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Messages - Seraf

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« on: March 29, 2008, 02:57:12 AM »
Ookla, I would like to ask if your opinion about the mothers in the breeding program is colored by how you've been one of the people involved in the pre-reading of these books from the start, or if I'm mistaken and you weren't one of the early [pre-publishing]readers. I always thought that the women were skaa; in fact, I thought that Straff says that in the book... anyways, on a side-note, Hema means blood, it's not just the suffix to Hematology.
      On another note, I've been wondering about how there are only 12 spikes. Wouldn't this mean that they don't have the High Allomantic metal powers?...

even if she HAD somehow found silver, she'd simply have been able to hear and see better.  Which would have made her better at finding the atium. 

  (Note: She wouldn't have ended up on a hook.  Inquisitors had other...uses for skaa Mistings they captured.  See book three.) 

In fact, this already has too many spoilers.  Ask me more after Mistborn 3 is out.
First, as before, I am assuming that the change from silver to tin was not an easy one. Second, are you referring to the sacrifices in the Inquisitor creation process? {random guess}

Brandon Sanderson / Re: So..what should Brandon do next?
« on: January 22, 2008, 09:26:08 PM »
Dragonsteel IS supposed to be Epic though, I thought. I need that series to come out next. Unless EUOL feels that Dragonsteel won't have enough of a BANG to start off his next book with, in which case either start a big new epic, [By which I mean no more than5 books, or else I will hunt you down...] or else have that awesome standalone turn into a duology and release a big number of middleweights all at once. Other than the sucky ending and some clarifications of magic and Deus Ex Machina[literally] removals, Warbreaker is stand-aloney enough to live awhile all alone. Scribbler needs to come out soon to.[Is that the stand alone?]

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: January 09, 2008, 04:10:01 AM »
The whole thing about the Returned using Breath seemed rather obvious to me: Returned may keep as many Breath in their bodies as they wish, but they MUST be given one to consume in a week. As such, if they had 100 Breath, then they wouldn't technically reach new Heightnings since they are gods, but they CAN awaken. If they have those 100 breaths, then they would need to keep at least one of these in their bodies at all times. If they never Awakened, then they would use up those 100 Breaths over 100 weeks to continue living. That's how both Vasher and Susebron do it. What confused me more was that the Scholars are supposedly all Awakened or else had enough Breath to live 300 years. So how do they hide these required Breaths without dying?

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