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Messages - Shrain

Pages: 1 ... 129 130 [131] 132 133 ... 136
Everything Else / Re: Disturbing stuff found on the Internet
« on: November 25, 2005, 09:26:47 PM »
I'm a total Star Wars dork, and even I don't really know what to make of this.

Um... I think I know what to make of that questionable link: it's Anakin Skywalker crossed with Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson. And, having seen it, let me say: eeeeek!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Weirder Stuff in the News
« on: November 24, 2005, 09:00:29 PM »
Yes, I agree that it struck me as a tad unprofessional. In fact, the article began sounding suspiciously like a personal ad. ;)
[Single, "highly eligible" 29-year-old RM, BYU grad, and big-time fantasy author who has ambition and likes to work out will be available to speak to this Friday at Waldenbooks in Provo. So stop on by, have a look see!]
Perhaps this is the reason for EUOL dubbing this link as "weirder stuff," hmm? :o
Or perhaps I shouldn't have had *quite* so much pie today...

Rants and Stuff / Re: Call for Happy Things, again.
« on: November 24, 2005, 08:25:48 PM »
That looks like a very-well-prepared-for-winter *and* pregnant she-racoon, to me.

Ahhh, yes, now -that's- a likely explanation. Hadn't considered that my visitor might be an expectant mum. ;)

But adorable.  The "wipe your paws" mat is almost too great to be not posed.

Yeah, I loved that I got the mat in the picture with all the words nice 'n' visible. :D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Weirder Stuff in the News
« on: November 24, 2005, 02:03:31 PM »
Cool! Perfect timing, I agree.

"Thank God for Google" indeed! Huh, funny how EUOL never ever mentioned that part of the story in any his 318 lectures.... or the part about Moshe not being immediately "taken" with ELANTRIS. ;)

But what really gets me is the reference to BYU's legendary status as the epicenter of LDS Datedom. :P  Oh, bruh-ther! Okay, I'll admit that I chuckled at the reporter's seeming amazement that anyone could remain single after attending BYU as a RM. Mainly, though, the guy's statement kinda irritates me.

Yeah, yeah, I know there's good reason for BYU's rep. But it bugs me that people seem think of education second and marriage first when categorizing BYU. Some of us did go to BYU primarily to get an education, people! Sure, finding a soul mate woulda been cool, too, but, well, gimme a break. *sigh*

<shrain rolls her eyes and then gets ready to go eat a bunch of turkey because that's what you do on Thanksgiving Day.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Call for Happy Things, again.
« on: November 24, 2005, 01:33:16 PM »
Nope. ... I'm putting it aside tonight and vegging, though. . . . Dang, I was going to see Serenity this week and I forgot. Maybe I'll do that for a matinee tomorrow, if they're open on Thanksgiving.

Darn. Well, at least you can take a well-deserved break today. It's funny you should mention Serenity becuase, on the advice of one of my friends, I rented Firefly Disc 1 from Netflix and loved it! Man, I can't believe I'd never seen it. Well, okay, I didn't have cable when it was on the air, and the cable I have now doesn't include the sci fi channel.  :(
But now that I've seen the first 3 episodes, I can't wait to see the rest--few though they may be. Of course, I am rather grumpy to learn that there were only 14 episodes, 3 of which never aired.  >:( Hmmph. Stupid TV execs!! Anyway, I'm going to watch Serenity as soon as I've seen all the TV episodes. Goodie!!
Oh, and I'm also happy because not only did my homemade pies turn out great, but I successfully uploaded the pic onto snapfish. Don't they look yummy?
Plus, I had an interesting porch guest this morning when I went out back to take the trash out. I was about to open my screen door when I noticed the fattest racoon I've ever seen! Of course, I've only seen maybe two or three. Anyway, this porky racoon (I call him the Thanksgiving Bandit) was just sitting there on the rug, which of course made me let out a scream.
He put up his head and just blinked at me as if I should've known he'd taken up residence on my back porch. By the look of him, he must've eaten a whole turkey yesterday. ;)

Everything Else / Re: What are you thankful for?
« on: November 24, 2005, 12:56:33 PM »
Finding a great place to live in Boston.
Getting into Emerson.
The Savior, the gospel, my testimony, my ward.
My family (whom I miss very much).
My doggie (whom I also miss a lot right now).
All my good friends.
The internet--which helps me stay in touch with those aforementioned friends and loved ones.
My editing abilities.
My writing talents.
Music, many types for my many moods.
Food! 'Nough said.
My cool collection of antique inkwells.
Cameras, because I love photography.
The photos I brought with me to Boston.
All my favorite books and writers.
Great movies and great friends to watch them with.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Rants and Stuff / Re: Call for Happy Things, again.
« on: November 23, 2005, 10:50:57 PM »
Thanks! I am totally looking forward to it.
But how's work coming on that editing project? Almost done?

