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Messages - JoeC

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: March 07, 2009, 09:41:07 PM »
Just one thing to correct about your last post Joe.  The man that comes to the palace in Caemlyn to see Rand in the end is Davram Bashere, Marshall-General of Saldaea, not Mayene.  Saldaea is one of the Borderland nations that borders the Blight.  Just had to set that straight since Bashere is one of my favorite characters ;)
You are correct!! My mistake!

I'm curious JoeC if you had to guess who done in Asmo who would you pick? I'd like to see your thoughts before you start on LoC. :)

Hmmmm.....Yeah I've been thinking about it a lot. It really could be anyone. Rand even. Maybe Lews Therin took him over completely for like 10 minutes and decided to take some revenge on Asmoidean. Who knows?? It didn't explain the manner of death either. It just said death "took him." By Power? By blade? I guess I'll have to wait and find out. I would say one of the other Forsaken but that's a hard case to make. Rand would have sensed any of the male Forsaken channeling just as the wise ones or Aveindha would sense a female Forsaken channeling. Unless they were already there. Honestly, for some reason, Mat keeps popping in my head. I'm not 100% sure why either. It just popped in my head as I was reading it. I pictured him whirling his spear and finishing Asmo with a deadly slice before he even knew anything happened. Again, I'm not saying I believe it was him, just a funny feeling I have that's all. Afterall, Moiraine had figured out who he really was before she died. Who else did too? Who did she tell? Did she really figure it out, or was SHE the one who was told? Did the wise ones enter his dreams?? Is that how Moiraine found out? I don't know. I hope it wasn't the wise ones who killed him. That would be anti climactic for me.  LOL We'll see. Consider me part of the "Who killed Asmodean debate" you guys.

 A family friend who is a published author once said to me, "Writers don't borrow; they steal." Make of that what you will.
I guess that's accurate in it's own way. It's hard to have a good vs. evil story that hasn't been thought up already. Some would say there's only a few degrees of good vs. evil. It's a very binding story plot that limits what you can write about and so many people have done it already. I personally don't mind. I've read some stories that are very similar and some that are very different. A lot of things I've seen in WOT could have been borrowed from R.A. Salvatore's Drizzt books, which started coming out a few years before WOT did. Before you people explode, I know RJ spent most of that 80's writing these books and worldbuilding and NO I'm not accusing him of stealing. I'm just giving an example of similarities that are in many good vs. evil stories. It's all a matter of how you perceive it. How much does it bother you? Me personally, unless it's really obvious, like borderline plagiarism, I won't care. I just like a good story. Chris Paolini's Inheritence Cycle rips off a LOT of books. It is a very unoriginal story but it is enjoyable so I read it. I don't let it bother me. Some people, however, take this very personally. Maybe so much so they see what they think is plagiarism on every page of everything they read. Again, I think it's up to the individual reader to decide. The world needs stories, good and bad. Original and unoriginal. Choose for yourself and read what you enjoy. If two books are similar, but you enjoy both, what's the big deal?? Let the authors fight it out. That's not to say I don't appreciate an original story. Mistborn swept me off my feet.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: March 05, 2009, 09:38:08 PM »

I did NOT want that to happen!!!!

LOL In case you guys didn't know already, I finished Fires of Heaven. I have much to say. First off is that this is definitely the best book in this series so far IMO. Plenty of action, story, twists, turns, and an AMAZING ending.

-Okay let's get right to it. Moiraine: Again, I really didn't want this to happen. It wasn't a HUGE surprise because there was some definite forshadowing of her death throughout this book that I picked up on. It just really stinks because her and Rand FINALLY came to an understanding in this book. Moiraine was a true anchor for these characters as much as they disliked her. Her advice was always priceless and spot on. It may not have been what the characters wanted to hear, but it's what they needed to hear. I imagine it's similar to Obi-Wan Kenobi dying. Moiraine's death was certainly heroic. That whole scene where Lanfear attacks Rand with murderous jealousy was awesome. She skins Kadere because she's so upset about hearing Rand slept with another woman. That's rough!
 The way RJ wrote Lan's reaction was heartbreaking. I can't imagine what he was feeling. Then he left so soon!! Moiraine bonded Lan to a Green sister in the event she died. I REALLY don't want this to be the end of Lan's participation in the story. I have a feeling it isn't.
 I also KIND of have a suspicion this might not be the end of Moiraine and Lanfear's story. (It might be wishful thinking, I'm still reeling from this event) Okay, so they fell through the terangrael right? Now this was the same one Mat went through in Rhuiden and saw the scary people with pointed teeth who tried to kill him. Lan said he couldn't feel their connection anymore.....maybe traveling to another dimension would sever it?? Maybe not because Moiraine went into another terengrael doorway with Rand and Mat in another book and Lan never mentioned a disturbance in their connection. This is driving me nuts. LOL I hate the thought of Moiraine alone somewhere stuck between Lanfear and those creatures. I still don't totally understand why those people in the terengrael door way were so evil, as opposed to the friendly ones Rand encountered when he went through the other one. Besides, the one Moiraine pulled Lanfear into wasn't destroyed I think. ::sigh:: A lot to dwell on and that's only one subject. Man, I really am loving these books LOL.

