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I've only finished two of three--a third of the way through the fourth--and believe me when I say that I'm not seasoned either. About the only things I've lernt from my first two and a half books is how to write bad endings.

M - The novel I'm working on is my first, too; I haven't finished it yet. So you're hardly alone.

Maxonennis, even if your endings are as bad as you say they are, just getting there is a huge accomplishment. So congratulations.

I just realized I misspelled learnt on a writing group thread!  ;D

I'm a freshman at Weber State University in Utah, majoring in Art with a Visual Communications emphasis.
     My writing career began at the age of eight, when I wrote a whopping 3 page novel (1/2 of each page was illustrations). I have no idea what is was about. At age nine I wrote the sequel, about 10 pages, in which the bad guy was Megaman. . . I had drawn a picture of him in the same notebook as I was writing, so when I got to that page I just decided to incorporate it into  the story. Later that year, I wrote my third book. 30 written pages (each one 1/2 illustration (stick figure style)), Entitled "Crono and Scott". It was about me going on an adventure with my favorite video game character. . .
     I didn't write anything until seventh grade when I wrote 100 page book.... notebook page... it came out to about 50 pages typed... it was pretty lame....
     The next year I wrote one that took me about a year. It turned out to be about 90k words. Unfortunately, I'm ashamed to even read it, it was so bad. The first chapter was blatantly ripped off from a video game. I tried to go back and change it, but it had such a huge part in the rest of the story that there was no way to salvage it.
     Over the next several years, from the time I was 15, until I was 21, I started a bunch of stories, but none of them got anywhere more than 15k words. In July, however, I began my current novel, Pathros Ascending, in which I am making more progress than I have in anything since I was 15.
    It is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy novel, about dragons in space, basically. Right now I'm at 30k words, and I'm thinking I'm about 1/5 of the way through.
    Hmm... can't think of much else to say about myself.... With most of my works, I spend a LOT of time on World-Building, but, surprisingly, my current novel has very little.
   Well, thats me.

Right, you can call me Flo, everyone does. I'm 22 years old, a student of English Language and Literature (with a side dish of History), and I wrote my first (extremely short) novel when I was eight or so. I believe it was a sort of fanfic of the Famous Five series (or some other similar series, I can't remember), featuring the search for a stolen necklace that ended with an encounter with aliens emerging from UFOs that had landed in the robbers' cave.

Anyways, I have one technically finished manuscript that I'm in the process of rewriting, and once I'm done with that I'll throw a coin to decide whether to continue with fantasy or sci-fi - and I hope to be done sometime early next. Apart from that I've had a few periods of not writing anything, and a few more of writing the first few chapters and then losing interest. Working with a proper outline and and ending to aim for seems to have taken care of that habit, though.


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