Rants and Stuff / Re: Call for Happy Things, again.
« on: November 23, 2005, 09:47:15 PM »
I made pies! Pie crusts and all. One cherry, one apple. They turned out so well. Yay! :D
Instead of feeling all sorry for myself not being home for Thanksgiving, I decided to make pies. Now I can bring one to the dinner that my ward's 1st councilor is hosting at his house for all us Thanksgiving "orphans." Cool.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Yet more grumpiness
« on: November 23, 2005, 09:39:26 PM »

I have scoliosis, but it's mild enough that it doesn't trouble me if I get regular upper-body exercise.

My roommate has mild scoliosis, too. She does a lot of tae kwon do (sp?) and pilates.


I'm really, really stressed right now. ... I'm probably going to be here at work till midnight; .... What with the virus yesterday, I'm even more behind than I was before, so I'm only about 1/3 through editing a book that I've already spent a week and a half on, and I have to get it done tomorrow.

Dang, that sucks! I hate it when you're up against this deadline that seems impossible. I hope you conquer the ms. long before midnight, though.
I was 20 minutes late for class on Mon. night because I hadn't finished this beastly marketing project, complete with a phoney author questionnaire, press release, list of target publications, marketing plan, and on and on.
I nearly had a panic attack just trying to get it finished, yet it's not like I procrastinated. All the research took much longer than I thought and "technical difficulties" got in the way. I think my MS Word is permanently screwed up on my computer and is in need of re-installation. blech.
Good luck. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya!

Rants and Stuff / Re: Gotta Love These "Author Signing" Guidelines
« on: November 23, 2005, 02:26:56 PM »
Ah. Well, I'm sad to hear that's why you're moving... :( I hoped maybe you'd just been bitten by the wanderlust bug or something. But at least you'll get the TLC you need, right? It's nice to know that you can rely on your family when your health or whatever blows up in your face. Still, I wish you were heading to CA under better circumstances...
Oh, and good luck with that special diet. My mom did something very similar. No yeast-bearing foods, no meat except rabbit, no sugar. Given that my mom was born with a major sweet tooth and that yeast is in just about everything these days, she wasn't such a fan of this diet. But if it works, then it's worth it. Best of luck!

Movies and TV / Re: Harry Potter 4 -- The Goblet of Fire
« on: November 22, 2005, 03:56:31 PM »
It worries me because I want to like the new one, and if the third was better, than this one = teh suck.

K, I'm not trying to take sides at all here. Just as an aside to e, personally I also thought #3 was the worst one out of all of them yet that #4 was the best. Actually, GOF really restored my faith that HP can be done well on screen. :D So ...have no fear, be of good cheer! I think you'll like #4.

Everything Else / Re: Chimera
« on: November 22, 2005, 03:41:07 PM »

Are you helping someone circumvent federal law?!  :o

Can I just say, hurray for the dark underbelly of TWG and hurray for Entropy's techno know-how!  :D
<All this is strictly off the record, of course.. ;)>

Everything Else / Re: Dueling Oneself
« on: November 22, 2005, 03:29:25 PM »
Huh, I'll have to do that sometime. I find the idea of fighting onself irresistably poetic.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Gotta Love These "Author Signing" Guidelines
« on: November 22, 2005, 03:20:38 PM »
Ah, smog. I'll get to enjoy that again when I move back to California.  :P

You're moving back to CA, Chimera? Soon or just something you plan on eventually? Did that internship for the New Era not come thru? I think you said they'd get back to you before Thanksgiving, right?

Rants and Stuff / Re: Yet more grumpiness
« on: November 22, 2005, 03:18:32 PM »
...because chronic fatigue doesn't affect your blood.

Hey, I have CFS, too. Didn't know that's what you had. Too bad for both us us, eh? I've found that exercise makes a huge difference for me. Anyway, the blood plasma thing twice a week would probably be too much for me--what with the needles being involved and not just the CFS.  :P But maybe it'll be just the thing to help you make ends meet!

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