Author Topic: Final Hero of Ages Theories  (Read 6828 times)


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Final Hero of Ages Theories
« on: October 10, 2008, 11:43:43 PM »
Since the book is coming out in four days, I thought I'd start this up.  I just thought before everyone is proved right or wrong, everyone could get their final say on what they think on the various topics we've discussed.  You can include any predictions you want, but if you're having trouble thinking of things, I'd try to include these commonly discussed topics: Hemalurgy, Ruin and Preservation, The Mists, the Mist Spirit and the Deepness, The Hero of Ages, Koloss and Kandra, and the Final two metals.
Let's limit it to one post per person (feel free to modify it if you change your mind about something), if you want to discuss and argue, there are many other threads for that, this one is just to get all you're thoughts together.  Then after the book comes out, we can see who is right about what.  Your theories can be new, old, whatever, just write them down, and lets see what happens.

Ok, here is mine

Hemalurgy is the process in making an inquisitor.  The powers and abilities depend on the type of metal the spike used is made out of, the sacrifice made and the place where it is put into the inquisitor.  Example: A steel spike will give the powers of  a mistborn to a misting.  If stabbed through the center of the chest, or up the spine (around where the steel and iron lines point to) of an allomancer, they will be granted extremely powerful and subtle steel and iron pushes and pulls.  If stabbed through a feruchemist, the Inquisitor will also get the Feruchemist's speed power.  And iron spike pushed through the eyes, gives the inquisitor the ability to see using iron-lines.  A Bronze spike enhances abilites that a person already has.  IF it is piercing the head somewhere (the other eye for the inquisitors), it enhances seeking abilities, let's them pierce copper clouds, and let's higher beings (Ruin) contact them.  If placed in the ear, further away from the brain, the effect is lessoned.  That is why Vin does not have Ruin controlling her, but she can still hear the pulses of the well, which is Ruin calling out.  Alendi's piercing were most likely Bronze.  Pewter spikes enhance may enhance a person's natural speed, strength and dexterity.
The abilities of each of these are just guesses, my main theory is this: That hemalurgy is an operation performed to enhance different things in a person, including, but not limited to, their allomancy.  I think it is a passive magic, and blood sacrifice is required.  The effect of each spike depends on it's size, metal type, placement, and who the sacrifice is.  (As a side note I had a nasty inquisitor dream the other night.  My dean got turned into one, and I was going to be sacrificed!)

2. Ruin and Preservation and the Final Metals
Ruin and Preservation were imprisoned in two different 'wells,' or pools of power, containing liquid metal, the pure metal of the external enhancement metals.  It's alloy, the one elend ate, is the source of allomancy.  This pure metal, is extremely conductive to magic and power, and it can 'absorb,' god like beings like Ruin and Preservation.  Once absorbed, Ruin or Preservation are trapped until someone comes to the well and releases them.  When someone is 'keeping,' the power of the well for themselves they are really just using the power of the being trapped there.  The 'Well of Asension,' in the Lord Ruler's time was the one Preservation is trapped in, and the metal lake is the one Ruin is trapped in.  Once the Lord Ruler realized he was using Preservation's power up, he realized that there was another power, that would be ready in another thousand years in that metal lake, so he changed the world so that in one thousand years time he would be able to claim Ruin's power, and fully defeat the deepness, which he had only partially defeated.  The Deepness simply wants to destroy, so both Ruin and Preservation try to use it to gain freedom, and the Mist Spirit wants Ruin and Preservation to remain trapped.  Now that the Lord Ruler is dead, Preservation's power has entered the one who killed him: Vin, and this is what Ruin needs to destroy in order to take the Land.
Also, Kredik shaw is a hemalurgical construct, with spires stapping into the ground, meant to limit Ruin's imfluence.

3. Hero of Ages
Sazed is the true Hero of Ages.  The Prophecies say that the hero will not be of the people but will defend their ways, or something like that.  They assumed this would mean that the hero is not Terris, but Sazed would be defending the skaa.  This also supports Elend being the hero, since he is a nobleman, not  a Skaa.  Elend or Sazed are my guesses.

4. The Deepness
The Deepness is the killing mists.  The Lord Ruler defeated it last time, by moving the Earth closer to the sun, In the newly warmed world, the Deepness could not survive during the way.  The Deepness, while it can be used by both Ruin and Preservation, is essentially of Ruin (like humans), thus by limiting Ruin's power, the Lord Ruler stopped the Deepness from killing. 
Another theory that I have is that the Lord Ruler took the Deepness's power and hid it within the Kandra.

That's all I've got for now.  We'll see about some of these when the book comes out, so post yours!

EDIT:  This will be followed by an "OOKLA, YOUR THOUGHTS PLEASE," thread of course.  Try to remember, one post per person!  We don't want this to get too cluttered.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 09:38:54 PM by Comatose »
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Re: Final Hero of Ages Theories
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2008, 12:42:44 AM »
This is a good idea. Get all the cards on the table, and once the book comes out we can say who is right and who is wrong. I'd only like to ask we not actually discuss the theories, just post our own, although since it is not my thread I shall bow to Coma's wishes.  :) I think we've discussed them enough times without starting again.

  Burning mists is one of the abilities given to the user by Hemalurgy. While burning the mist, the user is stronger, faster, more powerful. Basically this is the enhancing we've seen from hemalurgy, although this is not hemalurgy's only ability. Using it Vin was able to defeat the Lord Ruler.
  When the user is burning the mist, mist seems to be pushed away, vanishing and being used as fuel, similar to the way that Allomancer's burn metals.
  Pure Allomancers cannot burn the mists, however I suspect they may have been able to in the past. When an Allomancer burns a metal, I believe the mist is a type of byproduct of that burning, similar to smoke from a fire. That is why mist seems to follow them around when they use their powers.
  I believe Alendi was a Hemalurgist, perhaps the untainted, pure strain. This explains why he was not adversely affected by Ruin.
  Sazed is the current Hero. He is the tall Terrisman foretold of in the prophecies, who will defeat Ruin once and for all. His scientific learning will be instrumental in recreating the world as it was before Rashek used the power contained in the well.

   The Deepness...well, I'm not really sure what it is. It is definitely the mists, of that I am certain. I do not think there are different types of mist, it is the same mist reacting differently to different people. I do not think it is a reasoning being on the level of Ruin or Preservation.
   Also, if the mists are the deepness, that likely means the deepness is intertwined with the magic systems. What that means for Allomancy, Feruchemy, and Hemalurgy, I don't know.

   The log entries are most definitely NOT written by Rashek. I'm a rebel, what can I say?

   I believe the kandra and koloss are the result of TLR's journey into the well. He created them. The koloss I believe he created out of human beings. The kandra I am not sure. Perhaps he created them out of mist, or the Deepness? At any rate the koloss act as Ruin's children while the kandra act as Preservation's children.
   The well of Ascension. The liquid metal in the well contains god-like power. However, it also serves as a prison. But whose prison? Who created the Well? Hmm....
  Anyway, using the Well Rashek simultaneously kept Ruin contained and destroyed the world as he knew it. He altered the course of planets, moving the world too close to the sun. Life was restricted to the poles, and survival was only possible there because of the ashmounts, created to help block the light of the sun.
   The sun appears red because of the smog in the air, and the plants appear almost dead and lifeless because of the harmful ash.

