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Messages - mists59

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Ruin and Preservation
« on: March 04, 2008, 06:50:32 PM »
its mentioned in mb2 when vin and the kandra are discussing religions. he is telling her that humans are destined to destroy the world using the koloss as their servants. he mentions that we(humans) are of ruin and they(kandra) are of preservation. i think!!! :)

hope that helps

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Atium Mistings?
« on: February 14, 2008, 12:49:24 AM »
We know atium allows you to see th near future in the form of shadows sohow about ShadowSeers  :)

Hmmmm....Very interesting Craysh. Although, one problem with that is while atium burns quickly, duralumin burns insanely fast. Another issue that might be a problem is the fact that during a fight Vin might not know that a person is using atium unless she is using it as well or if she has already attacked.

Furthermore, I think it would be impossible to be to fast for atium. Atium gives you the ability to see a couple of instances in the future. So, no matter how fast you are, when you do actually act, it shows you what that action will be before that happens. For example, if someone were to decide to punch an atium burner in the face, the atium burner will have already moved out of the way of the punch before the puncher physically puts that punch into motion . Thus, negating any advantage of how fast said punch will come.

A couple of points
. Vin could tell a person  was burning atium by burning bronze. (She can pierce copper clouds)
. Duralumin doesn't burn insanely fast it only gives you a massive flare of whatever metal you burn with it thus burning the metal but leaving Duralumin behind for further use.

good point and another thing to consider when a mistborn flares Duralumin and pewter together they become insanely strong and fast. (Vin's headbutt for example!) so even if someone is burning atium i cant see them being able to react in time.  ;D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Theory on why Vin is so powerful *spoilers*
« on: February 13, 2008, 10:51:50 PM »
when i first read mb2 and the kandra is explaining to vin about how she shouldnt have been able to effect him with allomancy he explains that process of generations has diluted the bloodlines of allomancers so they no longer have the massive power they used to have.

now i think this was just how the kandra explained the loss of ability that allomancers could no longer control them anymore. my theory is that the steel ministry started to suppress which metals were available  for allomancers to use i.e alluminium, electrum but especially Duralumin. that would explain why mistborn couldn affect the kandra anymore as they could no longer get the massive flares of metal that you get when a mistborn burns duralumin.

just my take on things :D

its easy to miss its only mentioned briefly. if i recall its mentioned when he leaves his fathers camp and gets his mistcloak and atium. he says he never liked wearing it because of they way his spike protruded from his back. or something along those lines.
i am sure it will be explained in Hero of the Ages.

outside  of the city walls are full of skaa plantations and villages. im pretty sure a 10foot multi headed walking blob would cause some excitement if it was seen during the day. :o

i didnt really think about myself but i was re-reading mb1 and kelsier was explaining to vin that mistwraiths were harmless scavengers but from the description it sounds like they are pretty big. so where do they go in the day? i was thinking maybe they camouflage themselves somehow after all they are shapeshifters of a sort. :)

I dont doubt that this question has been raised before but i could not find anything on it?
So does anybody know??? ???

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Theory on why Vin is so powerful *spoilers*
« on: February 12, 2008, 03:15:11 PM »
i like that idea. i read the final empire again and also noted that the ear ring was removed in the battle with the lord ruler. cant wait to find out more about hemalurgy and how it works.

Roll on October!!!  :D

First Post so bear with me on this. lol

as i understad allomancy metals come in pairs. one metal and its alloy the metal pulls and the alloy pushes these then can be paired with another metal and its alloy to form a group of four. one pair is intenal and the other external. ie the physical group contains iron and tin and their alloys steel and pewter. if we take this onto the final group which presumably contains two metals and their two alloy's. we now know from mb2 that the one pair is alluminum and Duralumin the other pair is presumably the metal bead found at the well and its alloy which i am going to call Metal A and Alloy Z. If we assume that alluminum and Duralumin are the internal pair then 'Metal A' and 'Alloy Z' are the external pair.  But wait i hear you cry Metal A grants allomancy surely that is an internal attribute. but i dont think so. i dont want to speculate too much but i think the reason they are called mistborn factores heavilly into how this last metal works. have to wait for mb3 to find out but i digress...

I think the 15th metal grants the gift of allomancy on whoever swallows it.The alloy of this metal will be an external power. So maybe it acts like a copper cloud but with the effect that no one within the cloud can perform allomancy when you burn the alloy. I dont think it would remove the ability to burn metals because thats what alluminium does and as i said earlier i believe that this metal will have an external  effect.

will have to wait till mb3 comes out. Cant wait October is going to take forever too get here.  :)

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