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Messages - Comatose

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Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: June 26, 2010, 09:55:00 PM »
If I could submit one last time before taking a bit of a hiatus for revision, that would be nice.

Rants and Stuff / Re: I would like to announce!
« on: June 26, 2010, 07:33:43 PM »
I agree with miyabi.  I never want a beard, and I dislike shaving.  They're good for some people though.
As for bear potential going down, a similar thing happened in my dad's family.
My eldest Uncle has a full head of hair, my second uncle is finally almost bald, my dad's been balding since he turned twenty.  Looks like Grandpa and Grandma splurged on Dennis, and realized they didn't have enough hair left for their younger children...
All I can say is, I'm the oldest, and my hairline is similar to my mother's mother's family, and they don't go bald, so here's hoping!

Reading Excuses / Re: June 21 - Comatose - Riverlord (Chapter 2)
« on: June 26, 2010, 07:21:51 PM »
I worried about the "Selda Quest-Giver," thing as well.  It felt cliche as a wrote it.  That's one of the great things I'm finding in these critiques.  There are some things that I was on the fence or suspicious about, and you guys are letting me know whether I was right or wrong.  It's great!

Right now I'm a chapter away from finishing Part 2.  I think, when I'm done that, I'll take a break from moving forward and do some of these much needed rewrites you guys have been giving me suggestions for.

I have watched airbender, and the magic system in it is very good.  I also see how similar the systems are.  The fact that my day/night thing came out of my weather magic system doesn't make much difference, the end result looks a lot the same.  in between, I was basing the split on temperature: Aurok-Hals were more powerful when it was colder, while Aurok-Hon's were more powerful in the heat.  I started running into problems of position.  "What if the Aurok-Hal is in a cold pool next to a farmhouse and the Aurok-Hon is inside the warm farmhouse?" and that sort of thing.  The hand-signs actually grew out of an attempt to distinguish it from Airbender.  And Renoard, I really don't know what else to call them.  Just signs I suppose?  Anyways, it's obvious I need to do some work on this magic system, so I'll get to it.

I've also realized I definitely have too much going on.  I think my problem is that I hate filler, where a group is just travelling along.  I hate reading it, and I hate writing it, so this everything at once thing is a result of me trying to cut out all those parts where nothing much is happening.
All the scenes I have written I felt bore an importance to the plot.  In the chapter I just wrote I had a character reveal a secret identity in the same speech they were sharing hidden information from a different source, and from a slightly different plot line.  Too much going on at once, like I said.  Also, the situation was another huge info dump.  Like I said.  If anything these critiques have told me I need to rewrite.

Are my newer chapters better?  Most of them are.  Some, like the one I just finished might not be, but that's how writing is.  I have a couple of scenes that I feel turned out great, but given the type of advice you guys have been given me, I think it would work better if I continued to put them out chronologically.  Also, reading over part two, it seems like I leave most of the character development until then.

The book is currently 60,000 words on word count, and I expect it to be a little more than double that, perhaps 150,000?

I think my main problem has been pacing.  My writing schedule is so horrible, that when I get back to it, I feel as if I either need to make up for lost time, or it's been to long since the last fight, or how much I really want to get this done, and I rush it.  I write quickly, straight through, and rush from important part to important part in order to get everything out of the way.  If I take my time, hopefully I can focus on character development and other things early on.   Hopefully, having this writing group will keep me on schedule, and writing at a good pace. 

When I finish off this part, I'll go through the posts, and make a list of the big changes I need to work on, and we'll see how much difference it makes.  Should I continue posting the old chapters for your comments?  Or should I wait until I've gone over them to post them again?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Forum RPG
« on: June 26, 2010, 08:07:30 AM »
Awesome.  Also I forgot to ask about the timeline.  How many years is this before the events of final empire?  We're not having little Elends, Shans, or Kelsier's running around are we?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Forum RPG
« on: June 26, 2010, 07:09:06 AM »
I was kind of planning on being with the nobility.  Do I just need to pick a house, or are the only certain one's I can pick from (I'd like to be part of House Elariel).  Basically i'm asking where can I find the rule book on the site.
Also, would I be able to play with two characters?  Because I have two in mind.  Twins in fact.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Movie-Casting?
« on: June 26, 2010, 07:06:31 AM »
How would he look as a blond I wonder....
Great choice though, and Robert Downey Jr. and him could even play convincing brothers I think.
I like Ryan Reynolds for Elend, but he seems too old.
I also vote Anne Hathaway for Shan, either that, or for Mare in the flashbacks.