  Atium is incredibly valuable. It is mined only one place in the world, the Pits of Hathsin, and since the destruction of the pits atium is nearly extinct. However, that still does not quite explain its value. The Lord Ruler supposedly only released a fraction of the atium he mined, possibly to control the economy. But what if there was another reason? What if the reason so little was released is intertwined with why the kandra desire it as payment?
  Possibility 1: The Lord Ruler was using atium to reserve a host of kandra under his direct control. Unlikely.
  Possibility 2: The Lord Ruler actually was simply trying to control the economy. This does nothing to explain why the kandra want it.
  Possibility 3: Atium has some other property, perhaps if used in Feruchemy or Hemalurgy. However, unless kandra are also either feruchemists or hemalurgists (unlikely) that doesn't explain why they want it.
So yeah, I got nothin'.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 11:53:43 PM by Reaves »
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Re: Final Hero of Ages Theories
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2008, 12:54:53 AM »
I am removing myself from this discussion because I have finally pieced everything together and it would be best served in the spoiler thread.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 11:23:10 PM by VegasDev »
Now you've got all the ones with beards on one side and all the
moustaches on the other.


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Re: Final Hero of Ages Theories
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2008, 01:23:44 AM »
Well, heck, if VegasDev can do that, then I'm reserving post #4, for a time when I don't have an essay due. :P

EDIT: Here it is, the massive post of all of my theories. Any theory that's better than ridiculous (I'm talking to you, Kandra-Gave-Kelsier-11th-Metal) has been described in a seven part saga! I present each theory, and then because I like to have a realistic assessment of myself, I also present the flaws with each theory. Then, at the end, I have a list of additional questions which I would like answered.

I tried writing them to an audience of outsiders, as in, I did not write these theories for our fellow TWG Brandon fans. I wrote them so anyone who was not familiar with our extensive discussions could understand my ideas. That's probably part of the reason why it's so long. I apologize, but it had to be done.

Also, I need to separate this into multiple posts because of a 20,000 character limit per post.


1-A The Epigraphs

We only know of two people who ever held the Power: Rashek and Vin. The person who writes the epigraphs "knows everything" and did, indeed, hold the Power. The Vin option is out, because she didn't use the Power, but released it. Plus, if Vin wrote the epigraphs, that would totally screw up the epigraphs being written by some dude in Alendi's age. For this reason, I believe Rashek is the one writing these epigraphs. Rashek certainly knows a lot more than other people as the Lord Ruler, so perhaps a lot of this knowledge came from holding the Power at the Well of Ascension.

Furthermore, in each book in the trilogy, the main characters found an artifact which had the epigraph's words in it. Because the description of it says Elend is going after the clues the Lord Ruler left behind, it's likely that in the process of searching for these "clues", he finds whatever artifact that hold the words of the epigraph on. The Lord Ruler's clues = Lord Ruler's epigraphs.

Plausibility: Very plausible.
Flaws: Well, the epigraphs don't sound like our hardened Lord Ruler...
Related Topics: The Ashmounts and the Dreary Scenery, The Lord Ruler's Goals

1-B The Ashmounts and the Dreary Scenery

The primary questions are: why is the sun red, why are there no flowers, and why do the Ashmounts even exist? To sum it up in simpler terms: what did the Lord Ruler do, and why did he do it?

The sun is red because of the ash in the air, just as anyone who has been a place where there is a lot of smoke would know. That's the first part of the question down. The second part relates to the first: no flowers or green plants exist because of the lack of sunlight from aforemention smoke and ash.

The third segment is a bit trickier: why do the Ashmounts exist in the first place? I think the Lord Ruler wouldn't want to make the Ashmounts just to give the skaa something to do because there are multiple problems exist with that line of thinking. Firstly, the Lord Ruler did not know of the skaa or conceive of the idea of skaa until he unified all non-noblemen into one homogenous race of slaves, which happened in the third century after the Ascension (if I remember correctly, at least. The point is not necessarily the date but that it was quite a long time after the Ascension). That means that the Ashmounts preceded the skaa. Secondly, since the Ashmounts precede the skaa, then there is some sort of reason for the Ashmounts to exist--because after all, he only gets to burn the Power once, and then it is gone. The Ashmounts must have been created during the Ascension.

But if we look at the sample chapters, then we can surmise what had happened. The Lord Ruler moved the planet too close to the sun, and then in horror, he created the Ashmounts so the sun didn't kill them all. A screen, if you will.

Plausibility: Extremely plausible.
Flaws: It does nothing to explain why the Ashmounts are more active in MB3, as the sample chapters suggest. That seems to imply some relationship with Ruin or Preservation which escapes me.
Related Topics: The Lord Ruler's Goals

1-C The Kandra and Koloss

The koloss have nails in them, which lends credence to the idea that Ruin is controlling them, much like he does with the Inquisitors. The nails themselves could mean that the entire reason they are so creepy is because of Hemalurgy, somehow and someway.

The kandra could be made of liquid metal, but that's a stretch for me. Still, the koloss and kandra can both be controlled with really strong Allomancy, and for the life of me, I cannot find a logical reason how that could even occur. Sure, the Lord Ruler made that a weakness, but how? If the kandra have some liquid metal in them, it could be some weird Hemalurgy-Allomancy relationship that makes this weakness possible. I don't know.

Plausibility: Well, from what I said about the koloss, that seems extremely likely. Kandra being made of liquid metal? That's implausible, but not impossible.
Flaws: Couldn't powerful Mistborn or Inquisitors look at a kandra's body and identify if there is metal inside of them? More importantly, why did the Lord Ruler create these things in the first place?
Related Topics: Hemalurgy, The Lord Ruler's Goals

1-D Statlin City

Statlin City was circled in the first chamber in the secret hallway that the Lord Ruler built into Kredik Shaw--on a metal plate, no less. The metal plate could be important, but that could just be the Lord Ruler liking to set things in metal--Kwaan's words "I write these words in steel, for anything not set in metal cannot be trusted" acting as a religious basis for all of this "Steel Ministry" stuff (aren't the Ministry buildings actually made of metal? I don't remember. Also, how does Kwaan know that anything not set in metal cannot be trusted?).

The more important question, as Elend puts it, "Why is Statlin City circled?" Why indeed, good Emperor. Why is Statlin City circled? Some people think that that is where the atium cache is located; I disagree. It has been a year since MB2 and MB3, and surely, Elend or Vin would have investigated the city by then. The atium cache is too important to be found off-screen, especially since in Sample Chapter 3, they don't have atium and instead rely upon electrum. No, the atium cache is not at Statlin City.

Rather, I believe that Statlin City holds one of the Lord Ruler's storehouses, as referenced in the Spook Sample Chapter. After all, the Statlin City plate was in the chamber which held all the canned goods, so there's a logical link there. Plus, in Spook's sample chapter, Elend has already found several of these storehouses in order to keep Luthadel from starving. If Statlin City had a storehouse, then it's not such a bad thing to have that discovery happen off-screen. Storehouses and graneries are not my idea of a good time (but killing koloss is!).

Plausibility: Extremely likely
Flaws: If I was the Lord Ruler, why would I place my steel plate showing where a storehouse is on the pathway to the Well of Ascension? Something does not add up there.
Related Topics: The Lord Ruler's Goals.


2-A The Lord Ruler and the Force He Touched

As stated in a MB1 annotation, there are two forces in the world (Ruin and Preservation), and the Lord Ruler only touched one of these forces--I believe this is MB1 Chapter 34. By the way, Ruin is the force that Vin released at the Well of Ascension, as confirmed in the Prologue for MB3. So, if Ruin was in the Well of Ascension and the Lord Ruler touched only one force--via Ascending--you would logically think that he touched Ruin. I disagree.

The Lord Ruler "broke the world in order to preserve it." The Lord Ruler stagnated growth in the Final Empire. "Preserving" something implies keeping something like it already is, which if it is taken too far, stagnates. For this reason, I am of the opinion that the Lord Ruler touched Preservation, not Ruin. Even though we don't know what Preservation is or if it is even in the Well. Still, actions speak for something, and the Lord Ruler is not a harbinger of Chaos, but Order.

