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Messages - mtlhddoc2

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Rants and Stuff / Re: Union V Confederacy
« on: December 12, 2008, 03:41:31 PM »
Comparing cities is really not as important, my point was, that rural people, wherever they are from, have more in common with each other, including mannerisms, than they do with city peopel, even local cities. Go out to Vermont and you will find plenty of "rednecks" running around in overalls, chewing on grass, in barefeet etc. And When I lived in rural Penn and NJ, same thing. My friends who live in rural SC, same thing. Thats rural/farmland living, no matter where you are in the country (or continent). But go to any city and you will see the same thing, horrible disinterested traffic with rude people who cannot get where they are going fast enough. People who talk really fast and who would never think of going barefoot anywhere but a shag carpet.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Union V Confederacy
« on: December 11, 2008, 08:48:12 PM »
alot of good points made here.

I am Irish and still harbor a general resentment of England, even though I personally never suffered at British hands, I did know many people who did, some were family as well. I have also lived in a great many parts of the Northeast rural and urban areas, and I can tell you, I have seen and heard the word "rebel" used towards those with a southern bent, in the same manner they use Yankee, just a term used, not a put down.

Also, the "Southern" lifestyle (redneck, some might call it) is really a farmland lifestyle and mannerism. If you visit farmland anywhere from Pennsylvania to Vermont, people talk and act the same way as those from Mississippi or Texas in alot of way. The accent might be a bit different, but the speech patterns are the same, and the "slowness" is the same. Also, in some northeastern areas, Civil War thought processes are still in place. This is especially true in Pennsylania and upstate New York, and even in southern New Jersey and Delaware. Maryland is an oddball because peopel there STILL fight over which side they should have been on. Maryland, back then, was kind of a swing state, as was Virginia.

But largely, these mannerisms, from both top and bottom of the east coast, are largely kept among people who can trace their roots back through the civil war. Those of us that have US roots which begin later, have different outlooks. My latent-dislike for the British comes from my grandfather, who started his US life as a young boy watching British soldiers beat Irish expatriots as they were forced to board a ship bound for America. And from a great-grandmother, who starved as a child during teh Potato famine while the british blockaded Irish ports from recieving food.

But I dont REALLY hate the British, it is just a passed on cultural habit. Hard to break, really, this uber-Irish patriotism, even though I have never been to Ireland.

Movies and TV / Re: Will your show be Canceled?
« on: December 11, 2008, 01:36:32 PM »
alot of times, those "logos" on the bottom of the screen, screws up the closed captioning. The TV thinks that the logo is the main broadcast and does not display the captioning for the show.

Anyway, I am a big fan of Eli Stone, and we watched My Own Worst Enemy as well. Too bad on both shows. I was a fan of Kidnapped when it was on the air and they abruptly pulled it off withoout finishing the storyline. Very frustrating.

I just hope NBC sticks with Chuck and Heroes for at least the rest of this TV season.

Music / Re: Favorite Rock Album (Poll)
« on: December 05, 2008, 11:20:33 PM »
"for now you are entitled to your opinion"


I should mention that I am also a big big fan of Doo-Wop, like Dion and the Belmonts, the Five Satins and such.

Hows that for a combination. If I had an IPOD it would look something like this:

The Lion Sleeps Tonight; Dion
Behind the Crooked Cross; Slayer
In the Still of the Night; Five Satins
Bat Country; Avenged Sevenfold
Born On the Bayou; CCR

But I can asure you, there would be no Floyd, Zep or Who on there.

Music / Re: Favorite Rock Album (Poll)
« on: December 05, 2008, 08:22:59 PM »
Really not a big fan of the Who either, actually. None of that music really does anything for me. It has no bite.

Now Hendrix, thats something I can really get into. Deep Purple, Styx, Kiss, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath of course, But honestly, the 4 albums listed above wouldnt even make my top 100.

