Author Topic: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2  (Read 22414 times)


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Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« on: September 10, 2010, 11:44:20 PM »
I hope that Elhokar matures.  Brandon likes playing with fantasy stereotypes, and one fantasy stereotype is the irredeemably spoiled young king.  Dalinar cares enough about helping Elhokar grow up that it better happen.  Dalinar is kind of the man.

I hope to learn more about Renarin (I believe that's his name--Dalinar's son).  There's obviously some importance to him, what with his interactions with Wit and such.  Definitely a character to come into his own. 

I hope for the really tall Parshendi Shardbearer to become more of a force in the narrative, interacting more with Dalinar.  Interesting, mysterious figure.

I hope that the story is set in another interesting city/location, a lot like how the Wheel of Time took the characters from one major city to another.  They talked quite a bit about that one city naturally built around the windblade rock formations that rose in its center -- something's gonna happen there, soon.

Szeth the Surgebinder is off to go kill Dalinar, whose new head bodyguard is Kaladin...the Surgebinder.  Mistborn Reloaded, anyone?

Obviously, Shallan's older brother isn't dead.  Or if he isn't dead, he left a long, mysterious trail of clues/information.

Jasnah was quite defensive of King Taragavarariawhateverhisface.  For being one of the smartest people in Roshar, you'd think she would know something about him.  Is Jasnah evil, and involved with King Traraggvvaiean?

Also, some reveals as to the origins of the Shattered Plains, a closer look at the heart of the place, some reveals as to the gemhearts true purposes. 

What are y'all's hopes/predictions?

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Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2010, 03:27:12 AM »
I didn't see Elhokar as an irredeemably spoiled young king. Sure, he's uber paranoid, but he's about the same as all the rest of the Alethi highprinces, in my book. Dallinar appears to be working on him, so there's a good chance you'll see the growth you were talking about.

I want to see Szeth vs. Kaladin. Adolin in the mix with his Shardblade wouldn't be bad, but Szeth vs. Kaladin for sure.

Anything at all to do with Shallan's backstory. She's by far the most interesting viewpoint character, in my opinion (though not necessarily the most fun to read. And I guess I shouldn't say by far, because Szeth takes a really close second).

If we're lucky, we might get some movement away from the Shattered Plains, though that doesn't seem too likely as Jasnah and Shallan are supposedly going there to meet up with everybody, so I think we'll likely have a massive get-together before everyone goes their separate ways.

I really want to know more about the Heralds. They're way more interesting to me than the Radiants. Hopefully, we'll get some of this from Talenel, who isn't dead.

I hope the Parshendi Shardbearer is killed, but I want him killed by Szeth. I don't know why. Just kind of a wishful thought.

I'd love to find out more about how the Old Magic works, and what it's capable of. Anything Brandon wants to give us about the cosmere is of course welcome.

I want to know what Hoid is up to.

I want to see Shallan use her Shardblade.
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Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2010, 04:53:43 AM »
Szeth would wipe the floor with Kaladin. Kaladin will have to do a lot of testing and practicing before he figures out what he can do, let alone refines it.

I can see Szeth going for Dalinar while Kaladin is trying not to use his powers in front of or any lighteyes. Szeth will wound Kaladin, count him out but not finish him off because he doesn't want to kill unnecessarily, and Kaladin will surprise him with fast healing/primitive Surgebinding. Enough to maybe drive Szeth off, but nothing serious. Kaladin will learn from Szeth's moves.

Would like to see more of Renarin too.


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Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2010, 08:59:12 PM »
My highest points on the wish-list are more Kaladin/ Former Bridge Four awesomeness, more Hoid/Cosmere stuff,  and more cool magic.

I hope Kaladin never gets a Shardblade.  He's far too interesting with the spear to start using a Shardblade (even though not having one would eventually be a disadvantage).

More information on Odium would be great.  I'd like the various storylines to tie together a bit.  Sure, they're loosely tied now, but I almost felt like I was reading two completely different books at some points.

Chasmfiends are awesome, so if we get to see another one down the line, no complaints from me!

Szeth is awesome, and I really hope he gets away from Tarv eventually.  I'd like to see him redeemed somehow, but if he has to be a bad guy, I can handle that, too.
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Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2010, 02:54:36 AM »
What I want to have happen is that when Jasnah and Shallan meet up with everyone at the Shattered Plains, we cut down the time we spend there and establish some new plot threads somewhere else in the world, maybe get the viewpoints of the characters we saw only in Interludes in WoK?

I think Kaladin with his Surgebinding and spear could take on a Shardbearer, and it might not be a good move for him to take a Blade, since he's already so good with the spear and has zero sword training.

I'm curious to see if Adolin hangs onto his Shardblade or tries to give it to Dalinar.  Though I think Dalinar is going to move into more of a strategist/leader/in-charge kind of role and let his so do more of the fighting.  Also want to see if Dalinar keeps having visions.

Hoping to learn a ton about the Shadesmar next book through Jasnah and Shallan's Soulcasting training.

More Cosmere/Shard info.

Maybe getting a Parshendi POV, that would be so cool.

I want to get a little more into Taravangian's head, see what his plans are his motives behind them.
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Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2010, 03:11:23 AM »
I think the Parshmen might be a type of Spren. It would fit with the near-mindlessness, for one thing.[/wild theory]
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Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2010, 05:26:00 AM »
I want to see a Parshendi Shardbearer pushed to the limits of their abilities. Think about it, if regular Parshendi can jump chasms that human Shardbearers won't dare, how epic must Shardplate enhanced Parshendi be.