-Okay, before Moiraine's death, Rand is full of fury and hell bent on killing Rahvin because he thinks that Forsaken has killed Morgase. Rand later resumes this quest. I'm glad he still went to confront him. I thought Moiraine's death would stop things cold and leave Rahvin for another book. I have to say that this whole final 20 pages was nothing short of groundbreaking!! Rand and the Aeil battling Trollocs and Fades. Rahvin attacking them with lightning and killing Mat, Aviendha, and Asmodean (had to read that 5 times before I believed it.) Rand's battle with Rahvin in the palace and following him into the dreamworld. Meanwhile, Nyneave has Moghedian leashed with an a'dam in the dream world and forces her to help Nyneave go help Rand. MAN this whole scene was awesome. So many things happening all at once. My eyes were GLUED to this book!!! They way they all managed to defeat Rahvin together was perfect. I do wish Rand and Nyneave could have talked for longer and have had a more in depth convo than the one they had. But I understand she was rushing him out because of how dangerous that world was to him. Also, I find it odd that he didn't even acknowledge Moghedian. Oh well.
 Now, since Rand used balefire with FULL force to kill Rahvin, Mat Aviendha and Asmodean were alive and well when Rand went back out front. He erased Rahvin pretty far back I'd say. That was not very smart of Rand as I imagine there could have been many other consequences (I think there may be more I don't know of yet) Finally, after all is said and done and they are all settled down in the palace, Rand speakes with a man who has brought 9,000 soldiers from Mayene to serve him loyally. Rand accepts. However the conversation turns to Mazrim Taim. The false Dragon that has escaped and returned to his army. Rand gives him amnesty...of a sort. An offer of alliance. This would not have been my first choice, but the more I think of it the more it seems like a good idea (depending on Mazrim's character...I haven't met him yet) Rand declares that all men who are found to channel have the option to join him. They will not be executed or gentled. A few extra male channellers for Tarmon Gaidon wouldn't be a bad thing LOL. I'm interested to see how this pans out.

Now the loose ends:
- Who killed Asmodean??? He was killed out of nowhere after just being ressurrected. I don't even have an idea who it might be besides one of the other Forsaken.
-Morgase and Tallanvor.........a future together?? I can see it, but not before they have to repair her old alliances and retain her throne. Oh yeah, and show everyone she's not really dead.
-Nyneave and Moghedian: This was the big cliffhanger for me!! Moghedian spoke a little too much and Nyneave deciphered that she is one of the Aes Sedai in Salidar with them. Nice!!! Nyneave knows who she is too but it left me hanging. She makes Moggy drink forkroot to put her into a deep sleep and says "See you when I wake up" Now THIS I want to see. I'd also like to see how Nyneave will explain this all to the Aes Sedai there, as she was not supposed to be in the dream world in the first place (she was secretly training Siuan.)

Sorry this was so long but I had a lot to say. Much more has happened since my last update but I decided to only talk about the ending as there was so much there. I have to go to Barnes and Noble to get Lord of Chaos which I ordered last week. I can't wait to see how they tie up the loose ends. ESPECIALLY finding out who Moghedian was in Salidar. I couldn't imagine waiting a year or two for that answer. All you fans who did have to wait must REALLY REALLY hate me now LOL.

