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Messages - Patrick Gibbs

Pages: [1]
Movies and TV / Re: review: WANTED
« on: June 28, 2008, 02:51:21 AM »
As for the acting, well, I didn't think it sucked THAT bad.

Some of the acting was not bad. In fact, some of it was good. McAvoy was very good, Krestschmann was very good (I didn't mention him much in my review for reasons that I'm sure Skar knows, having seen the film now), Jolie was adequate, though boring,  and Freeman was very weak. Those last two are usually really good in everything, and that was big deal to me. And the rest of the cast was pretty bad, in particular David O'Hara as Wesley's father in the opening sequence. O'Hara gave very fine  performances in "Braveheart" and "The Departed," and seeing him reduced to a one note snarling jackal made me ill.

In the end, I think Skar and more or less agree about the movie on most levels. I think we both feel that the deciding factor is simply whether or not you had any fun with it - I didn't, clearly he did. That's why, in the end, no review is in infallible.

Movies and TV / Re: review: WANTED
« on: June 28, 2008, 01:29:22 AM »
I totally missed Freeman mugging the camera. (I may have been scrabbling for the last of the popcorn at that very moment, I don't know.)

It was Freeman's last shot in the movie.

Movies and TV / Re: review: WANTED
« on: June 27, 2008, 02:56:30 AM »
That was a very well-written review--one I would expect to read in a publication (though they might have to cut for length). I really enjoyed reading it. I wasn't planning on seeing the movie anyway, but it's nice to know I won't be missing anything.

Thank you. You made my day.

Movies and TV / Re: review: WANTED
« on: June 26, 2008, 01:32:24 AM »
Was it better than Snakes on a Plane? ;)

In all honesty, no. "Snakes on a Plane" was at least aware of how stupid it was. In it's own way, it was campy dumb fun (still, an awful movie, of course, but guilty pleasure dumb fun precisely because it was so bad) but "Wanted" just isn't fun.

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