I'll keep that in mind.  Right now he's just all pouty about his dagger from Shadar Logoth, which is obviously bad news bears, so it's just kind of frustrating me.  I'm sure I'll start liking him whenever he get's over the little phase he's having, and get rid of the stupid thing eventually.  I can just tell it's going to get him into trouble first.  I'm just thinking, "Really Mat?  Really?"  Ah well.  Plough on I shall.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Forum RPG
« on: June 26, 2010, 12:06:00 AM »
Will new members be expected to read through old material before creating a character?  Or will the story be starting anew?

So, instead of listening to some fellow forum people, I read New Spring first.
I do not regret it.
First of all:  Now that so many of the books are out, I probably would not have wanted to break away from the current plot.  Who knows?  By the time I am done the series (for there are still other books I am itching to read in between, and I think I will need a break after The Eye of the World) they might all be out, and then I might not have read New Spring until after the conclusion of the final book.
Secondly: Keep in mind I am only half done The Eye of the World, but I liked New Spring better.  Now (minor spoilers ahead) I already know Rand is the Dragon Reborn from Suvudu, but it was pretty obvious I think anyways: main character, mysterious circumstances involving his birth, etc.  I'm not knocking the book, I'm just saying, Rand's the Dragon.  But I find his viewpoint incredibly boring for something.  I don't mind Perrin's, mostly because I like Egwene, but Mat and Rand just get on my nerves.
The viewpoints I look forward to the most thought?  Well at this point in the book, they're Nynaeve's, because that's when I see Lan and Moraine.  I loved both of them in New Spring, and so far the parts of The Eye of the World that I have enjoyed best are all the parts with them in it.  I think it's so cool how temestuous Moraine has become a true Aes Sedai, and how her relationship with Lan has developed.  I don't think I would have enjoyed them so much if I had not read New Spring first.  Of course, I might have enjoyed Rand more if a hadn't, but I don't think I would enjoy him anyways.
just thought I'd share my experience, and ask for your thoughts.  Please keep in mind I am only half done Eye of the World.  Right now all groups are headed to Caemlyn.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings signings
« on: June 25, 2010, 11:43:28 PM »
Hold on.  I think visiting your northern continental neighbours is far more reasonable than a trip overseas...
Canada first, then Europe! ;)

Ah, I see what you are saying now.
The scene's with the Queen in them are something I've been struggling with for a long while.  On one hand, I completely see what you are saying.   She's the obvious overlord at this point in the story.  Later on however, there are some changes in her character.  I felt I needed to show her before these changes occurred.  She's actually sort of becoming a fairly major character, in a different way than Eshra, Felix, and Adam are.
I'm not sure if I mentioned before, but River Lord is a working title.  I'm not particularly attached to it, it's just what I ended up calling it.  I'm not sure if it suits the book.  I was also thinking of The River Lord and The Desert Queen, to show the Queen's importance to the plot, but that doesn't quite fit either.  I'll let you know when I come up with one.
Suffice to say, the Queen and her character become very important in the later part of the book.  What I'm struggling with now, is showing the Queen's character as she is, without giving away what she is doing.
I'll make a point now, and you can tell me if it has come across in the story yet or if I need to put more emphasis on it.  The Queen is not an evil ruler.  Her empire (yes, I know she should be an empress or should be ruling a kingdom, but there's a reason for that), before the events in this story start to take place, is a good place to live.  There are problems, but there are problems in any society.  The people fear her, but they adore her as well.  She can be cold and calculating, but she also has a heart.  The face she shows the Arbitrators is not necessarily her true one.  I've actually just finished writing a scene that starts to lake a look at the dual nature of her character a little more.  A scene later in the story with Adam is what sparked the novel, but the addition of the Desert Queen is what made it a story.  She not a typical immortal unfeeling evil ruler, she's not even really evil.
Now the problem.  How do I show this, without giving away her actions?

Reading Excuses / Re: June 21 - Comatose - Riverlord (Chapter 2)
« on: June 25, 2010, 07:06:09 PM »
Thank-you for your honesty.  It did sting a little, but I really appreciated it.  I really respect that sort of honesty, because without it, nothing gets done.

