers***
« on: March 27, 2008, 04:34:42 AM »
Apparently, I'm the only one who didn't like Zane. I've never liked him. He just... annoys me.

The Prophecy is surprising because of it's implications. We all knew something was up with it, we just didn't know exactly what it was. When Ruin finally freed himself... then it was a total "Oh my god" moment. At least, in my opinion.

The Lord Ruler's identity was sort of the same way. The back of the MB1 paperback kept saying that the prophecized hero lost to darkness... but then he never did, just some other dude killed him. It was an extremely awesome plot twist.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Ruin and Preservation
« on: March 27, 2008, 04:16:25 AM »
If you don't mind me tearing apart your words:

1. I hate you for reading MB3. :P Just kidding... a little.
2. Well, then, the quote is evidence about SOMETHING about the mists. That's something--something good.  It's just something I don't know about, because MB3 is something we haven't read yet.

Personally, I don't really like my theory there. It makes everything so easy to assume that the Deepness/Ruin is the mists... I just don't know how it all fits together.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Gemmel
« on: March 27, 2008, 04:07:20 AM »
Yeah, THAT totally didn't tell me that my theory was right.

So, Gemmel's not in MB3?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Wild Theory: Hemallurgy and Atium Geodes
« on: March 27, 2008, 02:23:27 AM »
There's something up with this whole atium thing. It's the only metal Brandon invented for Allomancy. It's only produced in the Pits. It seems just a bit more unique than Brandon's usual fare. It seems very likely that there is more up with atium than meets the eye.

I don't know about Hemalurgy, though. It's possible, but it's impossible to get something concrete down because our Hemalurgical knowledge is very limited.

Word of the Day: Hemalurgical. :P

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« on: March 27, 2008, 02:18:48 AM »
My rereading of MB1 has told me some things about the Steel Inquisitors. One thing is that Inquisitors sleep a lot. This hasn't been talking about in this topic, so I'm bringing it up now. I would suspect that this is partially where they get their healing powers--by sleeping a lot. Or, it could be that those spikes really hurt and they need to sleep to get over the pain.

Maybe, also, we should discuss why separating the spikes on an Inquisitor kills them. It could lead to some Hemalurgical revelations.

I am also now thinking that Vin's mom's "blood sacrifice" to make Vin a supposed Hemalurgist is fairly... mundane. Inquisitors require a lot of blood and lots of victims to create--but then again, their Hemalurgy is no doubt far more powerful than Vin's. But still. More blood and more sacrifice means more Hemalurgical abilities.

Hemalurgy by being a skaa power is interesting... and I love it so much :D.

Brandon Sanderson / Gemmel
« on: March 27, 2008, 02:09:43 AM »
I reread MB1 again, and one striking question comes to mind: what happened to Gemmel, Kelsier's Mistborn mentor?

Gemmel is never characterized, never given a backstory. The only time he appears is in Kelsier's remembrances of his training.

I thought this was very interesting. I believe this Gemmel is going to be an important character in the third book. It's possible that Gemmel is dead, but his fate is never even loosely inferred by Kelsier. Since Kelsier says that he got his legends about the Eleventh metal from the north (hence telling us Kelsier went north in his two years before MB1's events after he left the Pits of Hathsin), it could be that Gemmel lived up north and gave Kelsier those legends.

And since the north is very far away, this is why we don't see him in any of the books. Yet, at least.


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Ruin and Preservation
« on: March 27, 2008, 02:04:56 AM »
Okay, so I reread Mistborn 1--or rather finished it yesterday. I have a couple of thoughts. First, the Lord Ruler's throne room looks very, very cool (Chapter 37). It looks like mist, which implies the Lord Ruler is... well, obsessed with the mists.

Furthermore, there is a conversation, I think with Vin and Sazed, where Sazed says that "all the legends agree that the first Allomancers appeared when the mists came out). Now, since the logbook fails to mention Allomancers--or, for that matter, mists existing during the night--we can make the inference that these "legends" are fairly accurate. That implies, then, that the Deepness is not the mists, or at least not the mists we knew in the Lord Ruler's time.

Perhaps the mists are slowly reverting back to their "Deepness" form. Perhaps the mists are not the Deepness at all--which sort of kills book 2, but there is some evidence against the Deepness/Ruin being the mists.

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