Plausibility: Very plausible.
Flaws: We don't know anything concrete about Preservation, or even if it is inside the Well with Ruin. There's too much we don't know.
Related Topics: Preservation

2-B The Deepness

The Deepness is the killing mists. Or, if you want to be picky, the "mists which sometimes kill, sometimes don't kill, and sometimes are just lazy", but that doesn't have the same ring to it. I am certain the Deepness is some misty agent of Ruin. It is the catalyst which Ruin uses to drive men to desperation, and to rely on a Hero of Ages. This way, a Hero is manipulated into releasing Ruin. I think that in order for Ruin to do this, Ruin has some ability to utilize the mists in some manner.

It is interesting that the Deepness sometimes kills, sometimes leaves people sick, and leaves some people in perfect health. Why this is escapes me, but curtesy of darxbane, he has given a great idea as to why this is, or at least a basic direction: it has to deal with metal impurities. If an Allomantic metal is impure, it can make the user sick, and even kill them off. Maybe... maybe those two old men the Deepness killed ingested a lot of impure metal, and the Deepness imbued the metal with power only to kill them.

Plausibility: Plausibility depends solely on what the old men's diets are like.
Flaws: How am I supposed to know what old men in the Eastern Dominance eat? And either way... this explanation doesn't exude "coolness" to me.
Related Topics: Allomancy and the Mists, Mist Burning

2-C The Mist Spirit

I'm not even going to touch this one. Yup. I don't have a clue on anything about the mist spirit, why it exists, or why it has Allomancy. I do know, however, that the mist spirit is not the combined spirits of all previous Heroes of Ages--that I am immensely confident of. The best mist spirit theory I have is that the mist spirit is... the guardian of the Well of Ascension. Somehow, someway. Yeah, I don't have a clue about the mist spirit.

Plausibility: Considering I didn't actually give a theory, I'd say it's pretty dang plausible.
Flaws: I don't have a theory on this one.
Related Topics: The "Give Chaos a Clue" Foundation.

2-D Preservation

I believe Preservation is the entity the Lord Ruler touched when he Ascended (somehow, he touched Preservation. Somehow). Preservation is right up there with the Hero of Ages in mysteriousness. It's doubtful that the mist spirit is the embodiment of Preservation on the sole basis that it sounds really lame. Preservation is a primordial force on par with Ruin, not some loser mist spirit.

Somehow, inside the Well of Ascension there are two forces: Ruin, which wants to be freed, and Preservation, the force I surmise the Lord Ruler touched. I have no theory for that. It defies my mortal logic. I cannot understand crazy things of gods like the Well of Ascension. However, there is some logic to Preservation being the force the Lord Ruler touched. In MB1 Annotation Prologue Part Two, Brandon says the world is a little frozen in time. In the MB3 Prologue, Marsh says that there is something like a shield over the land. I think both are the works of Preservation; the Lord Ruler burning the power of Preservation to freeze the world.

This freezing of the world with the force of Preservation could be the thing the Lord Ruler did to lock Ruin from influencing the world during the Final Empire's time.

Plausibility: Plausible.
Flaws: We don't know enough, and we can only surmise Preservation was the force the Lord Ruler touched. We don't know anything for certain.
Related Topics: The Well of Ascension
« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 08:33:48 AM by Chaos2651 » - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

Oh SNAP, I'm an Allomancer.

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Re: Final Hero of Ages Theories
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2008, 06:08:59 AM »
No fair reading the book early, posting your "theories," and then coming back later saying, "I just finished the book and I was right!"

EDIT: I may be most looking forward to the "Ookla postmortem" thread where everyone goes through my posts since December and says, "Oh, so that's what he was talking about!"

(At least my ego hopes there will be such a thread.)
« Last Edit: October 11, 2008, 06:37:38 AM by Ookla The Mok »
All Saiyuki fans should check out Dazzle! Emotionally wrenching action-adventure and quirky humor! (At least read chapter 6 and tell me if you're not hooked.) Volume 10 out now!


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Re: Final Hero of Ages Theories
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2008, 06:18:00 AM »
Hey, that's no fair. I intend to write out the theories tomorrow after I finish my essay. I have the screenshots to prove my order hasn't shipped yet! ...Unfortunately.

Besides, everyone knows my theories anyways. I could virtually copy and paste my posts from previous topics and be set. I'm pretty sure all of us can stand by this.

EDIT: Plus, I hold it to everyone to brag that they got the book in the Countdown thread somewhere along the lines of "MUWHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! I R HAVE IT!" Or something.

EDIT (again): The next segment in my massive post.


3-A Hemalurgical Theory, Lightning-Rod Hemalurgy

Hemalurgy is this mythical magic system that is completely unmentioned in Final Empire and Well of Ascension, but it is integral nonetheless. It is what Steel Inquisitors have that keeps them alive and the reasoning behind why metal spikes are "in" nowadays. Before the MB3 Sample Chapters, we only knew of Hemalurgy from annotations which referred to its name. The most important parts of Hemalurgy are: 1. It pushes the mists away; 2. It has a connection with blood; 3. It utilizes metal; 4. It grants decidedly non-Allomantic or Feruchemical properties; 5. Large amounts of Hemalurgy makes Inquisitors tired.

I am going with the assumption that Hemalurgy is a new magic system, not merely a system that compounds powers from other magics. No, Hemalurgy is its own thing, and I make this claim by citing that Brandon usually talks about it as the "third magic system" in annotations, as well as in the news post with the table of Allomantic metals, where Brandon says the table will list Allomantic, Feruchemical, and Hemalurgical properties. That statement implies that Hemalurgy has different effects from other magic systems.

Now, going off of that assumption that it is a new magic system than Allomancy and Feruchemy, we automatically know some basic things about Hemalurgy. Firstly, it uses metals in some manner like the other two systems do. The clear evidence that Hemalurgy uses metals is... well, the gigantic spikes thrust into Inquisitor's eyes. Metals piercing the body, not merely touching as Feruchemy and not inside the stomach like Allomancy, is absolutely vital for Hemalurgy to work. If it weren't, then there would be no need for metal spikes, especially metal spikes located in particular painful places. Secondly, each metal in Hemalurgy does different things, just as Iron and Pewter do not do the same things in Allomancy and Feruchemy. Knowing this, we also can assume that Inquisitor's spikes are made of different metals (as seen in the Conventical of Seran) for different Hemalurgical properties.

The next key thing that Hemalurgy does--as seen by the Inquisitors--is that the mists are pushed away from the Hemalurgist, which is exactly the opposite from Allomancy's effect on the mists. Now, why is that important? Well, the mists are the foundation of the magic system, and the mists reacting to Allomancy/Hemalurgy is something very interesting. I believe that Hemalurgy is sort of an opposite to Allomancy in this respect. So, let's analyze what Allomancy does. Allomancy burns the metal's power through the body for an external effect. What if Hemalurgy is the opposite to that, burning the body's power through the metals?

I call this Lightning-rod Hemalurgy. Under this model, a metal spike acts as a lightning rod or focus for the body's power. This idea doesn't seem very far-fetched for my tastes, since Inquisitor's do get tired quite a lot, so they need to rest. I think this is because the process of using Hemalurgy drains their own strength, "burning" the body's energy instead of the metals. Looking at it that way, an Inquisitor does not actually burn the metal spikes away, but just utilizes the body's energy. Also, in the MB3 prologue, the first sentence of paragraph five is "The spikes gave him power." Speaking of Marsh, naturally.

Plausibility: Plausible in my mind, but this does not explain the Allomantic ability or how that works. If the reasoning behind that is explained differently than this method, then consider this model relatively useless.
Flaws: Well, it doesn't explain why the mists are pushed away or the necessity for blood.
Related Topics: Every Hemalurgy article.

