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Messages - Comfortable Madness

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I thought of that, which is why I put up the equation.  A normal humans vision can only see 60 frames a second.  With atium and tin, that might jump to 120 frames a second and a couple of moments into the future (let's say 3 seconds as an approximation), but if duralumin flared pewter makes you close the distance faster than 1/360th of a second, the attack would go faster than atium + tin could account for.  Even if it was 1/120th of a second, you'd only see three quick images of the person going for you, giving the atium burner only a vague idea of what you're going to do.

I see what your saying here, I think. But, my point is that with atium speed is a nonfactor. If you can see an action before it happens and are given the ability to process the information at an inhuman rate, which atium allows, you move before the other person even knows what they were going to do. Take for example Vin's fight with Zane at the end of TWoA. Vin uses Zane's reactions to her own yet unformed attacks to trick him into a defensive posture for an attack that she, now knowing Zane had atium, never intended to do. The only reason she won the fight, in large part, was due to Zanes cockyness. He truly believed that he had all the advantages and thought that Vin did not stand a chance. Although, after writing this I'm going to have to go back and reread that scene to remember how exactly the end of that fight plays out.

A couple of points
. Vin could tell a person  was burning atium by burning bronze. (She can pierce copper clouds)
. Duralumin doesn't burn insanely fast it only gives you a massive flare of whatever metal you burn with it thus burning the metal but leaving Duralumin behind for further use.

First off, it takes some extreme concentration on her part to pierce copper clouds and decipher which metal it is. I don't think she would be able to do that and defend herself against an attack. Second, I wrote that duralumin burns insanely fast and you are correct it does not the metal that flares does. However, my point still holds true that the metal needed for the above theory, pewter, would burn insanely fast due to the duralumin, even faster than atium

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Poll Time!
« on: February 13, 2008, 11:21:47 PM »
While it's true duralumin effects something inside of a mistborn it is technically an external metal since it effects the metals and not the person.

Hmmmm....Very interesting Craysh. Although, one problem with that is while atium burns quickly, duralumin burns insanely fast. Another issue that might be a problem is the fact that during a fight Vin might not know that a person is using atium unless she is using it as well or if she has already attacked.

Furthermore, I think it would be impossible to be to fast for atium. Atium gives you the ability to see a couple of instances in the future. So, no matter how fast you are, when you do actually act, it shows you what that action will be before that happens. For example, if someone were to decide to punch an atium burner in the face, the atium burner will have already moved out of the way of the punch before the puncher physically puts that punch into motion . Thus, negating any advantage of how fast said punch will come.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn 3 Cover (Slight Spoilers for Mistborn 2)
« on: February 13, 2008, 06:36:33 PM »
I have to agree, Survivors Apostale, that I did not think that this represented that scene. There are too many inquistors and I can't see their spikes. Also, Vin's hair is way to long.

It is, however, in my opionion a great cover. My favorite one to date....

Oh and by the way Crystal Kitten, there really is such a thing as pretty girls in the real world.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Poll Time!
« on: February 13, 2008, 03:42:09 PM »
At first I thought maybe a lurcher or coinshot because it's always been a fantasy of mine to have telekinetic powers and those two would be the closest. Although, in the end I have to go with being a thug. Their ability to heal rapidly and their outright resistance to damage is just to much to pass up.

I think that there are enough uninhabited places across the empire that they could stay relatively hidden. Just as long as they kept a decent distance from civilization. 

Books / Any reading suggestions???
« on: February 08, 2008, 02:33:05 PM »
I am looking to start reading a new series or stand alone story and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions? I'm kind of leaning towardThe Wayfarer Redemption series by Sara Douglass. Opinions anyone?

Books / Re: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« on: February 08, 2008, 02:27:29 PM »
As far as female characters go, I have to say Nynaeve is my favorite. After she cleansed saidin with Rand it was pretty much sealed. I also love how she takes control in most situations by sheer force of will but then there are characters that she , sometimes unconciously, will defer to.

Another really cool female character, I think, is Berelain. I think it's really cool how everyone sees her as a useless tramp but she really is an exceptional leader for Mayene. Also, I like how the wise ones treat her like an equal when not even Aes Sedai are treated that way...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Theory on why Vin is so powerful *spoilers*
« on: February 06, 2008, 07:39:16 PM »

I had a feeling that was wrong the whole time I was writing that. I even went so far as to write it into Microsoft Word and then ran spell check. Stupid program told me that there was nothing that needed to be corrected. Oh well you can still get what I'm trying to say. Thanks for the info. So sorry to irritate you so...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Theory on why Vin is so powerful *spoilers*
« on: February 06, 2008, 04:43:44 PM »
You put together an interesting theory Plasman. One that I did not see for myself, to be honest. However, I believe that while hemalurgy may have something to do with it, there is more to it that that. Specifically the fact that she is the "Hero of Ages". Well not in the way that we originally thought but she was chosen by the Well to free it. Meaning that she is special for some other reason because as you stated Inquistors and Zane hear the voice and have the spikes but they were not the ones the Well chose. This leads me to believe that she is the one prophesized to save everyone. Thus, she has the enormous amount of power that would be required to do so......

