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Messages - Comatose

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Well, Great Hunt will have to wait.  I could not resist the Name of the Wind.  I'm going to get through it as quick as I can though (and Indigo had a buy three get the fourth free deal, so I also bought the Dragon Rebron), and continue with the wheel of time.  I hope to finish as many as possible before Way of Kings comes out.
I look forward to these great endings you speak of ;)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: "Death" of Ruin and Preservation
« on: June 29, 2010, 11:59:47 PM »
That's right.  I suppose the main physical difference is the height and strange proportions , which can only be applied to the Terrismen Eunuchs.  The Lord Ruler however is a Terrisman and not a eunuch, so he might appear normal.
i guess the question is, is Hoid a Steward?

See I knew Rand was the Dragon already just through osmosis.  I don't think reading New Spring first gave that a way.  It just tells me that Moraine is looking for the Dragon Reborn, and thus, had I not known it was Rand, I would have just assumed it to be Matt, Perrin, or Rand. 
I just finished Eye of the World by the way, and the ending was admittedly very good.  Good enough to make me consider holding off on reading The Name of the Wind for a bit and read The Great Hunt instead. 
The reason I liked New Spring better (and I still do) I think had to do with channelling.  I really like the magic system, and Eye of the World just doesn't show it off very well.  It all comes across as very cliche: woman with staff shooting fireballs at people.  In New Spring, you go into the how and why of channeling.  I found the weaves of saidar to be very interesting.  In Eye of the World, Moraine is just some mystic woman who can do all kinds of wierd things with wards and magic coins and of course, fireballs.  In New Spring, you see what goes into each of those weaves.
Another little criticism I have of channeling in Eye of the World are the choices Moraine makes in battle.  She herslef tells Egwene that women are more powerful at channeling air and water, and that both can be used to just as great an effect as earth and fire, yet in battle, Moraine consistently uses earth and fire.  She uses fire a lot during her test in New Spring, but those were more specialized situations.  When she battles Meeren (sp?) at the end, they fight eachother mostly with air if I recall correctly.  Why didn't she use air or water to trap Aginor in the Eye of the World when she must have known he could manipulate earth and fire better than her even if they were close to the same power level?
just a few things that bothered me, but I really enjoyed the book, and can't wait to read the next one.  I'm sure I will enjoy them all, but so far New Spring is my favorite.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Deus-Ex Machina in Hero of Ages? *Spoilers*
« on: June 29, 2010, 09:17:17 PM »
I fail to see the other options that were availiable to Vin that were within her character.  As I explained in my last post, I think torturing Telden would be incredibly out of character.  Vin may be a force to be reckoned with, but, as the book points out many times, she is not Kelsier.  Kelsier probably would have tortured Telden.  Vin would not.

I liked the use of Hebrew names for the dieties.  It especially like how you named goddess Shekina (or Shekinah as I prefer to spell it): 'the glory and prescense of god.'  It made me laugh a bit though, because here in Saskatchewan, we have both a Camp Elim (which is a dump) and Camp Shekinah (which is awesome), which is how I know what Shekinah means (sorry if you were impressed, I don't actually speak Hebrew.

In the prologue some of you paragraphs got repetitive.  I know you were going for inpact when you wrote the 'Never again.' paragraph, but it didn't work for me.  That could just be preference of course.  The six elementals turned me off as well (not that I can talk, having Auroks controlling fire and water in my story).

You don't need so exact a year (I'm talking about the '1,064 years ago,') in the prologue.  These are gods you are righting about, and I don't think sixty four years here or there should make much difference.  For me, it wrecked the very nice flow you were setting up.  I know you probably did it to avoid using the cliche: one thousand years ago, but in this situation, I think that would almost be better.  You might not even need a date for it all.  It's nice that you know it, but I don't think the reader needs to.
When Phyra calls for Kyrie, it is unclear which girl is shorter than the men around her with red hair.  As all ready mentioned, you should be clearer.

I also think Charon should have more of a reaction when he discovers Kyrie is the girl he needs.  At first he seems absolutely sure it can't be her because she is a human, but when he sees her eyes, he just accepts that she is the one he needs.  This might be in character, but I suggest making him surprised to find out she is a fae.

So far very creative, and it looks like it is going interesting places.  Keep it coming!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: "Death" of Ruin and Preservation
« on: June 29, 2010, 02:26:57 AM »
Can Hoid change his appearance.  More than just disguises I mean.  I know he grew a white beard for warbreaker, but that's different.  In my head, it's very hard for just anyone to pretend to be a Terrisman and vice versa.  They don't look the same in my head.  So do they actually look more similar than I thought?  Or can Hoid also shape shift?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Movie-Casting?
« on: June 29, 2010, 02:23:42 AM »
I don't understand what you guys see in Nathan Fillion.  I like the guy, but for Kelsier?  Robert Downey Jr. has my vote as well,

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Which book should I read first?
« on: June 29, 2010, 02:22:27 AM »
While I personally like Mistborn 1 the best of all of Brandon's novels, that really has a great deal of nostalgia attached to it. The endings of books two and three are superior to it. You'll become even more satisfied after each book.
Well I knew you weren't going to pick Well of Acsension, Chaos.  After all, you practically didn't read Zane's third of the book ;)  And if I remember correctly, it didn't have a god-villian for you.

