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Messages - bosssmiley

Pages: 1 [2]
Site News / Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« on: July 24, 2005, 08:03:09 PM »
Real name's Chris Hogan. I live in Newcastle, England. I'm a History BA graduate with a load of additional fiddly qualifications including library management and teacher training. Right now I'm trying to get out of my current dead end position and find a career as a history teacher.

In a TWG context I've been a role-player & wargamer since the late 80s. Love sci-fi films & zombie movies. I also maintain a couple of downright kludgy webpages I'll have to update to something more 21st c. sometime.

In many respects I'm a classic 'soft subject' (ie: non sciences) geek. :-/

Rants and Stuff / Re: Insult the person Above you
« on: July 24, 2005, 06:42:21 PM »
If that's the best JadeKnight can do I can only surmise that he is an intellectually moribund specimen of semi-evolved subhumanity with all the wit and panache of a decomposing toad.

Cheers  ;)

Movies and TV / Re: Remakes and the darkness
« on: July 24, 2005, 06:33:03 PM »
Unfortunately as a society we are losing all creative ideas.  Just thing about it, how many songs, shows, and movies are remakes to older books, songs, shows, and movies.  In order to keep people buying into the old stuff redone they have to change it enough in order to have so originality to it.  Most time they use better special effects, different look, and other items of that nature.  This lead so a new futuristic twist to the same old stuff....which most times makes it seem like it is darker then the original

Wasn't the Humphrey Bogart version of "The Maltese Falcon" a remake of the original version of the film? I remember something to that effect in Umberto Eco's "Faith in Fakes".  ???

Didn't Shakespeare steal most of his ideas from Boccaccio and other writers?
Tolkein? *pfft* He just rejigged the Nibelungenlied  :P

I'm of the (somewhat contentious) opinion that there are no new stories under the sun, only good or bad retellings of the ones we have. The tendency of Hollywood to "stick with what works" (Rocky 1-5, Lethal Weapon 1-4, etc.) is just the reducto ad absurdem of this tendency...

Movies and TV / Re: King Kong
« on: July 24, 2005, 06:22:50 PM »
yeah, it doesn't seem too bad of a flick, but I'll be the first to say, who cares?

For fear of being sledged I'll stick my hand up and say "me".

Peter Jackson has *never* made a bad film and his version of "Kong" will ride roughshod over 90+% of the Xmas releases this year.

"Lion, Witch & Wardrobe" or "Kong": where would your time & money go?

Movies and TV / Re: War of the worlds (with added spoilers)
« on: July 24, 2005, 06:12:46 PM »
Weak, weak ending.  The first 2/3 was intense though.

Stupid Spielburg and happy endings.  Letting the son live...grrr.

Spielburg did exactly the same in "Jurassic Park". IIRC that film had Indestructible Children of Doom unharmed by 10,000 volt electric fences.

Unfortunately it seems to be a canon of his filmmaking creed that children and dogs cannot be harmed, even if they do something so stupid as run blindly into the face of a Martian sweep-&-clear operation.  ::)

Pathetic Pollyanna ending by a man who should have stopped making films after "Last Crusade" >:(

Role-Playing Games / Re: Fading Suns
« on: July 24, 2005, 06:00:44 PM »
Im always on the lookout for a good Sci-Fi RPG. Once upon a time I owned FS 1st edition, but there were issues with character creation and some of the rules.

Drive through RPG has FS 2nd edition availible for free this week. Its a better game IMHO.

I understand that the creators (who are very positive in their responses to 'net-based feedback) are working on a 3rd Ed. of "Fading Suns" which will address the issues that many players have with the earlier games. Unfortunately the estimated date of publication is not until mid 2006  :(

Please excuse my intrusion.

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