Local Authors > Stephanie Fowers

James Dashner speaks...

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Thanks, Steph, for the notes.

*Nessa hastily scribbles down the highlights she thinks would help her with her story.


--- Quote --- If you decide your story is going to be on a different world, write down everything about that world because it will add credibility to your story and won't make it seem like you're making things up as you go. You need to know the politics, the religion, the climate, the culture...it helps you be consistent.
--- End quote ---

I just wanted to point out another approach:  I DO make it up as I go.  It's part of the fun of writing that keeps me going.  The times I've tried to know everything first, I've gotten bored and felt like my writing's lifeless.  As for credibility and consistency, that's what the second draft's for.    This isn't to knock the world-building contingent of writing--I admire and respect people who do that, but I also think my way's completely viable.  Then again, I'm not writing epic fantasies.  I think writing an epic with my approach would be akin to setting out on a year long trek to the north pole with no supplies, no map, and no handkerchief.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
I personally like to know hte beginning, and how it's going to end. Everything I need to do to the setting to get me to the end is alterable.


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