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lip synching


The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
I advocate it.

I was walking to work "singing" along with Too Much Joy on "King of Beers" and it made several people smile. It felt good.

I just wanted to share.


How do you know they were smiling at you?  :o :o :o


--- Quote from: Shaggy on March 04, 2009, 10:09:48 PM ---How do you know they were smiling at you?  :o :o :o

--- End quote ---

What's that suppose to mean Shaggy?


If you have access to a four-yr-old, get them to do it.  It is highly enjoyable and can give you fits of giggles for hours afterward.

Bookstore Guy:
late to the party - oh well.

another aspect of lip synching that i have recently changed my thoughts on is the following:

if a singer is terribad, would I rather listen to a mixed-cleaned-altered-sung-by-another-person song, or the awful rendition in the person's real voice that makes me wonder if the Apocalypse has come and I am in Hell?

Answer: if they absolutely MUST be out and about pretending to be good (yes all you pop-blond-divas, i am looking at you), then please yes, don't actually sing. It is hazardous to the health of the populace.

That is all.


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