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General => Everything Else => Topic started by: 42 on April 07, 2005, 06:54:33 PM

Title: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: 42 on April 07, 2005, 06:54:33 PM

Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: GorgonlaVacaTremendo on April 07, 2005, 07:07:32 PM
Yes, because children that day are choosing their own diet...I think it would be more effective to open every episode of The Simple Life with an interesting fact on nutrition and fitness to counteract with the IQ points dropped from watching the show.  Scratch that.  Make it a gross interesting facts...
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: fuzzyoctopus on April 07, 2005, 09:51:41 PM
You know, i saw that article.  And I tried to be upset, but I just couldn't.  I don't mind one bit.

I mean, I bet you didn't see the episode when he had the cookie flu and getting anywhere near cookies made him sneeze convulsively.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on April 07, 2005, 10:01:08 PM
I didn't see that episode and I'm still finding it hard to get my dander up.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: 42 on April 07, 2005, 10:06:58 PM
But I love cookies. (not the computer kind)
They are delicious.

Now I will have no one to share my addiction with.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: Archon on April 07, 2005, 10:46:11 PM
I personally find it disgusting that people actually go so far as to change this, when many parents will not take responsibility for their own kids. (No offense to the parents on the board, I hope you know I am not referring to you) They think that this is the way to keep kids away from obesity? How about reducing the huge amount of McDonald's food that they eat? Like Gorgon said, it isn't like the kids that make up the most prominent viewer demographic of Sesame Street are choosing their own diets. This just shows me that parents, and people in general, need to start taking more responsibility for their actions.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: fuzzyoctopus on April 07, 2005, 11:25:13 PM
Of course they do.  But the thing is you and I both know that millions of parents never will.  So sesame street, whose producers care about kids, I feel, are trying to teach *something* good to those kids whose parents never spend more than 5 min a day with them.\
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: Archon on April 08, 2005, 12:05:23 AM
Yes, unfortunately, I do know that. However, the kids that you are describing, the ones who are ignored by their parents, to succed they would have to be highly motivated children. They have to be motivated enough to learn things on their own, because if their parents aren't going to teach them what every good parent should, then they will have to find that knowledge on their own. I see where you are coming from, saying that Sesame Street is trying to fill in that gap. But, if a child is motivated enough to go out and learn all of the things that they need on their own, I should think that obesity would not be an issue, unless, of course, it was genetic. If they turned their mind to having a more healthy diet, then they would have a more healthy diet. If not, then they won't, and the tv show isn't going to make a difference in that. So, in conclusion, it was with good intentions, but I think that it would be of more service as a source of humor. I personally remember thinking that the Cookie Monster scarfing a whole plate of chocolate chip cookies was hilarious, and if there is anything that the kids who are neglected by their parents need, in my humble opinion, it is a good laugh.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: fuzzyoctopus on April 08, 2005, 12:14:14 AM
I guess I just think this CNN guy is making a big deal out of small beans.  It's NOT the first time they've had cookie monster do this.  In the 80's there was a Cookie Monster  rap song called "Healthy Food" about how you cant' eat cookies all the time.

Why is this such a big deal now?  Just because america's parents are getting worse?
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: Archon on April 08, 2005, 12:28:59 AM
To me, it is a big deal now, because I wasn't aware of it before. And, also, I feel that it is showing the underlying problem, that too many people don't care enough to do something for their own kids, so they expect someone else, generally the government, to do something for them. So much responsibility is being delegated now, that the government is gaining leeway to put more restrictions on people, because many, if not most, want the government to run their lives for them.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: fuzzyoctopus on April 08, 2005, 12:33:55 AM
Ok, CNN guy sees this development as a bastardization of his childhood memory of Sesame Street.

You see it as.... part of a movement that will increase government control over our lives?

Dude.  It's a freaking kids show.  I feel like you're wasting your time being upset about this, but hey this is the TWG and far be it from me to tell you how to waste your time.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: Archon on April 08, 2005, 01:52:51 AM
I see it as both, actually. And I am not upset, fuzzy. I do not get upset often, and it would take much more than this to cause it. I just think it is sad.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on April 08, 2005, 09:13:51 AM
How dare a show aimed at helping kids learn and grown and understand the things they need try to teach them healthy habits! Why! They might as well be telling them to brush their teeth and not kill people! How horrid! Obviously, CNN guy's childhood memories are much more sacred than the futures of the children watching this show!

See, I don't think it's trampling anything sacred. Whether or not parents are supervising their children is irrelevant. Sesame Streets ENTIRE PURPOSE is not to entertain you or come up with a cool marketable property. It is to educate children. And proper diet is part of that education. Frankly I'd be upset if they never did it. I'm having a real hard time understand how anyone can maturely make the jump that this is something offensive. Sure, there's something a little sad about the character of your memory being modified slightly, but Sesame Street doesn't exist to feed your nostalgia -- which so many 80s and earlier properties have become. Unlike Fat Albert or the Smurfs, Sesame Street is still in production and keeps updating itself to keep up with what kids like and what they need. They're delivering what the kids want and need. Not what some teenager -- and especially not what some CNN reporter with too much time on his hands and not enough work to do -- wants them to be.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: 42 on April 08, 2005, 09:28:15 AM
I don't find it offensive. I'm just sad that my kids (if I ever have any) might never know the joy of watching a blue-furred cookie-addict OD on sugar and starch goodness.