I've often worried about the pushing and pulling being compared to allomancy, however I actually came up with the magic system before reading the books.  As for how the pushes and pulls actually work, I actually pictured it to work quite differently from allomancy, although perhaps that did not come across in the chapter.  An allomancer pushes or pulls metal directly away or directly towards his or her body.  The strength and speed of the object changes based on weight and position, but not on whether or not the allomancer is pushing or pulling.  The way I pictured it, when Aurok-Hal's pull water, it is difficult and slow.  They pull with the hands, so when they pull water around themselves, the water follows their fingers in streams.  The pressure builds as they pull, so that the longer and Aurok pulls, the stronger their eventual push will be.  Pushes are more like what you are used to seeing with allomancy, they usually go directly away from the body, but can still be subtly corrected with hand motions.  It was actually inspired when I was reading a scene a friend wrote about a man breaking into a prison camp.  For some reason I pictured it raining, and then this magic system began coming to me of an Aurok manipulating the waters of the rain.  Originally the magic system was weather based: Aurok-Hon's could manipulate fire when the sky was clear, Aurok-Hals could actually manipulate the weather itself as soon as it began raining (so they could keep it raining, add hail, mist, etc.), and a third type could fly when it was windy.  There were a lot of problems with this magic system however, so I scrapped it.  Also, after scrapping it, I read Brandon's blog and found he already had the idea for weather controlled powers... Doesn't look good for my "I didn't copy allomancy argument," but I'm being honest.  I may have only started putting pen to paper for this story in 2007, but I started planning it a year earlier, before the first Mistborn came out.  Has Brandon's prose affected my writing?  I'm sure that reading his books so much has affected my writing a lot.  But I never meant to copy him.  You could also say reading Neil Gaiman or George R. R. Martin has affected my writing as well I suppose, though Brandon is my favourite author. 
I will end by saying you haven't seen all of this magic system yet.

I wasn't picturing the pin wheeling in an anime type way.  I'm not really a fan of anime.  But you are right, it is like that.  Any suggestions on how I could get a similar movement without the anime imagery?

As for the characters being flat.  I think you are absolutely right.  At this point, when I was writing the story, I was focusing more on getting the plot going.  characterization is something I'm just learning to do.  Although I've read a lot, due to circumstances, I was never able to take any sort of creative writing classes, and now I'm finding all I really know how to write is essays, which sucks, because I really don't like writing essays.  I can only hope that I've developed enough that in my later chapters the characters have begun to develop more from the flat things you see now.  I know it's not a typical way to write, but I haven't revisited some of these earlier chapters for more than a year now.

In your email, your line edits only really pointed out typos and spelling mistakes.  I was wondering if you could give me examples of my grammatical errors so they can be corrected and I can learn from them.  I think I have a really great story to tell, but I often feel while writing that my ability is holding me back.  That's one of the reasons I joined the writing group.

Thank-you for your criticisms.  I take them entirely constructively.  I'm the only writer out of my family and friends, so criticism like that isn't something I get very often.  It is definitely something I need though if I want to continue.

And yes, English is my first and only language ;)  I'm actually an honours english major.
A thought: should I post one of my more recent chapters next, one that I feel is one of my better ones, or should I continue chronologically?

Character description is definitely something I have to work on. 
Your feelings of the prologue are shared by me, I must confess.  It seems over done, which is why I was really glad when Asmodeon liked it, I thought Maybe it's just me, because I wrote it.'
I'll try and get some more opinions on it, and see what sticks.
As the viewpoint per chapter thing, I think I'll wait a while and see what you guys think about the next few chapters.
When you say things need to be "fleshed out" are you talking about his relationship with the Queen or Sareneth?  Your post was a little unclear, and it looks like there might have been a typo.
As for the Queen being a behind the scenes player and playing an active role in the story, I intended her to play both parts, if that makes any sense, so I'm glad you noticed it.  But it seems like you didn't like it?  Is there any reason why?  Or just personal preference?

Everything Else / Re: Vader vs Batman
« on: June 24, 2010, 07:19:24 PM »
Batman could win even before Vader choked him.  Just use a device that remotely shuts down electronics and Vader is history.
Also for those who say Batman can't kill, we'll just go Dark Knight style batman.  He can definitely kill people.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of Kings signings
« on: June 24, 2010, 05:10:09 AM »
At least you are in the country.  It's a journey just for me to get to the border.... still considereing the trip though.... definately would if money wasn't an issue.  Curse capitalism!  Curse Money!  I want to quit my job early and  fly to utah!

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