3-B Imbued Metals

My Hemalurgy model does not explain the vital importance of a blood sacrifice, which is very important to Hemalurgy. Hemalurgy and blood have a long history of coexistence. Marsh describes the process of creating an Inquisitor as a "messy business" more than once, requiring more than one body to create an Inquisitor. Clearly, the process is more detailed than stabbing metal spikes into the body.

To "activate" a metal for Hemalurgy, or Hemalurgify, a sort of blood sacrifice is required. I call these metals which have been blood-activated as "imbued metals", because "Hemalurgified metals" is a handful to say. I'd imagine it is one sacrifice per metal, because in the end of the MB3 Prologue: "The spike would need to pierce the man's body, passing through the heart, then be driven into the body of the Inquisitor tied below. Hemalurgy was a messy art." Apparently, it is not merely blood, but a particular organ that must be pierced for the sacrifice.

I have always known the importance of blood sacrifices, but I have never quite understood why. But now that I have looked at the MB3 Prologue once again, I have come up with some semblance of a theory. "The spikes protruded from the back of his skull; if he reached up to touch the back of his head, he could feel the sharp points. There was no blood." There was no blood from his spike. I think this rather logical: if you have eleven spikes stuck through vital organs, I don't think you operate like a normal human being any more. Your organs do not work--your eyes and brain are obviously pierced (that can't be good)--so essentially, you are dead. All that keeps you alive are your spikes. Why is that?

Well, perhaps the sacrifice and stabbing a spike through a particular organ imbues the metal with the strength from the body. For example, if you were an Inquisitor and have a spike through your heart, your heart no longer works, but perhaps you are operating by using the power of the sacrifice's heart. Maybe. I'm throwing that out there as a possibility. Under that idea, maybe the particular metal of a spike is only important for its external effect, not actually keeping the Hemalurgist alive. Keeping the Inquisitor alive is the reason behind sacrifices, not necessarily the effect of burning the body's power.

Plausibility: The reasoning for blood sacrifices is something I just came up with now. You should take this theory for a grain of salt. I don't know if I'm convinced of it... but it really sounds good.
Flaws: The necessity for blood is something I don't quite understand.
Related Topics: Everything about Hemalurgy.

3-C External Effects & Power Stealing

Let's get this one out of the way: I do not know what Hemalurgy does. I have a vague idea that it is a new magic system, and the metal spike determines the ability, but I have no idea what any of said abilities are. Over the course of theorizing on TWG, two schools of thought have arised about Hemalurgy's actual abilities: 1. Passive Hemalurgy, and 2. Active Hemalurgy.

"Passive Hemalurgy" entails that whatever Hemalurgy's effects are, users of Hemalurgy do not know when they activate the power. The effect is sort of latent and does not require the user to make the conscious effort to use it, as an Allomancer would burn a metal or a Feruchemist would tap a metalmind. There is a strong case for Passive Hemalurgy, because I think it is pretty obvious Marsh does not need to make a conscious effort to stay alive. An Inquisitor staying alive would be an excellent example of a Passive or unconscious effect. However, if my 3-B theory is right, then that point would be moot. In this section, we are trying to determine the external effects of Hemalurgy, not something that is just intrinsic to a blood sacrifice.

Since Allomancy and Feruchemy are both active, conscious magics, I must think that for the sake of symmetry that Hemalurgy is also active. The process, as I theorize in 3-A, is to actively use the body's energy through the metal spikes for some external effect. One effect we know for certain is that Inquisitors heal quickly. Another one of the clearest effects we see is the use of Allomancy. The question arises whether Inquisitors really use Allomancy, or it is some sort of Hemalurgical construct. And if it is a Hemalurgical construct, how do metal spikes give off an effect very similar to Allomancy, when Hemalurgy should be a different magic system?

There are more divisions in thought here. One idea is that if Elend received Allomancy from the 15th metal, then couldn't Inquisitors just eat the same metal and automatically become Mistborn? Well, after seeing Elend's power in MB3 Chapter 3 and its near-Lord Ruler power, I do not think this is how Inquisitors received Allomancy, because if so, they would almost be their own Lord Ruler in itself, which Inquisitors are not described as.

No, another, much more probable theory is that Hemalurgy has some sort of ability to steal power from a sacrifice. Sacrifice a misting who burns Pewter, and bam, now with a pewter spike, you have the ability to burn Pewter like an Allomancer. This could also be why the Inquisitors are killing Feruchemists: kill a Feruchemist and gain their power. However, I cannot reconcile this idea with my 3-A model. Power stealing can't be all there is to Hemalurgy, there has to be something more. Indeed, it is different than pure Allomancy, but how and why does it differ?

I have no idea.

Another idea is that Hemalurgy pumps up basic Allomancy, like something that enhances basic attributes. But still, I refuse to believe that is all Hemalurgy is. There is something more, but I do not know what it is.

Plausibility: I do not know.
Flaws: Too many divergent theories. Which one is correct?
Related Topics: Vin's Earring, Hemalurgy and Mists

3-D Ruin and Hemalurgy (and Zane)

One of the far more fascinating (and less frustrating, because it is easier to see) effects of Hemalurgy is its relationship with Ruin. Ruin--the thing Vin freed at the Well of Ascension--is an immensely manipulative being with colossal power. He manipulates metalminds and things not set in metal. In addition, Ruin uses Hemalurgy to its distinct advantage.

The force that controls Marsh is Ruin. We can assume that all new Inquisitors are also controlled by Ruin. Zane has a spike inside of him, and the voice of "God" says he was never insane. Well, the clearest explanation for that is Zane was hearing Ruin's voice all along and just interpreted it as "God". Certainly, killing everyone sounds like a thing Ruin would want--similarly to how when Marsh is under Ruin's grasp, he enjoys suffering--and Zane never heard Ruin want Vin dead. Obviously, Ruin wanted Vin to free him from the Well, so obviously Ruin wouldn't want Vin dead.

Ruin controls people who have metal stabbed into them. Zane's probably wasn't as bad as any Inquisitor because Inquisitor's have more spikes. I'm sure quantity is integral to that equation.

The question I have is: how? How does having metal spikes relate to hearing Ruin's voice? How does it relate to blood (since in an annotation Brandon said that when Zane cuts himself--letting out blood--it makes Ruin's voice weaker)? The answer is obvious: I have no idea.

Plausibility: It is absolutely plausible that Ruin and Hemalurgy has a connection--that much is undeniable. How it works, on the other hand, is a different story...
Flaws: No "how".
Related Topics: Hemalurgy and Mists.

3-E Preservation and Hemalurgy

While we see plenty of instances of Ruin's power, we see very little of Preservation's influence. There is one instance of a voice, however, which is definitely not Ruin. At the end of MB2, Sazed fights Marsh:

Quote from: MB2 Page 564 Hardback
"I'm sorry," Marsh said again, then raised a hand and Pushed the bag at Sazed.

The pouch shot across the room and hit Sazed, ripping, the bits of metal inside tearing into Sazed's flesh. He didn't have to look down to know how badly he was injured. Oddly, he could no longer feel his pain--but he could feel the blood, warm, on his stomach and legs.

I'm... sory, too, Sazed thought as the room grew dark, and he fell to his knees. I've failed... though I know not at what. I can't even answer Marsh's question. I don't know why I came here.

He felt himself dying. It was an odd experience. His mind was resigned, yet confused, yet frustrated, yet slowly... having... trouble...

Those weren't coins, a voice seemed to whisper.

The thought rattled in his dying mind.

The bag Marsh shot at you. Those weren't coins. They were rings, Sazed. Eight of them. You took out two--eyesight and hearing. You left the other ones where they were.

In the pouch, tucked into your sash.