For me, thought for different reasons, the first and the third were my favorites, I can't decide which.  Like Chaos said, the first has the nostalgia of the crew attached to it, and Kelsier of course.  The third is just so intense though, so it's a real toss up to me.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Deus-Ex Machina in Hero of Ages? *Spoilers*
« on: June 29, 2010, 02:17:01 AM »
I also agree.  You sited her attack on Cett's keep as evidence of her ruthlessness.  Did you remember what happened after?  If I remember correctly she hid in an alley and cried.  Also remember: Telden was Elend's friend, and Vin knew it.  He was not some faceless guard to her.  Thirdly, He came up and confronted her directly.  It's a lot easier to kill someone in the heat of battle, or in stealth, as she did with Cett's men, and another thing entirely to look someone in the eye who is helpless against you, and torture them.  Vin has never tortured anyone, she's killed many, but she never tortured anyone.
The use of the mists in book one is the only true use of Deux ex Machina I can see, and there was a reason behind that.  I'm glad you finished the series.   I can't imagine that seen being so jarring as to make anyone consider not finishing it.  Did you at least enjoy the ending?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Problem: Smokers.
« on: June 29, 2010, 02:10:50 AM »
There is one other way to determine if someone is burning bronze. Emotional Allomancy. Burning bronze protects the burner from all but the strongest of emotional Allomancy (ie. TLR). Therefor, if you were to say flare Zinc and riot fear the sudden shock would stun anybody else in the area not burning bronze. All you'd have to do then is look for the people without shocked expressions and you've found your Smokers(s) and/or Mistborn(s) currently burning Bronze, which, if you'll recall, burns away very slowly and so most Allomancers capable of burning it just leave on all the time.

I completely agree, except you mean copper.  Bronze is for seeking.

Reading Excuses / Re: June 28 - Renoard - Redmantle Chapter 1b
« on: June 29, 2010, 02:06:19 AM »
To help me better understand, I'm curious as to why you think it was a good choice to make it vague as to how much time had passed between Se'amus' funeral and the engagement party.  It felt organic to me and I didn't put a lot of thought into it, so I'd like to hear yours.

I have to think about that.  I was just going of my first impression of the piece.  I suppose it just made it interesting.  Like you said, you just let it slip organically that the second scene was a year later.  It gave me as the reader more the puzzle out through the course of the scene.  First, we have Edgar getting dressed.  Then we find out his mother is getting married.  Then we find out it is to his uncle.  Now at one of these points, I started to wonder, "Well how long has it been since her husband died?"  Even though it only took you a few paragraphs to bring up the jump in time, the gradual release of information gave the back of my brain more to work on, and thus made it more interesting to read, I guess.  Does that help?

Reading Excuses / Re: June 28 - Renoard - Redmantle Chapter 1b
« on: June 28, 2010, 07:34:38 PM »
I liked it.  For me, at least, it read a lot smoother than the first half of the chapter.  I liked the change in tone from the funeral scene to the engagement party.  I also liked how you didn't tell the reader right away that you jumped so far forward in time. 
At the start of the last part, it became unclear who is speaking to Juan Carlos East Mark.  You start the scene with Edgar, but later it switches to someone named Phillip. It's not clear whether both Philip and Edgar are in the same room, or if you just changed the name suddenly.
The dynamic between Juan Carlos and Edgar/Philip was good, and I found it believable.
The plot so far is reminiscent of Hamlet, but I think that was probably intentional, so never mind.
Keep it up, I look forward to seeing where this goes.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: June 28, 2010, 07:26:05 PM »
I didn't get Valkynphyre's.  That might have been my fault though.  I was sure it was in my email inbox, but now it is not.  Regardless of the fault, please resend it!

Ok, so as I take a break to make some of the revisions you guys have pointed out to me from the opening chapters, I thought I'd give you one more.  This scene is from near the end of the book.  It's one of the ones I didn't write as I trucked along chronologically, but wrote when the moment caught me.  It's also one of my more recent works, so (hopefully) you guys can see some improvment.  I chose this part because it doesn't have too much to do with the main plot arcs you've been introduced to so far, so hopefully there's less confusion, and maybe it can show you a bit of where I'm trying to take this story.

In this scene, the Desert Queen confronts the imprisoned Earth Child.  They have not spoken since she banished him at the dawn of the empire.



Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: June 27, 2010, 03:04:00 AM »
I always lie and never tell the truth.

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