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Messages - LongTimeUnderdog

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I found the piece . . . lacking in body, for lack of a better phrasing.  It had all the skeleton parts, was an obvious middle ages setting with wizards.  I hate wizards.  Unless there is something in the wizards that matters like ancestry, the idea of the them existing is inherently flawed.  It would be like when guns were invented, eventually everyone jumped on that band wagon.   There would be no armies, only wizards flying around throwing magic instead of knights on horses bashing swords.  Even if it took 30 years to learn the magic, you can bet the military would have every soldier hitting the books instead of the gym.  Now that I got that out of the way . ..

There was a bit of wit in the dialogue/monologues that made he piece really enjoyable.  I would recommend tightening those up and sewing in a few more and you'll really have us rolling.

I liked the main character, finding his light-hearted antics more then amusing.  I do agree with the other, though, that there is little outside his wit that denotes likability.  also his motivations were quite unclear.  Whiel I know as the reader that a dude with magic is not going to just sack some wagons for kicks and giggles, he still reads like a vandal.

The "Mysterious Stranger," perplexes me.  He's not particularly interesting and while he says "I'll kill you," and our roguish hero believes him, I never feel any desperation or concern for the situation.  The same goes for the recruitment team.  And why is it so bad to be a royal magic dude, anyway?  Are the benefits that lousy?

So here it is, my first submission.  I'm really excited.  I have been editing it as I find time, but I'm not submitting it because of that.  I'm submitting it, with flaws purposely so I know how to direct my thinking.  Admittedly I probably should not be reading Karen Miller before writing.  It does all sorts of things to my writing . . .

Anyway the piece it self:

This chapter is one of the more trouble sections.  I wish It wasn't but I really need help with it.  To discuss what happened before, well . . . you haven't missed much.  This piece is only the second time the audience will have seen Jin'Cathul, and all they would need to know about before is that he's a slave, something bad happened to his father, who was what we would call a research scientist (only studying magic instead of biology or some such important thing).  Jin's abilities with magic are limited . . . at best.  Jin loves math and analytical thinking.  Oh yeah, and he's only ten years old.

Also, I hope my email is shipping it.  I've already got a notice about complications.

Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: November 02, 2009, 10:05:15 PM »
Someone asked me to post here, my background.  Apparently he promised not to bite.  That made me sad to he

I'm 28, married, have a 3 year old daughter.  I'm a fantasy junkie who listens to "Yahtzee" to much.

I would like to say I have habit of slaying dragons and rescuing princesses, but they've only really been ladies in waiting held captive by monstrous kitchen concoctions gone bad.  And while the garlic bread golem wasn't too much trouble it did have a pretty nasty after taste, and let's face it, no lady in waiting is ever going to show her appreciation after you've scarfed down one of those.

So alas I had to settle for getting married the normal way (i.e spending hordes of cash on people who eventually became someone else's wife).  While I'm still rather shocked she agreed to the whole ball and chain routine, I can assure you it has had some pleasant consolation prizes.

My daughter suffers from a disorder with about ten different names, but the most common are VCFS and 22q11 deletion syndrome.  It's a lot like Autism, only you won't be able to tell she has it when she's older.

She's named after the coolest supervillain in the Batman Universe, with a sense of humor to match (which seems to have evolved into throwing Teletubies off the balcony).

The woman I suckered into marrying me (let's just say hypnosis was NOT something I was above) is a graduate student at Trinity International University.  She's also comparably hot to Ali Larter, though I am the better cook.

Oh yeah the writing stuff . . .

Well I'm actually a student of Ballet and modern artistic dancing who likes books too much.  I write weird fantasy that seems to boarder a bit too much on Sword and Sorcery, but never wants to stay there.  I love swords, martial arts, more swords, deserts, big swords, and pie.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: November 02, 2009, 09:50:15 PM »
I know I'm new, but . . . can I submit something?  If it's a short list of submissions I'd love to lengthen it.

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