There is no reason why Ruin would tell Sazed this since Marsh--who Sazed is fighting--is controlled by Ruin. This voice is helping Sazed to defeat Marsh, and by consequence, foil Ruin's plan. Since there are only two prime forces in the world (Ruin and Preservation) and Ruin is not telling Sazed this, then obviously, this must be Preservation's voice.

It's interesting to note that this voice seems to also be Hemalurgy. The metal rings are sticking in Sazed's flesh here, and so I believe that this is Hemalurgy somehow. After all, I doubt Hemalurgy is that picky and requires metal spikes (metal spikes are just things that are the most convenient form of metal to pierce through organs and bone). I'm sure any metal piercing the flesh would work to some extent, as long as the metal is of Allomantic proportions. These rings definitely pierce the skin, so I don't think it's a stretch to assume this is Hemalurgy in action. Thus, Preservation could act through the metal spikes just as Ruin could. Ruin does not have exclusive power over Hemalurgy.

However, it's commonly assumed Hemalurgy requires blood sacrifice, and there isn't some massively convoluted process of the rings puncturing organs of a sacrifice here. The blood sacrifice is absent, yet some qualities of Hemalurgy exist (assuming that Preservation does indeed act through Hemalurgy as well). Of course, if theory 3-B is valid, then a sacrifice need not be required, because Sazed does not need an organ to become some weird Hemalurgical construct. Perhaps Preservation can talk to people who have metals without sacrifices and Ruin talks to people who have sacrificially-imbued metals, or perhaps Hemalurgy requires a blood sacrifice, but Ruin/Preservation talking through the metals does not require a sacrifice. I don't really know for certain.

The other thing that I noticed was, "Oddly, he could no longer feel his pain--but he could feel the blood, warm, on his stomach and legs.". Is it "odd" to no longer feel pain? Could this be a Hemalurgical property we don't know about yet?

There's also an instance where Elend hears a voice when he kills that one koloss, but I don't remember where that one is explicitly. That one is also most likely Preservation's voice (but since I do not have the quote, it could also be Ruin's voice).

Plausibility: The voice is definitely Preservation's.
Flaws: It seems to defy rules of Hemalurgy, but that could just mean our "rules" of Hemalurgy are incorrect.
Related Topics: Lightning rod Hemalurgy, Imbued Metals, Vin's Earring

3-F Vin's Earring

Vin pierces copperclouds. It seems excessively strange, but then if one looked closer at MB2, it is clear that Vin's earring is bronze. Bronze, the metal Seekers use. This is not a coincidence if Brandon clearly indicates that a particular item is made of the metal that just happens to identify Allomantic pulses.

The earring pierces the flesh, so it qualifies as metal piercing the skin (the first requirement for Hemalurgy). Secondly, if you believe that all Hemalurgical metals needs to be imbued, then that condition is also met, because Vin's mother killed Vin's full sister. Blood sacrifice, check. And if you believe it must be a misting who needs to be sacrificed, well, Vin's sister was her full sister who could definitely have latent Allomantic powers. Essentially every requirement of every conceivable Hemalurgical model agrees with the idea that this earring could qualify as a Hemalurgical construct.

The piercing of copperclouds could just be because "piercing copperclouds" is the external effect of bronze with Hemalurgy. In fact, Marsh confirms that Inquisitors can pierce copperclouds, so that lends to a whole new level of credence to this idea. Also, as Vin heads up to Kredik Shaw at the end of MB2, Elend says that the mists seem to be pushing away from Vin. Pushing away mists is another crucial part of Hemalurgy (see 5-C for more on that). It is the clearest solution to the question of how Vin pierces copperclouds: Hemalurgy.

Furthermore, I would say that Vin's earring is the best example of a theoretical Passive Hemalurgy. Vin certainly doesn't know she is using a form of Hemalurgy to pierce copperclouds.

Plausibility: The overwhelming evidence and logic behind it makes it seem Phenomenally likely.
Flaws: How does Vin use this Hemalurgy? Is it active or passive?
Related Topics: Hemalurgy and mists, Mist burning
« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 08:36:38 AM by Chaos2651 » - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

Oh SNAP, I'm an Allomancer.


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Re: Final Hero of Ages Theories
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2008, 04:32:53 PM »
Okay, so here we go.

Major Theories

I used to believe that The Lord Ruler created the ashmounts in order to spew up a greater supply of metals (And I still think that's the case as well.) but as of right now my current belief is that the ashmounts were made because Rashek used the power of the Well of Ascension and accidentally moved the world into the wrong position and was trying to restore the climate. I'm not sure (Though I feel I should be.) if the world is too close or too far, as I'd initially guess too close and the clouds reflect most of the heat out into space, but then again wouldn't the black clouds absorb the heat instead of reflect it? Either way, the ashmounts were created in a roughly circular pattern to keep the area around The Final Empire as covered as possible.

What Ruin is Looking For:
Ruin is looking for or has already found another atium mine. He could use this to buy all the Kandra and fulfill their prophecy by having the Kandra make the humans use the Koloss to destroy everything. I guess he could also be looking for The Lord Ruler's atium cache, but . . .

The Lord Ruler:
The Lord Ruler (Rashek.) killed Alendi after the last logbook entry, went to the Well of Ascension, used it's power to move the world, create Kandra and Koloss, flatten the area around the Well, create the provinces, make the ashmounts, change the bodies of humans and maybe plants to resist the ash. He then used the rest of his power to preserve the world, stagnating humanity but preventing them from killing themselves off while also preventing Ruin from affecting the word. But that brings us to . . .

Ruin (and Preservation):
I'm a fan of the Ruin and Preservation have power according to the state of the world theory. So by keeping the world stagnate, The Lord Ruler prevented Ruin from having too much power. When The Lord Ruler died, the world entered into a state of chaos, increasing Ruin's power. Ruin used this power to start affecting the world in a way that would lead Vin to release him. Ruin had little or no influence over the world, but since then he has been steadily gaining.

I don't have much here, but aside from the basic facts we know I theorize that Hemalurgically enhanced metals grant one the power to tap into latent abilities in one's blood. Each metal grants access to a different ability, but if you have Allomantic or Feruchemical blood you can tap those powers as a perk.

The Deepness:
That churning black stuff in the room before the Well of Ascension is the purest form of the Deepness. It's very similar to the mists, but it's just that much off.

Minor Theories

Way back in the Wheel vs. Mist topic, I'm pretty sure I was one of the first to post about the way Electrum works. (And I was right!)

In the Ashfalls topic, I put forth the theory that the plants were the colors they are because of the reduced sunlight not providing enough energy to sustain the chlorophyll they need to remain green.

Omniscient Hearing?:
Ruin can hear things. He probably hears everything in the world, but it could be just those things he is paying attention to. He cannot read minds.

Chapter Bumps for Hero of Ages:
Rashek wrote them.

Well, that's what I've got for now, I'll update later if I think of something.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 04:00:58 AM by Czanos »
I came because I heard stories, tales of a lengendary man.
A man who was known as the Lord of the Mists, a man they named Survivor.
A man called Hope.


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Re: Final Hero of Ages Theories
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2008, 10:15:50 PM »
Final Theories by me, then:

The Hero of Ages
Sazed. He has the most growth to come in this next book, assuming he doesn't end up a tragic figure. He's already a rebel to his people's cause, but as the last living Keeper, he's also their ruler now. He's also proven the fighting power of a Feruchemist (given time to prepare, of course) and he doesn't even know how to fight. He has the "future of the world on his arms" in the form of his Metalminds, which will allow for the rebuilding of the world after what happens in the next book. There's a lot more prophetic fulfillment that I won't go into now.

The Deepness
The Lord Ruler broke the world. The deepness is mist, and so the Lord Ruler moved the planet closer to the sun, making it inhospitable, so he created the Ashmounts to block it out, which choked the world, so he changed life (people, plants, animals) so it could exist in such a polluted state. But there are two mists. One that kills, and one that doesn't. I'll come back to that.