I liked Cookie Monster, and Oscar.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on April 08, 2005, 09:59:52 AM
well, I don't honestly think that they'll never show him chowing down again.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: JP Dogberry on April 08, 2005, 10:07:36 AM
Forget Cookie Rehab, I'm in the mood for a Cookie Kebab.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: Archon on April 08, 2005, 06:13:30 PM
How dare a show aimed at helping kids learn and grown and understand the things they need try to teach them healthy habits! Why! They might as well be telling them to brush their teeth and not kill people! How horrid! Obviously, CNN guy's childhood memories are much more sacred than the futures of the children watching this show!

Who is acting indignant over this? At the ending of the article, the journalist comes to support, or at the very least accept, the change they made. I wasn't upset about it, I just said that it was sad, as did the other people who had a problem with the change. No one has said that it is an offensive change. So don't be so quick to mitigate other people's opinions like such:
They're delivering what the kids want and need. Not what some teenager -- and especially not what some CNN reporter with too much time on his hands and not enough work to do -- wants them to be.

Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: MsFish on April 08, 2005, 09:52:18 PM
and especially not what some CNN reporter with too much time on his hands and not enough work to do

Yeah.  He should be like the rest of us...completely productive and never talking about anything inane or unimportant!

Oh wait... ;D

I think the whole thing is sad, because if Cookie Monster isn't addicted to cookies, he's not much of a Cookie Monster, is he?  He's more of a Cookie Connoisseur.  And that just doesn't have the same ring to it.  
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: fuzzyoctopus on April 08, 2005, 10:42:57 PM
Yeah well, Maria and Luis haven't run the Fix-It shop for the last few years either and we all got along ok.

But Scott Kurtz seems to agree with y'all


I'm on the other end of the spectrum, with the guy from websnark.


(warning: swearing)
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on April 09, 2005, 09:14:06 AM
The CNN guy was indignant for most of his article, and it's just a stupid approach to take. ANd Kurtz is indignant about it too. I think it absolutely retarded that anyone thinks that this is a choice between semsame street trying to send good nutrition messages and parents not teaching. And that Kurtz's comparison are marketing trademarks. This whole debate is stupid.

Yes, I used the word stupid, and I don't intend to take that back.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: MsFish on April 09, 2005, 04:02:14 PM
Wow.  That was unneccessary.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: Archon on April 09, 2005, 05:44:44 PM
SE, I don't see why you are so upset by this. Nobody else from the board seems to be, we are just expressing opinions, whereas you seem to take this matter personally. I don't get why this issue is worth getting upset over.
I think it absolutely retarded that anyone thinks that this is a choice between semsame street trying to send good nutrition messages and parents not teaching.

For my part, I did not say that it was a choice, one or the other. I did say that it is the parents' job to see that their child has a healthy diet. And if the parent doesn't do so, that Sesame Street is not going to help, especially considering that parents do the grocery shopping, prepare meals, etc. Therefore, I find it unnecessary to take away from the humor of the show, to deliver a well-meaning, but not very useful message.
The CNN guy was indignant for most of his article, and it's just a stupid approach to take

Being indignant is a stupid approach to take? I would say that you are being pretty indignant over this whole situation, so I think we should establish that being indignant isn't inherently a stupid approach.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on April 09, 2005, 05:53:06 PM
let me clarify soem things here.
Archon, I never, never NEVER said you were upset.
Fish, I never, never NEVER said anyone here was stupid.
I said this debate was stupid. I think that the people who are indignant about Cookie Monster, and yes, there ARE those people, and NO, I never said people here were among them, I said that THOSE people were engaged in a stupid activity.

If you take issue with that, I suggest that you are FAR too sensitive and are just ready to take offense and find me cruel. Which, personally, I think a lot ofpeople are startign to do with me. I can't help that. Go see a counselor for it.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: MsFish on April 09, 2005, 08:15:05 PM
There is really no reason for you to say nasty things like that.  I don't see why you have to get personal about it.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: Archon on April 09, 2005, 08:20:24 PM
SE, I know you weren't saying I was upset. I was asking why you were, because I don't understand what makes this issue so angering to you.

As for your comment about counciling, I think you need to realize that that could qualify as a low blow. Which is fine, assuming you are prepared to receive low blows, which I don't think is something that anyone wants to see on the board. So, in the end, I think that was really out of place, and you are getting defensive when nobody is attacking you.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: MsFish on April 09, 2005, 08:22:55 PM
It sure felt like a low blow, and that doesn't seem fine to me.   :'(
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: fuzzyoctopus on April 09, 2005, 08:29:24 PM
SE, breathe.

In 24 hours come back and look at this thread.  You are being unnecessarily hostile.  

Saying the debate is stupid is fine, but  "You're all too sensitive, go see a  counselor for it,"  is over the top.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: Entsuropi on April 09, 2005, 10:53:15 PM
I am tempted.
Title: Re: Cookie Rehab?
Post by: JP Dogberry on April 09, 2005, 11:02:30 PM
Violent, angry debate.