Thanks again for the input guys. You're all really helpful and I hope you continue enjoying this thread. I'll keep you all updated!!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: February 28, 2009, 12:20:06 AM »
LOL You guys are killing me with all these hints! I'm supposed to save the book for when I work my night shift job, but now I'm just about ready to spend my Friday night finishing it. And I have a date tonight!!! LOL  Believe me guys, you will all be the first to know my reaction to the end of the book. You've all been a real help and I'm surprised at the warm welcome the WOT fans have for people like me.

More on Liandran: Her punishment is probably the cruelist thing for an Aes Sedai other than physical torture. I figured Moghedian would just kill her, but wow does she think up horrible punishments quickly. Now they are making her serve the owner of the house they are in......a male no less......a male she used to abuse and yell at. That's rough. However, I don't feel Liandran is done with just yet.

I'm VERY excited for the next meeting of Moghedian and Nyneave. First, Moghedian had full hatred for Nyneave and a desire to capture her alive and torture her for life. Now Nyneave feels the SAME because Moghedian almost killed Birgette and Nyneave feels responsible. Oooooooh I can just picture it lol.

BTW, that necklace that controls a male who can channel that Nyneave fought Moghedian for in SR....where is it? I know Nyneave asked Domon to take her to the deepest part of the ocean and let her throw it in there...but that never happened. Or did I miss something?? It hasn't said whether she still has it or not.

Forgot to mention that Uno and Mesema are back in the story. They're with Nyneave now. Blast from the past! I'm starting to see what everyone was talking about how characters disappear and come back later in other books....sometimes in larger roles than before.

Once again thanks for the feedback guys!!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: February 27, 2009, 01:14:49 AM »
Update guys! I'm on page 460 now. Almost done! I was going to wait until I finished but you guys seemed to be getting restless. Man you people are needy!! j/k

Okay. This is honestly my favorite book out of the series so far. No offense to all the people who said SR was their favorite. Maybe it's because SR set so many things up to be good!

-Rand and all the Aeil tribes he's gathered have chased Couladin and his tribes all the way to Carhein.

-Aviendha has certainly evolved very much during these stories. Ran'ds camp is attacked by Darkfriends and she shoots fire out of her hands and kills a Drakghar to save Rand's life. Then, after Rand walks in on her naked, she somehow makes a Traveling weave and winds up in some arctic land. Rand saves her life and makes an igloo......and then they sleep together!! One of the best scenes of the entire series IMO. Aviendha telling Rand she can't hold back anymore...grabbing his hair...WOW. I kinda saw this coming, just not this soon. I bet she has some guilt with this and her friendship with Elayne. Then the two run into Seanchan at the gateway home. (Where the hell were they?) I liked this scene, but I did wish they saved the two damanes and killed the leader. I'm VERY interested to see where their story goes from here. Also, Asmodean showed that he really is Rand's friend by not closing the gateway even though he could have. This I didn't see coming. I keep looking for hints that he might betray Rand, but they're not there. I can't wait until Rand finally confronts Couladin. It is unfortunately taking a long time to get there.

-Suian, Min, Leane, and Logain have found the gathering of the Blues in Salidar. I'm glad that they're safe now. I had this bad feeling that something bad might happen to them before they got there. Gareth Bryne has arrived there too. I guess they think they are going to form some sort of army to take the Tower back, while simultaneously maintaining the illusion to the rest of the world that the Tower isn't broken. A tough task indeed. I like where this is going.

-Moghedian has personally taken control of the Black Ajah. WOW did she put Liandran in her place. I've been waiting to see that happen (although I wanted it to be Nyneave who did it...but this is cool too lol) Moghedian seems really ticked that Nyneave almost stilled her (wouldn't you be?) and really wants some revenge. Liandran was foolish to try battling Moghedian. This is a good storyline to follow. I'm loving the developments here.

-Nyneave, Elayne, Thom, and Juilen have taken up with with a traveling group of performers and are acting in the entertainment to hide until they can get to Salidar. They are also running from Galad because he is a Whitecloak now. I think it's hilarious that even Nyneave is struck by how good looking he is LOL. She says it's "unfair" how beautiful he is. I wish a girl would say that about me hahahahaha. Anyway, another great scene is the one where Moghedian interrupts Nyneave's meeting with Birgitte in the dream world. I honestly thought Nyneave was done for until Birgette shot Moghedian with an arrow. Awesome scene!!! Somehow Birgette is brought into the real world and Elayne saved her life by bonding with her to make Birgitte her Warder. Very interesting. Now, Birgitte entertains with the troup by shooting apples off Nyneave's head. Now THAT is a funny sight. Last, they are on there way to Salidar.