Zane's spike
Brandon said in his annotations that this is a big deal in the final book. This could have been what Vin prevented when she had the Koloss kill the Inquisitor. Or, alternatively, Zane is actually Vin and Reen's older half-brother. This would mean that the mother was a mistress of Straff (and we know he doesn't seem to care too much about rules and killing mistresses if it suits his purpose), which could work, and it could also explain why Zane has a spike. His mother gave it to him.

Gaining life and power through sacrifice. You gain the life energy of a sacrifice and add it to your own (or whoever is being worked on). The different metals store different powers from the victim, as the metal effectively stores the person's blood. Thus a misting, given the blood of another misting, would gain full allomantic powers. Add more misting blood, and they would gain more strength in allomancy. Give them the blood of a keeper, and they can utilize Feruchemy, though not as well as Truebloods can, given as their state requires them to rest so much more (so they're limited as to what powers they can use).

The Mists
There were more than one kind, but when the planet went closer to the sun, it burned up all the lighter mists, which is why they needed the Ashmounts to protect them from the sun's heat. The mists come, perhaps, from the metal lake. Like evaporated water makes fog? Something like that. The Mists at night were kept benign by the Lord Ruler, who was holding the world as it was. Like a key to the machine, his life kept everything in place. But the mists create Mistborn. Somehow. Make them Snap or die. That's why some die, and some are just shaken, while those without the blood are left alone. Mistborn burning the mists would keep it from attacking people?

Kandra and Koloss
Created by the Lord Ruler. The Koloss from humans, the Kandra from Mistwraiths. The Kandra tried to revolt, or run away; blend into society and never be found, but they were found and hunted by Allomancers, so they came up with the contract.

The Mist Spirit
An avatar of the beings responsible for the Prophecies in the first place. A guardian trying to keep the world in balance, but limited in abilities to avoid interfering too much. Has difficulty affecting Hemalurgists because they repel mist, of which it is made.

Alendi's Piercings
Old Hemalurgy still involved sacrifices, and was a part of Terris Religion (which was lost before the Keepers were formed), but rather involved the sacrifice of animals. This still allowed an increase in some abilities (explaining Alendi's survival rating), but not all the ones the inquisitors have now, which is more of a corrupted version of the original. Like the Dark Arts version.

I'll prolly revise a bit of this when I think more about it, but that's all for now. :)

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Re: Final Hero of Ages Theories
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2008, 10:29:56 PM »
Reserving this sport in the event that I later decide to post. However, I think that most of you already know my theories. Besides, I'll probably just wait for Chaos to post, then say, "What Chaos Said." Though I might make a few changes.
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Random girl: "That explains so much about the way my professors have been teaching..."

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Re: Final Hero of Ages Theories
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2008, 11:31:32 PM »
Reserving this sport in the event that I later decide to post. However, I think that most of you already know my theories. Besides, I'll probably just wait for Chaos to post, then say, "What Chaos Said." Though I might make a few changes.

That's low.

EDIT: Continuing on.


4-A Allomancer Hobo! (aka Kelsier and the Eleventh Metal)

We know Kelsier believed the legend that the 11th metal--malatium--can defeat the Lord Ruler, but how did this legend come into being? Some say that it is a form of actual prophesy, but I do not think it is a real prophecy. I think that coincidences do occur, and it's not unthinkable that a set of coincidences could turn into a secretive prophecy which would defeat the Lord Ruler. So, I present... Allomancer Hobo.

Think for a moment about the Final Empire. The Lord Ruler's oppression is brutal if you are a skaa. There are some skaa Mistborn in the world during the Lord Ruler's fall (Kelsier and Vin), so there would be other skaa Mistborn/Misting earlier in the Empire for certain. Furthermore, if you are an Allomancer during the Final Empire's reign, you believe that there are eight basic metals and two high metals--not realizing that there are really sixteen metals.

Let us say that some random Allomancer, who could be any random person, even a hobo, discovered atium's alloy on accident. He would need to be an Allomancer to ensure that the metal was of Allomantic proportions. Now, he wouldn't even need to know it is atium's alloy. The metal is discovered by accident, not by careful formulation like Duralumin was discovered in MB2. Once this Allomancer Hobo finds a metal that is not one of the ten known metals, this is where the "prophecy" came into play.

If someone was truly convinced that there were only ten Allomantic metals and one suddenly discovered another one, I don't think it is a stretch to assume that some sort of mystical properties would be endowed upon the object. Combine that with the longing to end the Lord Ruler's reign, it's not unthinkable that this "special metal" which isn't really that special turns into the mystical metal which can kill the Lord Ruler.

The Allomancer Hobo would probably distrust people and wouldn't go tell every random passerby of the secret to defeat the Lord Ruler (especially if he is a skaa Allomancer). This would be a logical reason why few people have heard of it, because... few people know of it. As a corollary, that means that either Kelsier or Gemmel would have been highly trusted by the Allomancer Hobo for him to bestow the knowledge upon Kelsier or Gemmel.

The point is, this "prophecy" isn't really based upon strategy, but hope (tt's right up Kelsier's alley, really). Kelsier doesn't know how it will help defeat the Lord Ruler because the Allomancer Hobo doesn't know how it works. It's mysticism, pure and simple.

Plausibility: Well, it fits the events of MB1, so it's not unlikely.
Flaws: Let's face it, the kandra could have given Kelsier the eleventh metal hoping to defeat the Lord Ruler, throw the world into Ruin's grasp, and have the humans kill themselves. (Joke... if that was really how it happened, I am going to laugh for a week)
Related Topics: None

4-B The Final Two Metals (External Enhancement Metals)

Looking at the Table of Allomantic Metals Brandon posted on his website, we finally know what the last quartet of metals are: "Enhancement". These metals include Aluminum, Duralumin, and the final two metals. Obviously, the metals enhance Allomancy in some manner. Aluminum and Duralumin are internal metals, so that means that the final two metals are External. They... externally enhance Allomancy?

It is vastly assumed that one of those two metals is the metal which caused Elend to become Mistborn. Reading the ending of MB2 once again, I believe that is the most likely cause. I'm not exactly how sure that is more "external", but perhaps these final two metals influence how a person interacts with the mists. That would be external, and could create Allomancy.

Plausibility: It's very likely that there is a metal which Elend ate which gave him the powers of a Mistborn.
Flaws: Of course, how do you "burn" a metal which would give you the power to burn metals? Seems very circular to me.
Related Topics: Allomancy and the mists


5-A Allomancy and the Mists

Allomancers are called Mistings or Mistborn. If someone uses Allomancy, the mists react. There is a very clear link between Allomancy and the mists, and Brandon has even stated in an annotation that the mists are like the foundation of the magic systems. Obviously, there must be a reason why Allomancers are called Mistborn. It's like, the title of the book. Tends to be pretty important.

So, I strove to find what that link could possibly be. The mists pull closer to the user during Allomancy. Furthermore, metals by themselves don't seem very powerful. How is there "power" in a metal for an Allomancer to burn in the first place?

Warning: this theory is my largest leap of logic on all of these topics. What if, instead of the mists reacting to Allomancy, the mists actually caused Allomancy? The mists are mysterious; I wouldn't be surprised if it held some hidden power. Metals, by themselves, aren't going to do anything, but when you add the mists to the picture, the mists could grant the metals power.

The mists are the cause of Allomancy. You heard it here first.

In addition, at the MB1 Epilogue, Sazed says that the first Allomancers "came out with the mists", which definitely implies that the mists are a prerequisite for Allomancy. Though, the mists did exist in some form in the ancient age, but perhaps the Lord Ruler did some incalculable thing which enabled the use of Allomancy.

