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Brandon Sanderson / Re: what does kelsier look like?
« on: January 24, 2008, 05:40:34 PM »
well, I do think that at least 50% of the worlds population probably does need counseling. And no, I did not say he was crazy I said he was nearly crazy... or at least that's what I meant.

And now we are talking about characters in books as if they are real people, this always gets me back to reality. You said
Sirius Black is only nearly unhinged because Rowling says "he's unhinged."

that's the clincher there. We can argue forever about whether or not kelsier was nutso, but since he's a product of EUOL's mind, then I suppose he's the only one who really can say.

And Sirius Black does react in some situations in a not so stable manner, like when he refers to Harry as James.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: what does kelsier look like?
« on: January 24, 2008, 02:56:46 PM »
Come on! He's got this hatred for the nobility that goes beyond normal. He's cold about it. I'm not saying he's like Mr. voice of God in his head (what's his name, Zane? I'm forever forgetting the names of characters, after reading so many books, it's all kind of melded together) but he's definitely got some issues he needs to work on.

He's nearly unhinged like Sirius Black is nearly unhinged. Gone through horrible experiences they didn't deserve and now they can't get over it to the point that they are heartless and reckless. NOT normal behavior, IMO.

Movies and TV / Re: Masterpiece Theater Jane Austen
« on: January 24, 2008, 02:49:48 PM »
I've seen that Emma. I didn't like it. But then again, Emma' character bugs me, more so in that movie. I'm a very opinionated person aren't I?

Movies and TV / Re: When tissues are not enough
« on: January 24, 2008, 02:48:23 PM »
Life is Beautiful.

My husband and his brother told me it was the funniest movie I'd ever see. They didn't mention it was about the holocaust. It WAS funny, up until the end.... I cried for 3 days.

Movies and TV / Re: Masterpiece Theater Jane Austen
« on: January 23, 2008, 11:31:25 PM »
So these movies, at least some, aren't brand new. are any of them?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Interested in Publication
« on: January 23, 2008, 07:16:39 PM »
Since we're all talking about this I have two questions:

1) When you wrote Spook and gave him that really thick dialect, is the reason he doesn't have it so much in the second book because you got tired of trying to write his speech that way?

I only ask cause this story I've been working on, I've got this character with a dialect and about half way through I thought, AAAAH, forget it!
Dialects are really hard to keep up on.

2) How do you revise? When you are done with your first draft and whoever goes over it for you says, 'you need to fix these five points', then what do you do?

My husband says, to go one by one down my list and fix each one before moving onto the next. 'Course my husband is a Civil Engineer and he doesn't think like I do at all. But I'm a little lost as to where to start with all these great pieces of advise.

I guess that really had nothing to do with publication... did it.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: what does kelsier look like?
« on: January 23, 2008, 07:11:32 PM »
So does that mean your only barely hanging onto your sanity? that you have scars up your arms? And that really didn't answer my question...  ;) are you skinny and a little worse for the wear or are you well muscled and tough?

Either way, though, you'll still be a little unhinged.

Brandon Sanderson / what does kelsier look like?
« on: January 23, 2008, 03:03:24 PM »
My husband and I were having an argument about this (the friendly type...promise there was no yelling  ;))
HE says that Kelsier  is tall and well muscled. A very tough looking character that the scars on his arms only intensified.

I said that I thought Kelsier was a tall, skinny guy, a little worse for the wear, since he's been to the Pits and it's done it's dirty work on him. Like someone whose spent time doing hard labor and never fully recovered from it.

My husband said I'm wierd, and wrong. (he says I'm weird alot, so I wasn't so offended)

What do you think? Or maybe EUOL can tell us so that I can go back to him with an accurate answer.

Movies and TV / Re: Masterpiece Theater Jane Austen
« on: January 23, 2008, 02:52:40 PM »
Well, Cpt. Wentworth is in 2nd. Which makes me happy.  ;D Persuasion is my favorite story with P&P coming in 2nd. But I've seen clips of this version of Persuasion on YouTube and he doesn't read the letter as well as Ciarin Hinds. I'm very opinionated for someone who hasn't seen them.

I also noticed that Wentworth is worth the equivalent of $15 Million toady  :o wow.
Are the men listed over there the ones from the movies they are playing now?

Movies and TV / Re: Heath Ledger's Last Role: The Joker
« on: January 23, 2008, 02:47:51 PM »
It's always sad when someone dies so suddenly. I don't know why he died but he was my age and that is shocking. It made me feel sad, not enough to cry...mind you, but sad that people die so young and so suddenly. 'Course my husband did just walk in and say 'Heath Ledger died.' like no building up to it or anything and that wasn't something I had been waiting for so maybe that had an affect on it. Who know.
I didn't know he was the joker, interesting.

ooooh, spoilers. I'm intrigued, and if I'm picking up what EUOL is laying down  ;) then the theory I told my husband pans out. Yes, do tell more EUOL!  ;D

Movies and TV / Re: Masterpiece Theater Jane Austen
« on: January 22, 2008, 10:14:46 PM »
I haven't seen any of these masterpiece theatre one's but looking forward to an adaptation of Mansfield Park?! I wouldn't be, IMO by far the most boring of her works. I really had to push myself through that story and I in no means have a desire to watch a movie of it. But that's just me.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Revenge of Grumpy Bear
« on: January 22, 2008, 04:46:37 PM »
It can be trying, especially for someone who moved here a year ago from Phoenix. Our blood hasn't thickened up yet. But it's nearly shirt sleeve weather today, 11*F !  ;)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« on: January 22, 2008, 04:30:05 AM »
I'm not so into the really famous faces doing a main character, even if I did say Orlando, I think I might change my mind.... I think a good character is one that can leave you wondering where you've seen them before.
spook:   Max Pirkis      

renoux:  Ralph Fiennes

Hamm:  Adam Baldwin
(though he may be to young looking i dont remember  how old hamm is supposed to be

Lord Ruler:  Jason Isaacs
 (or maybe lord venture he plays a good stuck up noble man)

Shan elariel: ashley tisdale
(ive been forced to watch high school musical like 5 times my brother was in a play not sure about the mistborn fight but she just seems to look the part.)

for a possible kelsier or dockson: Kevin McKidd
(I loved Journeyman. Just sad it might get cancelled.)

Clubs:John Rhys-Davies
I'm for Jason Isaacs... that's a good idea!
I don't know this Ashley girl but she looks the part, if she can be vicious and mean.

I feel really out of touch because I don't know half the people you guys are saying but Bruce Campbell looks pretty 'smooth' like I would think Breeze was, but I've always had it in my head that Breeze was a little more... erm, plump.
What about the guy who plays in Wallaces best friend. He also play Mad Eye in HP. He might do well for Clubs or Ham, maybe to old for Ham but I don't know.

Any way it goes, I would say please please please don't let them do a movie unless it's LOTR caliber. No Eragon's please. I don't think I could handle them slaughtering Mistborn, it might make me cry.

Movies and TV / Re: Has anyone seen The Seeker: The dark is rising.
« on: January 21, 2008, 11:18:15 PM »
Like the first Narnia, I'll be sure to watch it first... I do have to admit that I make them fast forward through the execution (although I'm pretty sure my husband doesn't). I usually don't let them go see a movie without me prescreening it, these movie matinee series tickets are the first time I've been brave enough. Next week is Surf's Up, I'm thinking this'll be a little lighter. Kids-in-Mind has better reviews about it.

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