-Foolish Liandran tried to capture Moghedian after she woke up from the dream world with an arrow wound. Moghedian showed her who's who even though she was injured. She somehow blocked Liandran's access to the Power with a weave and tied it off. She didn't still her, but left it so that Liandran will have to find somebody skilled enough to untie that weave to ever touch the Source again. This scene left me breathless. I also have a new appreciation for how strong Nyneave is with the Power for overpowering Moghedian.

-Morgase realized she has been being manipulated and been forced to exile her allies. She escapes with Lini to find her TRUE allies and take back her crown. This is an unexpected storyline. Interesting though. I'd like to see how this pans out. Especially when she finds out that one of the Forsaken is responsible for all this LOL.

-Still no Perrin. I DO miss his storyline, but it isn't oppressive because I am enjoying everything else in this book so much.
I have more to say but this post is long enough already and I have to go eat supper. Again, I'll keep you guys updated and thank you for reading!! I appreciate your comments.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: February 18, 2009, 03:08:28 AM »
Yes, that was Ishamael.  If you read the discussion among the Forsaken in The Fires of Heaven prologue closely that should be fairly obvious.

True enough! Thank you.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: February 18, 2009, 01:29:43 AM »
- Prologue was good, but the meeting of the remaining Forsaken at the end was SUPER cool.
Let's see, at that point Aginor, Balthamel, Be'lal, and Ishamael are all dead and Asmodean is captive.  Lanfear, Mesaana, Graendal, Semirhage, Moghedian, Demandred, Sammael, and Rahvin remain at large.  Huh, now that I think about it it's rather interesting how the casualties are uniformly male at that point, and there are enough of them to reverse which gender holds the majority among the Forsaken.

Hmmmmmm.....Ishamael??? Was he Ba'alzamon?? I know Rand thought he killed him at the end of Dragon Reborn but Moiraine said it wasn't him. That it was just a body, possibly one of the Forsaken. Is that who it was??

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: February 17, 2009, 10:57:02 PM »
Hey guys. I'm about 150 pages into Fires of Heaven and this one is turning out to be a great sequel to TSR. Let's see.....

- Prologue was good, but the meeting of the remaining Forsaken at the end was SUPER cool.

-Siuan, Min, Leane, and Logain managed to escape the trouble for accidentally burning down that barn. Not sure exactly where their story is going but it's still interesting to see how Siuan and Leane live without the Power.

-Most of the book so far has been about Rand. He lives in Rhuiden under close protection from the Maidens. The scene where he fights the Darkhounds that attacked him and Mat was GREAT. Very creepy at first too. Now, the scene I've finally been waiting for happened! In my last post I complained that Rand shouldn't shun Moiraine as much as he does. After he kills the Darkhounds they come to an understanding. They both apologize to eachother and promise to be more forthcoming. So happy this scene happened, as it will benefit Rand very much.
-Moiraine explains balefire to Rand. How it doesn't actually obliterate, but erases from time whatever it hits. Depending on how powerful the wielder is, the amount of time you actually erase the subject from changes. Erase too much, and other events linked to the victim are subject to change. Even the Forsaken rarely used it for fear of this. AWESOME concept. I'm glad it isn't just another sonic boom or some crap like that. It's nice how RJ didn't explain EVERYTHING about all the Powers in one book, but stretches it out over the series. That keeps the excitement up because it means there's a lot more to learn.

-Mat is injured by the Darkhounds and when Moiraine tries to heal him, his foxhead medallion absorbs the Power. Very interesting. A terengal that absorbs any attempted Power use on the bearer. I could definitely see uses in this, moreover I could see why Mat keeps it around his neck. Rand tells Moiraine not to take it from Mat even though she says it has to go back to the Tower to be studied. I'm glad Mat still has it.

-Side note: Seeing how popular that sexuality thread became, I just thought I'd point out the this book makes it pretty clear that Mat slept with the maiden named Melindhra. They were both alone and naked in bed when the Darkhounds attacked them. Bad timing.