Plausibility: Plausible.
Flaws: Well, you can burn metals in the daytime, where there are no mists...
Related Topics: The Final Two Metals, Mist Burning

5-B Mist Burning

Vin has the power to burn mists. Why? There must be a logic behind it, but what is it? Well, if 5-A is even somewhat valid (that the mists hold power), then a theory can be hacked together. If the mists grant the power of Allomancy, then they must be pulled into your body to imbue the metals with energy, so to speak. In essence, that would make Allomancy more accurately called "Mist-Pulling", where the action of burning metals is just the process of pulling the mists toward you. Well, if the mists hold power, then Vin--by mist-pulling--could have just really willed the mists to be pulled toward her to such an extent that she could burn it like a regular metal.

Of course, a question arises with that theory: why can't Vin do it all the time? The answer lies within Hemalurgy and it's interaction with the mists along with Vin's earring. Hemalurgy, as you know, pushes the mists away. Furthermore, Vin's earring is a form of Hemalurgy (or an imbued metal, whatever you want to call it). Well, if Vin wants to pull upon the mists with all her strength, it would be natural physics that the Hemalurgical earring would oppose this action, slightly pushing back the mists just enough so the mists can't be pulled close enough to be burned themselves.

There is some evidence for the weakness in the earring. The Lord Ruler rips off the earring in the battle, and only then could Vin burn the mists. In addition, she wears the earring for the vast majority of both MB1 and MB2. The only time we see it off just happens to be the same moment where she burns the mists.

Plausibility: Plausible.
Flaws: Why can't other Allomancers use this ability if they don't have Hemalurgy opposing the action? Is it just a matter of strength?
Related Topics: Allomancy and the Mists, Hemalurgy and the Mists.

5-C Hemalurgy and the Mists

5-A has an explanation for the mist-pulling with Allomancy, and in Part Three, I did not talk about that relationship. Well, now I shall.

Essentially, the mists imbue the metals with power for Allomancy. Is it coincidence that I call metals which have had a sacrifice on them "imbued" metals (Actually, it is, but it works out incredibly nicely that way)? While the action for Allomancy requires power to imbue the metals, Hemalurgy does not require that. The power is already inside the imbued metals because of the blood sacrifice. Therefore, the most likely explanation I can see for mist-pushing is that this imbued energy from sacrifices and/or the Hemalurgist's own body is pushed outwards for a certain effect, which then pushes the mists away.

If this is valid, then it is likely that Hemalurgist's Allomancy is, in fact, actual Hemalurgy and not real Mistborn powers. Though to be fair, Vin shows us that one can use Allomancy and Hemalurgy simultaneously, with the mists both pushing away and pulling towards you.

Plausibility: Fairly likely.
Flaws: If blood sacrifices don't operate this way, this theory is moot.
Related Topics: Imbued Metals


6-A The Well of Ascension

The Well of Ascension is woefully unexplained. So much power is in there and it is so colossally important, and yet, there are so many questions. Where did the Well come from? Why does it fill up every thousand years? Does it really fill up every thousand years, or is that just a myth that Ruin manipulated? What is the Well filled with, and where does the Power come from? How does it get filled by "well-liquid", is it just spontaneous? I'm certain all of these questions are tied to the nature of Ruin and Preservation, and if these questions are answered, a lot of things get answered with it.

One question I've always had is when Ruin manifests his will. The Lord Ruler was doing something to stop Ruin in the span of the Final Empire, but in Alendi/Kwaan/Rashek's time, there was no such assurance. Even Ruin trapped inside the Well had some measure of power. What set off Ruin in the ancient age? The only answer I can think of is that the "millennial power" was filled at the Well, which then prompted Ruin to do his thing. It could also be that Ruin did not have any power when the Well was empty, only gaining his power back when the Well filled.

Plausibility: Extremely plausible.
Flaws: We don't know enough about the Well of Ascension. "It filling" seems almost like an abitrary event.
Related Topics: Origins of the Prophecies

6-B Ages

The "Hero of Ages". Ages. That implies multiple Ages. We already have a good marker for when these "Ages" occur: every time someone holds the Power at the Well. So, for certain, we know of three Ages: Alendi/Kwaan/Rashek's age ended by Rashek's Ascension, The Final Empire's reign ended by Vin's Ascension, and the current Age in MB3.

Plausibility: Extremely plausible.
Flaws: Rashek changed the world with his Ascension, but there is no evidence which suggests previous Ascensions, especially not Ascensions with as many side effects.
Related Topics: Origins of the Prophecies

6-C Origins of the Prophecies (The One Guy)

The Prophecies are the most enigmatic things in the Mistborn Trilogy. No one knows exactly what they entail, and they were manipulated by Ruin in the first place, so if we did find out what the Prophecies meant, they are useless. Ruin twisted the original words.

In order for Ruin to twist words to begin with, there had to be Prophecies to begin with. Ruin did not create the Prophecies itself. If it had, then it would have created the Prophecies in such a way that the metalminds would already say to give up the power (thus freeing Ruin). It's illogical to assume Ruin created the Prophecies. Plus, while Ruin shows its ingenuity, it is not a creative force, but a destructive one. It is not in its nature to create anything.

Which leaves us with a quandry: how were the Terris Prophecies created to begin with? I reject the idea that they were just created from thin air--that's not good enough. Someone or something created them. Preservation, I think, is also not a creative force. It merely preserves what already exists (in the Lord Ruler's case, to extreme stagnation). Therefore, I think it is also unlikely that Preservation created the Prophecies.

With our two mythological forces of ultimate power out of the picture, that leaves us with... people. However, there is one person--One Guy--who is almost to the scale of a mythological figure. This One Guy had Ascended pre-Alendi, and during that Ascension, the One Guy sealed Ruin inside of the Well's power (or something like that). I think it is somewhat unlikely that Ruin had been inside the Well since the beginning of time, so I'm assuming here that the One Guy sealed Ruin in there by some weird means.

I noticed that in the epigraphs of MB3, Rashek seems wary. He seems to have known the horror that he had wrought, and quickly created the Ashmounts to preserve the world from his utter lack of experience. I'd imagine that no person would be ready to hold the Power, not even this One Guy. If as the Well filled up, Ruin began to exert his destructive will upon the world via the Deepness, the One Guy would want to stop it. Let's assume that there are no Terris Prophecies to manipulate at this point for the sake of the argument.

The One Guy--like every Hero of Ages--wanted to save the world by defeating Ruin. Perhaps the One Guy Ascended similarly to Rashek only to realize that he had made the wrong option by sealing Ruin in the Well. In horror, knowing he did not finish the fight, the One Guy created these Terris Prophecies so that when the Well filled next time, the next Hero would make the correct option to defeat Ruin. If Ruin brought out the Deepness during the One Guy's time, then of course, the prophecies he wrote would include the Deepness, which it does. It would also reference the Well of Ascension and the Hero of Ages (of course) and over time, this could turn into the Terris religion.

Plausibility: More plausible than any other theory on the Prophecies--especially the creation of them.
Flaws: This assumes a lot. Ruin would have needed to set off the Deepness, the Well of Ascension would have needed to exist prior to Alendi's time, and most importantly, the One Guy must not know Ruin could manipulate metalminds. But then again, we don't know how Feruchemy was created, and the Lord Ruler most likely did not expect his Inquisitors to be manipulated by Ruin either. It's just a set of good intentions gone bad. Oh, and this also assumes the epigraphs in MB3 are written by Rashek.
Related Topics: The Lord Ruler's Goal

6-D The Lord Ruler's Goal

Quote from: Amazon description of MB3
Having escaped death at the climax of The Well of Ascension only by becoming a Mistborn himself, Emperor Elend Venture hopes to find clues left behind by the Lord Ruler that will allow him to save the world.

