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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #480 on: March 07, 2007, 10:46:33 PM »
I'm relieved to hear about Vasher's lack of mind-control powers. I guess part of the reason I assumed he must be using magic to control the child and dogs was because he's so far been described as uncharismatic and scruffy, so I pictured him as a dangerous, villainous looking man who would be more likely to scare kids than charm them, especially when he's angry and just finished beating on folk.

I really enjoyed chapter 50. I guess my only comment about it is that, while I knew Nightblood was large, I didn't realize it was five feet worth of large until this chapter. But maybe I missed a reference to Nighblood's size earlier?
« Last Edit: March 07, 2007, 10:49:01 PM by DavidB »


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #481 on: March 08, 2007, 12:54:36 AM »
I think the phrase "mind control" was used because of the related discussion in the thread about magic.  I didn't get the impression it went quite that far, but it did (and does) seem odd that this "emotive" facet of Breath hadn't come up in the book before.  As for Vasher more "pure" then Vivenna?  My thought had been that he was less afraid than she was, which is something children and animals do pick up on, Breath or no Breath.  As I read that previous chapter, it didn't seem like Vasher was packing extra Breath when he calmed the child in the cage, while Vivenna was.  So yes, I think this could use some clarification.

Moving on to this chapter, I really enjoyed the opening dialogue between Lightsong and Blushweaver.  They are an odd mix of ally and adversary, with mutual feelings of affection and respect yet also a wary distrust.  Theirs is probably the most complex and adult relationship in the book, and the way they (Lightsong in particular) express it mainly by talking around it is rather touching, in a sad sort of way.


"They're lazy," Lightsong said.  "They want others to make the difficult decisions for them."

...this from the God who just a few chapters ago was trying to give his Command Words to Allmother?

Siri's part of the chapter seemed a bit contrived to me...both that she waited this long to talk to Lightsong (see DavidB's post a few pages ago) and that she and Seb were going separately.  And like vadia, I'm confused about what she hoped would happen.

Was "Weatherlove" mentioned before?  It feels distracting to be mentioning new names this late in the book.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2007, 12:57:13 AM by dreamking47 »
"It had blood in it.  That makes it a good metaphor." -- Tonk Fah, in EUOL's Warbreaker


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #482 on: March 10, 2007, 07:51:24 PM »
I am glad that my initial feeling about it not being mind control was a good one. I am not sure how I would have followed that one.

This chapter....hmmm, what to say. Naturally there are some minor typos, but that is to be expected. As for the story, I am not totally surprised about the turn of events in the palace of the God King. You kind of had to feel that it was coming, they had been going along too well.

I am glad that Lightsong took a walk away from the voting for the moment, and that he let Blushweaver know that she couldn't bully him on this. A little bit of backbone never hurt anyone ;) I am also glad that he is thinking about how odd it is to be missing such an important day at court just because you managed to get a woman with child. Hopefully he looks into that more closely and realizes there is a problem.

I also like that Vivenna is actually remembering that she has a sister, and taking some concern for her well being. Vasher's response doesn't really surprise me either, I think he isn't as bad a guy as he would like people to believe :)

I also am loving that we are entering the final stretch of the book. While the whole of your books are fabulous EUOL, I do find that the last fifteen or so chapters are a bit more action, since you have done such a great job of character development for the beginning part of the book :D  So far, I am loving this book.


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #483 on: March 12, 2007, 05:58:58 PM »
Thanks for bringing that up, Dawncawley.  I've always wanted Viv's chapters to focus more on her goal of rescuing her sister.  That was her prime motivation (even though it was selfish - ViV wanted to feel useful) to go to Hallendren.  And that motivation just got so buried and forgotten, Viv's character has a shallowness - mirrored by her time with the Merc's.

I didn't see a mind influencing effect stem from the breaths - but I did think it was because Vasher was more in command, mentally and emotionally. 