-Apparently, Couladin has gathered quite an army and is traveling across the Waste to cross the Dragonwall to attack Carhein I think. Rand immediately makes it his mission to take his army and catch up with them.

-Sadly, no Perrin yet but I'm still early in the book.

BTW, I just want to thank all you guys for your responses. Especially douglas, whose post really helped me. You must have spent a long time on it and I appreciate it!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: February 11, 2009, 11:31:44 PM »
Update! Finished Shadow Rising this morning. VERY satisfied.

  Although a lot of it went on too long, this book was an overall very very good read. Luckily for me I bought Fires of Heaven at the same time I bought SR so I can't start on it right away tonight at work. (Ooooh I bet all you people that had to wait between books must really hate me LOL)
Okay. Perrin successfully lead the Two Rivers people to victory over the Trollocs and the Fade's. Perrin is truly growing and I honestly felt bad for him when he sent Faile away because he didn't expect to win this fight. When she came back with the people of Devin Ride, oooh boy THAT'S devotion! LOL. Very good battle scenes, although I do prefer more descriptive fight scenes like Brandon's, I did enjoy this one. The drama with Perrin and the Whitecloaks actually got interesting. Despite all he has done they still call him Shadowspawn. Perrin would have actually turned himself in after the battle...IF they helped. But they didn't so he didn't. Yet, the fact that he would keep his word even if it meant his death was a true indication that he is the best developed character in these books so far IMHO. I'm glad he and Faile got married too.
  Nyneave and Elayne successfully infiltrated the Panarch's palace. Elayne schooled one of the Black Ajah who was making Amathera sing dirty songs (man oh man are they cruel) buy surprising her and tying her up with air. Nyneave battled Moghedian in one of the best scenes of the book!! I really didn't see this coming, and even less did I see Nyneave winning this fight. She really is powerful when she's angry!! She almost stilled a Forsaken!! BTW I'm really loving the personality differences between the Forsaken and I'm glad they are not all fanatic drones. Some even have their own plans (Lanfear is sneaky!) So Nyneave managed to get the bracelets and necklace that could leash a male who can channel.  She wants to throw it in the deepest part of the ocean and I really hope she does because I don't want to see that thing around Rand's neck. They all got away on Domon's ship. I wish they could have captured or killed some Black Ajah. They are certainly still a concern now that they're all still out there. I think one did kill herself with the balefire te'rangal.
  Rand revealed the truth to the Aiel in front of the clan chiefs. They were ALL Tinkers back in the day. I got that when I re-read Rand's journey in Rhuiden. THAT'S why that other Aeil in there with him was clawing his eyes out. I honestly don't think that was the smartest move on Rand's part, at least not this early. But, the cat's out of the bag now. Couladin (sp?) was a surprise when HE claimed to be the Dragon. Where did he get the dragons on his arm btw??? Oh well. Rand proved he was the one with probably the best scene in the book!! Making it rain??! I never thought of that!! The Aiel worship water and I never figured to use the power to bring it to them. Then he made some kind of bubble around himself and Lanfear showed up. She was NOT happy that he had ruined her plans (still not sure exactly what they are). When he hears of Asmodean in Rhuiden he opens a door with the power and chases after him. I think this is the Traveling Weave that they talked about, but I'm not sure because they didn't call it that.
  Anyway, the fight between Rand and Asmodean in Rhuiden was awesome!! It's a shame all those te'rengals got destroyed but Rand has surely improved his mastery of the Power. When Rand and Asmodean are both holding the te'rengal and dueling with the Power was intense!! Luckily, Rand had the little te'rengal in his pocket to give him just the slightest edge. After almost gentling Asmodean (again a Forsaken defeated!!) Lanfear shows up and actually convinces Rand to keep him alive and actually as a teacher!!! This I would not do. Not for all the knowledge in the world! Bad bad idea. This is a guy who has had incredible power for thousands of years and is all of a sudden defeated and becomes a servant basically?? No way. You know this guy will be plotting and scheming to get his revenge. I guess it's up to Rand to remain one step ahead of him. VERY compelling. It's a shame that, when he returned to the Aeil, many of them had left with Couladin.  I honestly don't know how he's going to solve this problem. Some of these Aeil will just not accept him.
  There's so much more I could write but this is long enough LOL. I liked this book despite it's length. The characters and the situations have really evolved. Some very unexpected things have happened. Elaida stilled the Amyrlin!!! Ooooh I can't wait to find out Moiraine's reaction when she finds this out. I know her and Siuan Sanche are old friends. Not enough of Min in this book BTW. I like her. I'm glad she's helping Siuan but I don't know what they can do about the White Tower.
  I'm actually going to take Moiraine's side on her little tiffs with Rand. None of the three boys trust her, and their distrust borders on hatred. I understand they feel that she plucked them from their cozy lives and brought them into this and hopes to control them. I understand they are worried about being lapdogs for the White Tower. I truly don't feel that is her intention. The scene where she tells Rand "I want you to confide in me. I want to help you." was kind of sad. Moiraine is actually opening up to him (took her long enough) and I really get the sense that she fights for his best interest and the best interests of the world. I personally would tell her everything. About the dreams, Lanfear, all of it. She is a strong character and would truly be an anchor for someone in as difficult a position as Rand is in. She could help with his confusion. Though, I admit, she does need to be more forward and stop with the riddles and games. Aes Sedai or not, if she wants cooperation she should give it to. I see stubbornness on both sides.
Well, this has gone on long enough lol. Once again I'm glad you guys are enjoying this thread and I know many of you have been waiting for my opinion on this book so here it is!! I've got plenty to say about it as it was a LONG book so if any of you have any questions feel free to ask. I'm going to go ice my fingers now, they're numb! LOL. Have a good day!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: February 10, 2009, 12:10:47 AM »
Oh, did our comments help at all with your understanding of the Rhuidean history sequence?
Yeah, kind of. I think I may have to go back and re-read that more carefully.

