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Messages - Cheetaur

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Write a Review of a Book Never Published!
« on: November 10, 2007, 01:21:11 AM »
that is absolutely hilarious.  Any kind of comment you want in particular brandon?  how about "This book swept me off to a world I've never seen, character's I've never loved, and a story I've never believed.  The book of dreams, of endless possibilities... Without equal in the world of literature, this is a definite buy.  Let one, let all come and read this majestically impossible book."

Brandon Sanderson / Re: More Art for You to Digest
« on: November 10, 2007, 01:17:21 AM »
I like it overall, my only comment is I'm all about the art that if you have a choice in cover art... it shows a scene in the book.  So that when i come across that scene, it makes me excited to see how the artist imagined it, and know the story behind the picture.  Therefore, I'm less of a fan of the cover where its a single portrait that could be placed in several sections of a story, but eh... personal preference

Brandon Sanderson / Re: No longer Rumors of Brandon Jr.
« on: October 31, 2007, 04:47:47 PM »
congrats guys!  ironic because one of my close friends just had a baby exactly one day before, 3:55 :), very cool.  maybe they can be writing buddies... *cough*

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Rumors of Brandon Jr.
« on: October 22, 2007, 07:11:35 PM »
any news yet on this? should be coming along soon!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: New Beta!
« on: October 22, 2007, 07:09:34 PM »
looking forward to it! 

that's a great idea, signed warbreaker in the draft version, i shoulda done that... drat

hmmm, that's tough.  well, please don't worry about leaving a copy behind for me :), the only reason I'd head up to san fran is rellay to get a chance to meet you.  Well, if i can make it, i can make it, ill definately call ahead, and do my best to get there by like 7:30.  If not, Ill have to catch you on your next tour.  Thanks!

how long are these book signings?  I plan on heading up to san fran tomorrow, its an hr away for me, and with traffic... leaving at 6:30, so hopefully at least 2 hrs.  :)  if anyone knows what's typical, let me know!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: EUOL: Writing question based upon MB2 annotation
« on: September 27, 2007, 01:27:34 AM »
all good points, though i guess i feel that stacers situation is more of a unique one.  Most readers IMO (call me a liar if its true) will focus on a few series that they really enjoy at a time, probably no more than 10.  I, personally always re-read books, i really enjoy doing so, and it almost feels as if the cues would be automatic or part of writing in itself if you have truly built a unique world.  but that's just me.  If i had to lean to any side, i might have to go with the story thus far approach though.  *shrugs*

Brandon Sanderson / Re: EUOL: Writing question based upon MB2 annotation
« on: September 26, 2007, 08:21:42 AM »
I like that idea Brandon, with the magic system, but how do you cue the main plot without being obvious or boring about it?  I ironically just had this conversation with another writer friend, and we basically said "screw the reader if they don't bother reading the first book."  I mean who reads from the second book, or third without reading the first ones?  :) or re-reads the first books if they forget?  that's the whole point?  haha, no but seriously, i get that readers are lazy, but I can't help but hold that attitude that if the reader doesn't have a working knowledge of the story, they should re-read the first book that i wrote to explain all that! 

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon, about Denver.
« on: September 15, 2007, 01:55:38 AM »
Yeah, I guess i might be able to head down to half moon bay (located in san jose), that's only an hr away :). not too bad

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Thanks to Sanderson
« on: September 15, 2007, 12:43:25 AM »
wow, that's quite a story, glad you got the copy back.  If the theif actually kept it... jeez, after sanderson gets famous enough, never know what he missed out on!  and it seems my name has caused quite a bit of mystery and discussion, so to end it all:

I got it from an old game from sierra, "who want's to be a hero" series.  There is a creature there called the Cheetaur, which is a mix of panther and centaur.  And its an old name that ive used consistently online since... like 10 yrs old. haha.  Anyway, there is that, and yes i've heard the thundercats thing, the beast wars thing, the cheech and chong, the cheater thing etc etc :) I should really change it with the harrassment I've gotten from it :) but old nostalgia i guess.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon, about Denver.
« on: September 12, 2007, 07:31:00 PM »
dang it, I'm from colorado, too bad I'm in Cali right now

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Thanks to Sanderson
« on: September 05, 2007, 11:07:39 PM »
now that I've read the welcome AFTER I posted :), you do frequent the forums and I've really been impressed with your work.  I know I'm a new to the forums, but you mentioned sending sample chapters etc to those who are interested.  I would love to read any works that you have, and critique if you wish though I definitely am not as established or talented as you, I do hope to write for a long time in the future, and of all the styles that I enjoy reading (goodkind, wells, etc) your style has struck closest to the way I would like my writing to become.  Clean, efficient, plot and character based.  good stuff :)  feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]

btw, your main website link to the forum is down right now.

Brandon Sanderson / Thanks to Sanderson
« on: September 05, 2007, 11:03:44 PM »
Don't know if sanderson frequents the forums, but he's got a new fan, and I just wanted to thank him for his work.  Its been a long time (especially since i started writing myself) since I've been able to enjoy a new and young author who's work didn't fall apart after the first 50 pages :).  I enjoyed your work immensely and will be following your works for a long time. 

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