What really bothers me, and maybe it's because of the 1 chapter a week - is that the build to the climax was kind of slow for Brandon.  This latest chapter has me on the edge of my seat - but to what?  I'm not sure what I (as a reader) am supposed to feel for - I know nothing about Idris anymore, it's been to long since we heard anything from there.  Viv seems fine now, she learned her lesson not to judge. 

So what can I expect in the next few remaining chapters?  Denth vs. Vasher?  Too easy, and we know Vasher will win (he's definitely not Kelsier).  Lightsong vs. Blushweaver?  While it would be cool reading about 2 armies of zombies fighting...  it's still just zombies.  Maybe a personal battle?  Neither of them have shown much competence at swords or magic.  Siri and Susebron vs. Priests?  While this one seems compelling, this is the political conflict, and seems the least one prone to a violent conclusion.

I'm not saying I don't love the story - I do.  I'm just saying it better be one hell of an ending to tie up all the loose ends.  I want to see Lightsong be more of the detective, that aspect of the story was great.  But then...  this is exactly what Bradon wants us to think.  I'm guessing that he wants the reader to feel frustrated with Siri's lack of perspective - just as she is. 

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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #484 on: March 14, 2007, 06:53:40 PM »
Chapter Fifty-one

New chapter, with an extra large dose of everyone's favorite psychopathic sword.

Thanks for the comments on the last chapter; I'll look again at the Siri section and see if I can strengthen her framework a bit.

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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #485 on: March 14, 2007, 07:13:46 PM »
   It’s not always about killing, Vasher said.
This was underlined.  Is it said or thought?

He and I are going to have a long talk about what he did to my sister.”
He and I seems to be a bit bulky, perhaps "The two of us"

Denth coming out of the blue seems odd.  Why is a merc allowed in the Godkings house anyway?  I would never have expected Denth inside the palace. 
But, if he didn't know where Sisi lived and was asking a random servant -- which is a possibility given that nobody knew where Sisi would be, and the mercs attack the outside of the house; that seems less odd to me.


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #486 on: March 14, 2007, 10:07:01 PM »
Hello all.  First time posting, long time lurking.  I'm loving the book, but I just wanted to note:  from what we've seen of nightblade, i'd have expected him / it to do a LOT more damage than it did in this fight.  How was it taken out?  Who was the awakener here?  None of the Mercs (as far as I remeber) have ever shown that ability.  Did someone just use an awakened 'something' to grab it from whoever should have been killing everyone around them? 


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #487 on: March 15, 2007, 12:11:29 AM »
I think Denth had quite a bit of breath and he was going to teach Viv how to awaken (although he probably wouldn't have taught her much)... he could awaken but I he wasn't as good as Vasher.

I thought the same thing about nightblood. The guys at the door were fighting with him... those guys are good fighters so they would have been able to get nightblood from them. I suppose they knew the influence nightblood has over people's emotions and were able to get him from the guards without going on a killing spree.
Dude, no no really, DUDE!


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #488 on: March 15, 2007, 12:19:30 AM »
Denth coming out of the blue seems odd.  Why is a merc allowed in the Godkings house anyway?  I would never have expected Denth inside the palace.

Really?  As soon as that rope snatched at Vasher, I was pretty sure Denth was involved.  It has long seemed to me that Denth must be working with someone in the Court of Gods, the person/group trying to foment war, and thus it's no surprise that he'd be involved in the coup at the palace.  As soon as it was clear that it was not Lifeless guarding Siri but fighters -- mercenaries -- Denth-the-mercenary-captain fits right in.  Plus the "reunion of the former allies where one uses their knowledge of the other to lay a trap" is a classic story device.

(Usually it is followed by the "it doesn't matter because there's nothing you can do now that I've captured you, so let me reveal all my plans" device -- hopefully we avoid that here.)