I am trying to remember exactly where you are in the book.  Have Rand and Co. been to Cold Rocks Hold yet?
On a separate note, as someone who enjoys target shooting, this book begins to show how unbelievably awesome the Two Rivers people are with bows, especially Tam Al'Thor and Abell Cauthon. 
I JUST got to Cold Rock's Hold last night. Yes Tam and Abell have certainly proven themselves against the Trollocs defending the Two Rivers. I have the feeling that there's a lot more to learn about Tam.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: February 07, 2009, 07:00:46 PM »
Lanfear totally totally schooled Nyneave and Elayne in the use of the Power. They thought it was Liandran and were all ready to capture her and then Lanfear walked in and she is so powerful that they were helpless. Somehow she managed to make Nyneave and Elayne completely under her control (Spirit??) and made them tell her everything!! Why they were there and who they were she knows it all!! LOL  VERY great scene.

I thought it was Moghedian.

Whoops! I don't even know who that is yet. LOL  I re-read it and they actually don't mention the character by name, I just figured it was Lanfear because it was female and had superb control of the power and talked of the other Forsaken. My mistake guys!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: February 07, 2009, 12:35:56 AM »
Update! I'm on page 529 now. Sorry for the delay but this is a long friggin' book and I have two jobs!

Well Rand and Mat are in the Waste and now they are heading to call a meeting of all the Aeil tribes to come together. This is easier said than done because many of the tribes don't get along, plus they're not all happy about Rand because the prophecy says he'll destroy them. Very interesting how a race of people so dedicated to prophecy would get so upset when it comes true. I actually really liked this. Their religion comes in conflict with their feelings. Worth thinking about. I'm back to liking Rand. I understand that he has a a lot on his shoulders and I'm very curious to see how he'll unite the tribes. Mat is still the man. I've liked him from day one and he still remains the most down to Earth character. Perrin and Faile are in Two Rivers and have had some nice battle scenes there too! He just made a pact with the Whitecloaks (who were initially there to find him and kill him) to hold off their feud until the Trollocs are dealt with. I'm DYING to know how this plays out. I'm seeing a lot of growth in Perrin and he truly is becoming a leader. I'm warming up to Faile, though girls who play games like she does tend to be difficult to like. Nyneave, Elayne, and Thom are in Tanchico. They introduced a couple new characters here. For a whole chapter I was lost. I had no idea who anybody was or what they were talking about. Eaginin just rescued them from some thieves so I guess I see some kind of friendship there. I honestly don't know what they plan on doing about the Black Ajah. If you ask me, they came a little unprepared. Now.....the last scene I read...was the one of the best scenes in the entire series. Lanfear totally totally schooled Nyneave and Elayne in the use of the Power. They thought it was Liandran and were all ready to capture her and then Lanfear walked in and she is so powerful that they were helpless. Somehow she managed to make Nyneave and Elayne completely under her control (Spirit??) and made them tell her everything!! Why they were there and who they were she knows it all!! LOL  VERY great scene. I have no idea what they are going to do now. This book is getting better and better, though I wouldn't put it above Dragon Reborn just yet. This is a LONG book and some parts carry on. Again I'm sorry my update took so long. I was just planning to do an update when I finished but that might not be for another week and a half. I appreciate your comments and your patience!! I'll be back to work on the book soon enough!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: January 28, 2009, 09:30:57 PM »