Music / Re: Favorite Rock Album (Poll)
« on: December 05, 2008, 06:19:49 PM »
I guess I am in the minority here: I simply cannot stand Pink Floyd or Led Zepplin

Brandon Sanderson / Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« on: December 05, 2008, 06:26:01 AM »
Keanu might fit the look for the part, but I just can't imagine Kel screaming "Ruufus" and seriously saying "Dude" - even in the Matrix, it was sometimes hard to get the images of Bill and Ted and their Excellent and Bogus Adventures ouyt of my head.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: December 03, 2008, 11:35:26 PM »
Morraine is more thoughroughly explained in the prequel: New Spring

Music / Re: Favorite Rock Album (Poll)
« on: December 03, 2008, 08:06:54 PM »
going with the "whole album" concept, there are many more. Who -Quaraphenia, Metallica - Ride the Lightning, Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime, Styx - Kilroy was Here

And those are just "theme albums", and I am sure there are many more which could get on the list.

Although Metallica is one of my favorite bands of all time, I would have to go with Operation Mindcrime, such a brilliant album.

Movies and TV / Re: Nostalgia Alert!!!
« on: December 03, 2008, 07:58:16 PM »
now I feel old - especially when people say "childhood" and then talk about the Fox network, which was born AFTER my childhood.

Ok, favorite show from childhood. If we go back to CHILDhood and not TEENhood, I would have to say StarBlazers, Hogan's Heros, Happy Days, the Rifleman, Three's Company, Battlestar Galactica

Teenhood: A-Team, Knight Rider, Spencer for Hire, MacGuyver, Star Trek (Original, in repeats of course) - of course, back then we only had 3 networks to choose from, and some syndicated stuff on the 2 or 3 local fuzzy UHF stations.

Movies and TV / Re: Heroes: Season 3 *SPOILERS*
« on: December 03, 2008, 04:01:33 AM »
Wilson: about 9th Wonders: they explained it in the show "This is the last issue Mendes published before he died" - but there is a bike messenger with his last sketches out there somewhere, so there is one more "issue" to go.

Suggestions Box / Re: What was the worst film ever made?
« on: December 03, 2008, 01:09:36 AM »
we got way off topic...  or more to the point, way-reverse-topic.

worst movie every: "Sci-Fighters" starring "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

Boston, 2009. A police detective Cameron Grayson (Roddy Piper) searches for Adrian Dunn, his ex-partner (Billy Drago) who murdered his wife. Dunn has escaped from prison on the moon and returned to Earth with an alien virus.

so terrible I had to watch the whole thing in case it got worse.

Suggestions Box / Re: Education?
« on: December 03, 2008, 01:05:07 AM »
I also have only a GED. Dropped out of college because I already knew all there was to learn. Spent the next 10 years learning how wrong I was. Now I am a computer engineer. Of course, all of my combined knowledge would actually qualify me for a bachelor's or better. I never did well in format education, I learn better at my own pace.

Books / Re: What books did you grow up on?
« on: December 01, 2008, 08:45:46 PM »
I started on the Encyclopedia Brown stuff around 7 or so, then Narnia shortly thereafter, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, and of course, at 9 I read the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Around 10 or 11, I got really in WWII so I read everything abouyt WWII I could get my hands on, once I had read it all (yes, I think I had read every single book in 3 different libraries concerning WWII). I went back to fantasy/scifi with Chalker, Aspirin, Anthony, Brooks, Foster...  I didnt pick up the Magician series by Fiest, nor Wheel until I was in college.

Suggestions Box / Re: What was the worst film ever made?
« on: November 30, 2008, 04:08:08 PM »
Eiser nearly killed Disney Animation completely. However, he totally revived the theme parks and made them fresh and new again, his only theme park failure was EuroDisney in Paris. TokyoDisney is king in Asia and was a genius move. Disneyland Hong Kong, which opened last year, was his brainchild as well, and is also going strong. But the theme parks never do as well when the animation division does not do well. Roy Disney spearheaded the effort to oust Eisner and won, thankfully. Now we have alot of fresh new, GOOD movies coming out and some highly anticipated sequels as well, such as Toy Story 3 (2010) and Cars 2 (2012). I also wouldnt be surpised to see Ratatouille 2, since, even though Cars and Toy Story are merchandising machines, Ratatouille is one of the highest grossing (worldwide) animation films of all time, beating Cars by over $200,000,000, surpisingly. But it's merchandising was very flat. The puppet division is also finally re-marketing and remaking the Muppets. Eisner let that amazing property flounder because of his personal grudge against the Henson estate.

Oh boy, I ran on again, lol...

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