I kind of ended on a paradox there. Does Vin have the power because she is the prophesized one or is she the prophesized one because she has the power to be the prophesized one??? Hmmm....interesting

Music / Re: What are you Listening to?
« on: February 01, 2008, 03:49:47 PM »
Has anyone bought the Chevelle cd Vena Sera? If so is the bonus track, In Debt to Earth, on there? I bought that cd awhile back and then found out about that song later while browsing through itunes. But, you can't buy that song from itunes because it is a bonus track only for when you buy the cd, or so it says. The only problem with that is I own the cd and that song is not on there. Which is quite upsetting because it is a really good tune. So did they add that track onto later additions of the album or what?

Brandon Sanderson / A moral dilemma(slight MB2 spoilers)
« on: February 01, 2008, 12:02:55 AM »
This might be posted in the wrong forum but I got the idea from reading MB2 so I'm posting it here.....

O.K. So, I was reading the scene where Sazed gets nabbed by Jastes' koloss and it got me thinking about this situation. I was thinking that what if(although this still may happen, I am still reading MB2) those koloss just lost it and attacked Straff's and Cett's armies. More to the point, I was thinking about what Elend would do if this happened. The koloss are bloodthirsty grotesque brutes that would kill with reckless abandon, I think, and looking out over the walls and seeing this slaughter I thought that Elend might have a problem with that. True the koloss would be taking out two armies threating his kingdom and probably weakening themselves enough in the process to be beaten by Elends own forces. Although, him being who he is, he might send in his own troops to aide the human troops against the koloss. However, as I continued to read on he simply dismissed the thought, or so it seemed, and Breeze commented on how much of a good thing that would be....

So, lets replace the koloss with something far more evil, trollocs. Lets say your a king in Elends exact posistion but looking over the besieging forces one day one-hundred thousand trollocs engage the human forces and begin to lay waste to their ranks. Now tactically this is a good thing the forces are at even strength with maybe a slight edge to the trollocs due to sheer brutallity and intimidation. Thus, at the end of this battle you have the strongest army left standing and will be able to secure your kingdom for another day. On the other hand, maybe Straff and Cett are horrible men and get what they deserve but the soldiers are just soldiers doing what their king tells them. Which is by no means atrocious, I mean thats what kingdoms do they expand by use of force. So, should you sacrifice your own forces to aid those whom a moment ago were besieging your city or would you sit back and wait???

I've been asking myself what I would do in that situation and would be interested in hearing what others would do......

As much as I would love to read about things like the Aiel War or Hawkwings rise to power, I think I have to side with CrystalKitten on this one. I really love that Mr. Sanderson is finish the last book of the series but it was Mr. Jordan's world. Although, I did not think it was a bad thing when Christoper Tolkien took J.R.R.'s notes and expanded on the stories of Middle Earth. So, maybe if Mrs. Rigney (RJ's wife) wanted to put something out along those lines I don't think it would be all that bad.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« on: January 28, 2008, 05:54:20 PM »
The people I would cast....

Vin- Natalie Portman or Keira Knightley
Kelsier- Ryan Reynolds
Ham- Christian Bale
Breeze- Russel Crowe
Dox- Clive Owen
Lord Ruler- Viggo Mortensen???
Elend- Leonardo DiCaprio or Ryan Gosling

Books / Re: How has your views on WoT characters changed over the years?
« on: January 28, 2008, 05:08:43 PM »
I got to say that the one character that my thoughts changed the most on I as read was Mat. Especially, as I read through the series the first time. In the first couple of books he wanted to just be away from any form of responsibility and as far away from Rand as humanly possible. Then as I read on I realized that even though he really did want to do those things, in the end he would do what he had to. In the beginning I used to think Perrin was the coolest character in the book. However, as  I read on Mat began to slowly replace him as my favorite character, besides Rand, in the whole book. Perrin use to seem like the one that would always be there to help Rand out but after he finds Faile that begins to change in a hurry. Now it's Mat that leads the Dragonsworn armies for Rand and it is Mat who does, pretty much, does whatever Rand asks of him. Now as I finish reading the books for a second time Mat has nearly replaced Rand as my favorite character. As I read I find myself eagerly anticipating the next chapters that deal with Mat even though I already know whats going to happen...

A character that I have really begun to dislike is Elayne. I really could not stand the how mad she was that Rand thought he could "give" her Andor. I'm sorry I understand that she is the rightful queen and all but she would not have been able to take it back without Rand. There was kind of little problem of the Forsaken running the place until Rand stepped in. There is no way Elayne would have been able to beat Rahvin. So, I believe, that there is a thank you the Rand deserved but never got. She is also one of the many Aes Sedai whom are putting way to much energy into things not regarding the Final Battle....

As for a character that a lot of people don't like that I think is really awsome is Galad. I'm constantly defending how awesome he is to many of my friends who have read the series. Everyone just see's him as some goody-goody tattle. I however, think he is one of the coolest characters in all of the books and the scene with him dueling Eamon Valda is just fantastic!

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