No problem Shaggy. I guess I can edit my first post to let people know. I made it past page 300 last night! They are in Rhuiden (sp?) Mat and Rand are having some VERY odd adventures there. I found the scene where Rand was seeing important events in Aeil history very confusing. I kind of got it, but I kind of didn't, you know? Maybe it will be better explained later. I really wish he didn't leave Callandor in the stone of Tear. I feel like something bad will happen. Egwene, Nyneave, and Thom set off for Tanchico and I haven't heard about Perrin since he left for Two Rivers. Not much to update. I guess this is the part of the book where everybody goes their separate ways and has their own adventures. I like learning more about the Aeil, even though they are very confusing too. I wish RJ explained their style and culture more thoroughly as you experience it in the book. Much like how Brandon did with the kandra. I like when authors make new cultures, just not when we are thrust into that culture as if we already know how they live and why they speak the way they do. It's a little frustrating at times but there's no way I'm getting down on this book. It's getting very exciting. Thanks again guys!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: January 28, 2009, 02:42:57 AM »
I love the scene where Rand and Logain and a bunch of people like that are in that random manor house and then the hordes of Trollocs and Fades come and attack…and Lews Therin takes control and uses all of that really cool stuff…the new weaves and stuff.…
Um.....I haven't quite gotten there just yet.

I suppose it's up to the individual author to decide if it's relevant to the story or a distraction. Brandon did a good job describing Vin and Elend's relationship and maybe a sex scene would have stopped the story cold in it's tracks. Who knows?? I could go either way. Some book I've read have some pretty graphic sex scenes, like a couple of Stephen King's books do. They fit the story and served their purpose. Not all books are alike. So, I don't necessarily think it was "missing" from Mistborn. More that it just didn't belong.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: January 26, 2009, 11:08:13 PM »
Thanks SarahG. No I don't know what gateways are yet, but I guess it's not far away.

Well, I'm a little over 200 pages in and this book is awesome. The best so far. The scene where EVERYBODY battles Fades and Trolloc's in the Stone of Tear was awesome. Rand's quick battle with Lanfear was the highlight for me. I think he would have won if he hadn't left Callandor in his room. At least he got it eventually and then WOW, he can really use that thing. Exellent scene, followed by a sad but also great scene where Rand is so upset he tries to bring a girl back to life using Callandor while Moiraine is telling him he can't. Very tense scene! At least they've had some funny scenes, like Rand using the One Power to pinch Egwene on the bum. Then Elayne does it back to him a lot harder. I'm enjoying Rand learning more and more about the power and how to use it (because the reader learns as Rand learns) I'm starting to take back what I said about Moiraine in the last post. She's actually dropped some lines in this book that hint at her motivations and her desire to help. Perrin is heading back to Two Rivers with Faile, Loial, and some Aiel. Faile is the one with the attitude problem now. She's making Perrin's life miserable with her squabbling with Berelain( where the hell did SHE come from?! lol) over his love. Mat wants to leave but can't. I feel for Mat, he feels like he's just been plopped down in the middle of things but I KNOW his role is more important. He went into the doorway to ask the questions and was given a destination. Very funny scene when, after he exits, Rand and Moiraine come out and she yells at both of them. Neither knew the other was in there. Let's see what else:
-Lan kissed Nyneave (didn't see that coming)
-Rand kissed Elayne (been waiting for that)
-Min works directly for the Amyrlin now, she's grown her hair out and wears a dress for a disguise
-Rand inadvertantly causes weird things to happen (reflections coming to life trying to kill him)

Man, a lot has happened so far in this book and I'm barely a third of the way through. Very exciting! I can't wait to read more and I will keep you guys updated! Thanks again!

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