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So I know there was a thread some ways back about people's iPods, but I'm too lazy to look for it. I'm loving my cute little iPod, but I'm having trouble with the earbuds. Perhaps it's just Boston winter weather, but I've only had it a week, and I'm getting static in one side. Is this just expected quality for the earbuds, and I should replace them, or are they supposed to be really good? Should I return them and get new ones, or just buy a good pair of headphones?

Stacer, I personally have not had any problems with my earbuds, and I have had them out in cold Michigan weather. I like them better than the several other pairs that I have had, so I think it is just a problem with that particular pair.


Best portable headphones ever created.  They have a lifespan of about 2 years, I'm on my third pair.  they don't fall off/out and are very comfortable.

Available at Circuit City and Best Buy and several other random places, if you don't feel like paying for shipping.

And now I get to put my money where my mouth is and use my Sony earphones with my very own iPod.  Ohhhhh, and there was much music and rejoicing in the land.  And much dancing around pretending like I'm in an iPod commerical, I'm not ashamed to say.  Not ashamed at all!

Annoyingly, my iPod case did not come soon enough and now that I'm paranoid about hearing other people's stories about their iPods getting all scratched up right away, I had to break out the sewing skillz tonight and do a makeshift case for my new toy.  Fortunately, it's very small.

I just got a zen micro for my Birthday (which isn't for a few weeks, but I was in town visiting the familiy and my dad surprised me).

To quote Fuzzy "there was much rejoicing".


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