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Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2010, 05:38:32 AM »
Aside from everything else that has already been mentioned, because it's all stuff I'd also like to see, the only thing I can really add is some more information about the Parshendi.

Specifically, some more answers to the question of what causes the Parshman aka Voidbringers to turn into Parshendi and begin a desolation. The initial chapter that opened the book seemed to imply that this Oathpact that the Heralds belonged to seemed to be linked to it, but that could be pure conjecture on my part. A simpler theory is that the Parshmen/Parshendi's extremely passionate responses to their dead being 'defiled' maybe had something to do with it.

The other wild theory that I have is that Surgebinding might have something to do with it. Throughout the book it was mentioned a few times that it was a long forgotten magic/ability, maybe lost since the Radiants left the world. In one of Dalinar's visions, I think it was when he spoke with Nahodan (sp?), a Surgebinder was mentioned as making the Desolation worse, though it was by his actions rather than his powers. I don't know... I think maybe Szeth might have inadvertently had something to do with it. Maybe whatever caused him to become "Truthless" had something to do with it? (speaking of which, I'd love some back story about that too :D)


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Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2010, 11:43:33 PM »

I mostly want to know more about the Shin people.  I mean Szeth is my favorite character.  I want to know more about his people and their culture.  What made Szeth the way he is now?  I hope he is a main PoV character next book and not just an interlude character.

I want to know more about the Fabrials.  Obviously normal Soulcasting is done using a Fabrial, but the type that Jasnah and Shallan use is not.  They only use the gems for power, but not the Fabrial itself for anything.

More about the effects of the Shardblades.  Like the fact that Szeth's makes his eyes turn light colored when he summons it, but only his does that. 

How the Shardplate works.  It's somewhat described, but we don't learn any good details about its interworkings.

I want to know more about the Dustbringers have.  Also the true powers of Surgebinders.  In the prelude we hear that They can blast out huge sections of the ground. 

The list of things I want to know just keeps going, and I'm sure when the next book comes out I'll just have more and more questions to add to the list.


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Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2010, 11:48:51 PM »
How the Shardplate works.  It's somewhat described, but we don't learn any good details about its interworkings.
Well, we know that holding in Stormlight accelerates the healing process. It's possible Shardplate does something similar to the body.
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Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2010, 03:34:25 AM »
I don't think the shardplate enhances the body, I think it's more of an armored exoskeleton type thing.  After all, when the armguard on Dalinar's plate breaks, the unattached gauntlet becomes dead weight.  It's the same reason they put shardplate on from the bottom up, because it is the only thing that supports its own weight.

I'm looking forward to Jasnah and Shallan's arrival on the Shattered Plains, more Szeth POVs, and more Kaladin and hopefully a Renardin POV.  Hopefully some of the mysteries will have enough revealed about them that we can make educated guesses. 

I wonder if Renarin will remind Kaladin of his brother at all, their personalities seemed a bit similar to me.  Except, I'm pretty sure Renarin is of age or older than Kaladin.  I'm not looking forward to more Kaladin flashbacks, but I think we have only a few left to deal with (Tarah).


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Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2010, 08:23:11 PM »
i am excited for a szeth and talenel meeting, i suspect that once they meet szeth drops the whole truthless thing and helps kaladin reform the surgebinders


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Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2010, 09:07:24 PM »
I want to see Kaladin use his Surgebinding and have everyone freak out when his eyes turn light.

I'm looking forward to more information from Taln. He'll know about Dawnblades, the Oathpact, the Heralds, how Surgebinding works, the Voidbringers, and (probably) Odium/Bavadin. It'll be interesting to see how much we learn from him.

I'm interested to see how the Ghostbloods and Thaidakar are developed. Supposedly they're responsible for an attempt on Jasnah's life, Shallan's father was a member, the Shardbearer that Kaladin killed was one of them, Brightlord Amaran opposes them, and Gavilar thought they were so interested in his black sphere that they'd try to assassinate him with a Shardbearer.


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Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2010, 06:40:23 AM »
I want to see a Parshendi Shardbearer pushed to the limits of their abilities. Think about it, if regular Parshendi can jump chasms that human Shardbearers won't dare, how epic must Shardplate enhanced Parshendi be.

The book says shardplate makes the users' physical strength rather moot.  Hence, old men and sick boys can be terrifying dreadnaughts when dressed in shardplate.  So perhaps it wouldn't be that super.

One thing that's been itching at me: Szeth is the only person with a small shardblade.  Perhaps he's already completed his cycle, merged entirely with his spren (or something), and been granted his own shardblade instead of inheriting it.  If so, then it probably creates a blade based on what you desire in a weapon.  The original shardblades from the Radiants were very large because they desired a weapon capable of severing limbs coated in several feet of rock skin.  If Kaladin gets this treatment, it's quite likely to be a spear. 



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Re: Hopes/Predictions/Wild Theories for Book 2
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2010, 07:03:02 AM »
That would be cool. I would love to see Kaladin with a Shard Spear. It just doesn't seem right to force him to use a sword when he is already so good with a spear. A Dawnshard spear would be even better. All though I kind of wish shard weapons could be made less lethal sometimes by there wielders. After all sometimes you don't want to kill your opponent.