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Messages - aqualibrium

Pages: [1]
Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: January 03, 2011, 02:52:12 AM »
Sweet, someone else who writes musicals! (Okay, that makes it sound as if I've actually written musicals. I haven't--I've written songs and I've written stage plays, but the one musical I actually set out to write petered out when I realized I didn't have a story. Still working on it. ::) )

Anyway, welcome to the group!

I wasn't planning on submitting any of my plays or musicals to the group, but if you ever want to read my work feel free to PM me. I'm always looking for feedback.

Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: December 30, 2010, 04:15:42 AM »
I'm a late twenties male in the southeast. I started writing stories when I was child, although I sidelined that and started to get into music composition.  I was in that strong until about 5 years ago when a friend of mine asked me to write some music for a play she was working on. I enjoyed working on the musical so much that I decided to embark upon my own, which I finished last and produced this year with a local theater group. It went over well and I decided I had the writing bug and I had more stories to tell so I wrote another musical which I just finished. My two musicals were both comedies, and I wanted to move into some more serious matter. Unfortunately, the story that popped in my head just wouldn't work at all on the stage for practical purposes.  The idea of writing a novel was downright terrifying to me so for a while  I was stuck, do I write the story or not?

After listening to a lot of writing excuses podcasts I've decided to plunge in and see what happens. If I end up drowning, at least I had fun along the way right? My biggest fear is that I am used to writing in a very limited space. I had 16,000 words to tell my last story (welcome to the world of scripts), and so I have to keep reminding myself that I can slow down and fully flesh out what is going on. I know many suggest short stories before a novel but I feel like I have a strong sense of what makes a good story, I'm more concerned about my prose quality. I'll guess we'll just have to see.

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