Local Authors > Dan Wells

I have a thread

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I don't have anything to PUT in a thread, but I have one. Actually, this is probably a good place for a quick FAQ:

1. My name is Dan Wells, and I have a psychological horror series coming out soon.
2. The first book in my series is called I Am Not a Serial Killer.
2. My book will hit shelves in the UK in March of '09, in Germany in October of '09, and in the US in April of '10.

ROFL. Horray! Looking forward to seeing it in print. But why the UK first and in the US so much later? Is it because the publishers thinks you have...um...British kind of humor? What?

Peter Ahlstrom:
All your true friends must import the UK version.

I'll probably get it from the U.K. so I don't have to wait an extra year to read it. lol.

From what I hear about the book on Writing Excuses, it sounds superb. It's unfortunate it comes out so late... I'm eagerly waiting when I get my hands on it. I hope I'll like it!

Fell, do you still need more bacon, or does the Buy Dan Bacon link on Writing Excuses not apply any longer? If you do still crave the bacon (who doesn't? Well, other than vegetarians), what would be the bacon-related items highest on your priorities? Preferably something that no one has given you yet.

EDIT: For shame! There are still many bacon-related items yet to be purchased!


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