Anyway, I enjoyed this chapter, it was a good mix of action and dialogue, continuing story and new revelation (so it sounds like Vasher was one of the 5 Scholars, as was Denth's sister?).  Nightblood is always fun, too.  Although what did confuse me is that on one hand you say Nightblood doesn't know what evil is, but on the other if you toss the sword into a room full of people an evil person will be drawn to wield it against the others (all the others or just the "evil" others?) and then kill themselves, while a good person will just be nauseated.  Which sounds like either there is some new form of magic involved with Nightblood, or there is some understanding of "evil."

I'm also a little confused about the timing of this chapter: have two weeks elapsed since the day when Siri was taken, or was Denth hiding in the God King's palace unknown to Siri and Susebron for some of the time before that day?

« Last Edit: March 15, 2007, 12:28:40 AM by dreamking47 »
"It had blood in it.  That makes it a good metaphor." -- Tonk Fah, in EUOL's Warbreaker


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #489 on: March 15, 2007, 02:26:28 AM »
Good point about the timing. Perhaps that can be addressed at the beginning of the chapter in some way. I was bothered a bit by it, but not too much. I just kind of glossed that bit over.

I really am not shocked by Denth, but the revelation that the woman that Vasher and Nightblood killed was his sister is way more interesting, to me. Perhaps we shall understand this relationship between them sooner rather than later :)

Either way, I loved the conversation between Nightblood and Vasher, while it was also nice to see a bit of Tonk back again. All in all, a very good chapter I thought.

I think I will have to re-read to see what I missed the first time through, but I liked it a lot.


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #490 on: March 15, 2007, 02:10:37 PM »
But since all the "good" guys are getting neutralized, isn't Brandon seating up some all powerfull display of the God-King's power to "fix" things?  Or Viv suddenly demonstrating complete command over her Breaths?

The idea of "evil" and what an inanimate object thinks it is, is marvelous!  Combined with the questioning of a 5 year old, and Nightblood rose to be my #2 favorite character.

I was wondering when Denth would turn up, and expected him sooner.  His line about waiting 2 weeks might match up with the last time he tried to capture Vivena, and explains why Vasher hasn't found him.  So, to me, the timing seemed to fit - but more specific information never hurt. 

What did neutralize Nightblood?  Those mercs should have jumped at the blade - anyone as "strong-willed" as Denth is defiantly a leader, not a follower.  But with all of *cough* Blushwaver's *cough* gold, Denth could - and would have - hired only the best.  And he knew how to counter the sword. 

Vasher should have used the blade like a blade, not like a grenade.   To me, that makes him kind of a weaker character.
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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #491 on: March 15, 2007, 06:09:49 PM »
I liked chapter 51 a lot. I wasn't at all confused about the timing when I read it.

It seemed to me that back in chapter 50, Vivenna asked Vasher to rescue Siri, so he ran home, grabbed Nightblood, and came back right away. So when Denth said he'd been waiting for two weeks, it seemed obvious that he'd been there more or less since Vivenna escaped from him. Presumably, the priests who grabbed Siri in chapter 50 have been helping to conceal him, since it's apparent that they're up to No Good.

Though I suppose it wouldn't hurt to change Denth's line to say that he'd been waiting since Vivenna escaped.

Vivenna would certainly have noticed if Denth had had a lot of breath when she was with him. So presumably he was storing it in his clothes or something the whole time. In fact, he must have continued to store the breath until the moment before he jumped Vasher, or Vasher would have been able to sense him. (I suppose Susebron -- assuming he's still around -- would have sensed both of them during this fight, so he's probably got a pretty good idea of what's going on. My guess about what happens next is that he's going to find some way to communicate with Vivenna, so that she can Go Do Something About It.)


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #492 on: March 21, 2007, 07:16:15 PM »
New chapter is here:

Chapter Fifty-two

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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #493 on: March 21, 2007, 07:59:12 PM »
only one comment but it's a biggie -- Why doesn't Lightsong go for the Lifeless?  He seemingly has about 2000 soldiers behind him, why doesn't he call them to help him -- In fact, its more useful because their biochroma is masked (I think).


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Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« Reply #494 on: March 21, 2007, 08:01:29 PM »
because he's the bold.  He tends to act a lot more than he thinks.