Elend is searching for clues left behind by the Lord Ruler. Perhaps the Lord Ruler isn't the purely tyrannical overlord of the Final Empire and actually has some redeeming qualities (like the MB3 epigraphs, which show his regret). Maybe a lot of the Lord Ruler's actions are merely to right the wrong which he did earlier. Maybe like the One Guy before him, he realized the correct way to defeat Ruin and left clues behind for that goal. Also, he did build Kredik Shaw on top of the Well so that when it filled again, he could Ascend and finish the job.

Plausibility: Plausible.
Flaws: It assumes that the epigraphs in MB3 are written by Rashek. Furthermore, why would the Lord Ruler leave storehouses/clues behind when he fully intended to live forever?
Related Topics: The Hero of Ages
« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 08:37:58 AM by Chaos2651 » - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

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Re: Final Hero of Ages Theories
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2008, 07:14:56 AM »
Well, you guys do tend to theorize along the same lines... <shrugs>  :)


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Re: Final Hero of Ages Theories
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2008, 06:21:07 PM »
You all know what I think.


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Re: Final Hero of Ages Theories
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2008, 08:01:46 PM »
Post anyways Miyabi, some people have forgotten, and we all know I have been MIA for a while, so tell us what you are thinking.
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Re: Final Hero of Ages Theories
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2008, 02:28:44 AM »
Okay, I'm hard at work restating all of my major theories. It's 2000 words long and I'm really only through two parts out of eight, and one of those parts is Hemalurgy (which I assume will easily take 1000 words to fully describe my opinions on). Quite simply, it will be my largest post ever.

EDIT: And it's not just a retelling I've said before! There are some new ones, too!

EDIT (again): Progress report! I just finished the Hemalurgy section, which alone tops out at a massive 2800 words long, making the entire document 4600 words long.  There's still five sections to go after this (totaling at eight sections), but those should be much shorter than the Hemalurgy one. There's a ton to be said about Hemalurgy, after all.

EDIT #3: Finally done! I've been editing all of my posts in this topic because this theory is really, really long.


7-A Marsh's End

I'm calling it out right here and right now: Marsh commits suicide. He probably commits suicide in some heroic, glaring act of defiance against Ruin. It would be a very nice end to his character arc.

What evidence do I have for this? None, except the first sentence of MB3: "Marsh tried to kill himself." From listening to Brandon talk on Writing Excuses, he talks a lot about the promise to readers, especially the first line's promise. Well, MB3's first line is a promise, and it is going to be fulfilled. I can see it going two ways: 1. He kills himself outright, or 2. He pushes Ruin back enough to allow Elend/Vin/Sazed the chance to pull out his spike, killing him, and at the same time, sort of committing suicide.

Plausibility: Very plausible.
Flaws: Since when did Writing Excuses's become a legitimate source for theories? Yeah, I know that hearing words straight from Brandon's mouth does count for something, since he is the author, but come on. Writing Excuses is not as legitimate as the text itself or annotations, from a theory perspective.
Related Topics: ...Go listen to Writing Excuses?

7-B The Hero of Ages

The goal of MB3 is to defeat Ruin. I reference in Part Six that the One Guy and Rashek could have figured it out, but that doesn't mean I know for a fact what needs to be done to defeat Ruin. On the other hand, I have a wild and zany theory: in order to defeat Ruin, the mists must be destroyed. Forever.

Why? Well, Ruin uses the mists to kill/sicken people with the Deepness. Destroying that would cut off its supply of power, and if all three magic systems are linked with the mists and Ruin interacts with through said mists, then Ruin could no longer manipulate Inquisitors. Simply put, destroying the mists pwns Ruin. On the downside, if Ruin interacts via mists, Preservation probably does too, and so destroying the mists cuts off all their legs. If all three magic systems require the mists to work, then destroying the mists will destroy all the magics, too.

Notice that I don't state my opinion on who the Hero of Ages is. Truth is, I have absolutely no idea who the Hero could be because it is impossible to tell without Book Three. We need more information. Right now, a cow is just as likely a Hero as any member of the main cast--I don't know! Of course I have the full expectation of learning who the  Hero of Ages is (that sort of is the point of the book), but I think it is even more important how the Hero of Ages will defeat Ruin or do whatever needs to be done. I'm sure the who and the how are somehow tied, like that the "true" Hero of Ages is the only one who will be able to accomplish the "how".

But if you really want me to give my wild opinion on who I think the Hero is, well: the Hero of Ages is Marsh. There! Happy? Random, pure instictive choice that I'm not even sure I believe in! There you go!

Plausibility: About as much plausibility as a cow being the Hero of Ages.
Flaws: Plenty of flaws here. Firstly, Brandon has referred to the fact that there could be additional trilogies set in different time periods using Allomancy, and so obviously Allomancy won't be destroyed.
Related Topics: Mistborn 3. Go read it.


I'll be the first to admit it, all those theories combined are long. I certainly talk a lot. What is more interesting is what I don't say. Even with all that writing up there, there are questions. I am not omniscient. So, in this section I have the last bit of questions and write down some random thoughts pertaining to them.

1. Atium is peculiar. It is the only metal (at least, among the 14 we know of) that is not a metal in real life. It formed in an exceptionally peculiar set of circumstances: only existing from the Pits of Hathsin. Why is this?

2. Why do the kandra insist on being paid in atium? It's not like they are Allomancers, and during the Final Empire people said atium was only valuable because of Allomancy. Apparently, more is going on here than meets the eye.

3. Feruchemy doesn't exactly fit within the other magics. There isn't an effect with the mists, and it existed longer than recorded Allomancy. How was Feruchemy formed, and does it have any relationship with the mists?

4. What is Preservation? What is the mist spirit?

5. What is the thing Ruin needs, as referenced in the MB3 Prologue? Something of Preservation, probably. Random idea: Ruin needs the atium cache.

6. Where is the atium cache? Why was the Lord Ruler hiding it so well, and for what purpose?

7. How does ash not suffocate people? I suppose the Lord Ruler created it that way, but that doesn't explain why.

8. How were the kandra and koloss created? Were they created from men?

9. Why does the Deepness kill some, sicken others, and leave still others alone? What is the logic behind that?

10. What happened to Kwaan? Did Rashek kill him?

11. Did Rashek actively go and erase the Terris Prophecies from existence? I suppose he would. Not only would that solidify his new religion, but it would also wipe out any traces of the corrupted Prophecies.

12. Who put that spike into Zane and why?

13. Why were the Keepers and the Synod formed 200 years post-Ascension? Something doesn't seem right with that.

14. Why would the Lord Ruler create Inquisitors the way he did if he didn't want Ruin to affect his perfect empire? Was the Lord Ruler just ignorant that Ruin could control Hemalurgists?

15. Did Ruin have any power during the Lord Ruler's reign? I had always thought that it didn't, but then again, Vin's mom heard voices which could have been Ruin, Zane may have heard voices before the fall (but I'm not certain when Zane started hearing voices. It probably would have started when he got that spike in him, but then when did he get the spike? After the Lord Ruler's fall or no?), and Reen's voice could be Ruin or Preservation. Perhaps Ruin had some power because the Well was getting filled again, but he still couldn't affect the world too much.

16. Who is Gemmel? Why did he train Kelsier? What happened to him?

17. We know that Ruin is imprisoned in the Well, but how was it imprisoned in the first place? How, if Ruin is in the Well, did the Lord Ruler touch Preservation? What force did the Lord Ruler even touch at the Well of Ascension?
« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 08:40:05 AM by Chaos2651 » - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

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Re: Final Hero of Ages Theories
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2008, 07:00:13 PM »
That's a lot of theorizing.
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