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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Atium question
« on: January 29, 2008, 09:06:30 PM »
It comforts me to know there is a select group that feels the ending gets pulled off well. I loathe books that fall short in the final stretch.

Books / Re: Books you dislike or used to dislike?
« on: January 29, 2008, 08:59:32 PM »
my brother in law says that when I get around to reading earthsea (it's in my pile  ;)) to just not even read the third one. He said it doesn't add to the story at all and probably detracts from it.

I read this series by Elizabeth Haydon... Symphony of Ages. So she makes a second series to go with the first and right in the middle of this book (I think it was Elegy for a Lost Star) is this horrible scene, I mean you don't see it coming at all and blithely read right through it before you realize what you've done and then you wish you could scrub your brain with bleach and steel.

Then again, her stuff isn't what I'd call 'clean' either, but I'd invested all this time I felt I ought to keep going, until that part, I haven't even considered reading her newest one.

Another one that I read, but I think this is a series of books I read in one of those all in one books, was the 'Deeds of Paksinarion'
Now it wasn't that bad, I was waiting for some sort of love story that never showed up, but for the most part it was pretty okay, I even found one part very poignant. However, she (Elizabeth Moon) has this torture scene near the end of the book that drags on forever! Probably a chapter at least, she goes into such detail and the whole while you just wish you could skip it and move on, but you know she's gonna drop something hugely important into the middle of it (which she does). That really annoyed me, I don't do well with violence, it gives me bad dreams  :-\

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Atium question
« on: January 29, 2008, 03:30:13 PM »
Am I the only person in the world who actually like the epilogue to HP7? I enjoyed the book as well, although them wandering around in the tent was a bit tedious. I liked it alot more than book 6.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« on: January 29, 2008, 03:28:05 PM »
My husband one time, while searching through all the DVD extra's, asked me who on earth would waste there time watching an entire movie with people talking over it.

In a little voice I said, "Me."

Sometimes we just don't understand each other.  ;)

I'll look for that.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Revenge of Grumpy Bear
« on: January 28, 2008, 06:39:44 PM »
You know after putting that on here I feel really shallow adding anything else.... I had to tell my 6 year old this morning that Pres. Hinckley had died, I felt like I was telling her that her grandpa had died all over again. And then she started crying.... Poor thing.

Anyway, not why I was grumpy.

On this other forum I go to they are complaining about young parents who don't properly dress their children for cold weather. Is it just me or do you ever get sick of older parents telling you what you're doing wrong. I hate going to the store and having someone make some comment and you think, "excuse me! but I don't even know you so MYOB!"

This one time I had a guy at a resteraunt tell me to take my kid out if I couldn't get him to stop crying. My brother in law was so mad my sister had to do everything she could to keep him in his seat.

So that bugs me, people telling other people how to parent. If it's obvious that CPS should be involved than I see no problem with stepping in, but otherwise have some compassion!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« on: January 28, 2008, 04:48:29 PM »
I agree that Eragon was somewhat lacking, and had a lot of elements from books the author must have read. I like to read for enjoyments sake though and so I was fine with the general storyline, although I saw through the plot fairly quickly (to much reading). But the movie killed me, it was like one of those cheap 'b' movie sci fi's that my husband likes so much and forces me to watch. They HURT, I can't stand sitting through them and I often wonder why I have to watch these when he won't watch chick flicks.

Anyway, If you're gonna make Mistborn a movie, make sure they have the budget to do a top notch job, is all I'm saying. Even the worst book can have a better movie in the right hands (although that rarely happens)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: what does kelsier look like?
« on: January 25, 2008, 10:17:06 PM »
Still, he hates them, and does think they'll be in the way. His practical experience doesn't give him a lot of reason to *not* think they're a hinderance. But that is countered by the fact that I don't perceive that he's ever *tried* to see if they're useful, though that's largely inference.

Though I think when Vin falls for Elend this gives Kelsier the first opportunity to see them as something other than 'the enemy' and allows him the chance to see them differently. Of course Elend doesn't help that along by running into the crowds trying to find her...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: what does kelsier look like?
« on: January 25, 2008, 08:52:44 PM »
But your probably right. He's more eccentric than crazy.

and ehler's this is just for you, my husbands response to the same question:
Nope I don’t think he is portrayed as insane in the least.  If anything at all, the brilliance of his plan, and the accuracy of his prediction how the mass would react to his death, and his foresight in having his Kandra convince everyone he is a god show up show him extremely sane.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: what does kelsier look like?
« on: January 25, 2008, 08:42:10 PM »
Actually I didn't read what you wrote... cause I was posting too. ;)

And he's not revered for his differences until AFTER he's dead... everyone goes along with him cause they trust him. Not because they revere him

Brandon Sanderson / Re: what does kelsier look like?
« on: January 25, 2008, 08:36:37 PM »
He doesn't act like most people do.  If he isn't careful he'll move up into the next step and be truly crazy.  Right now he's harmless, but still a bit off his rocker, and not living with the rest of the world, but he can do what normal people do when he needs/wants to.

Thankyou for saying what I was trying to say. Yes, Skar, my head is hurting a bit... is that why?

And Ehlers you keep talking about his well planned killing... okay, that's smart, but he's heartless about it, he's cold and heartless and enjoys it and to me those aren't the types of behaviors a normal person has. Add to that his internment in the Pits and what Rainbow said fits.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: what does kelsier look like?
« on: January 25, 2008, 03:58:26 AM »
Yes, he says he's crazy. And I say I'm going to stab something when I'm frustrated. Do I ever actually stab something? No. Do I ever actually INTEND to stab something? no. Do I ever actually SERIOUSLY feel like ACTUALLY stabbing something? No. Taking a comment like that literally is, itself, a sign of being a bit crazy.

I can't believe we're arguing this. But he isn't like you in that he does intend to stab them. He goes around killing people callously because of their birth, and he enjoys fighting Inquisitor's when any normal person would be scared spitless.

Admit it, he's a bit off the average.

And Sirius saw Harry as James, not just called him that. She makes that clear outside and inside the story.

Site News / Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« on: January 24, 2008, 10:21:24 PM »
I actually don't think I've ever been in this thread before...  :-\ but welcome! And this is probably the last time I'll remember to look at this thread, so to everyone that goes beyond my post welcome to you too.

i keep trying to convince my husband to give our next daughter the middle name of Aviendha or Eowyn... he says it's to obvious. -sigh- Maybe I'll go for Vin, since she's pretty tough too.

Course that is if I ever have another daughter and given his family line (30 grandson's, 6 granddaughter's) the odds are against me, strongly.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: what does kelsier look like?
« on: January 24, 2008, 09:44:14 PM »
wouldn't rakish imply
a man who is licentious;
  (that's from the for rake).

Brandon Sanderson / Re: what does kelsier look like?
« on: January 24, 2008, 07:22:21 PM »
Wow... go from discussing the way a character looks to if he's crazy.  And I think to an extent he is slightly crazy, but it's more of a Crazy Genius.  I mean, you have to be slightly off base from what most people thing (thus being slightly crazy) in order to come up with something no one else has ever done, give it the passion and the drive to make it seem possiable, and then go off and do it.  Crazy?  Yes, but also a genius.

Thank you. Agreed.

Ehler's I have three kids, and I agree at times it is hard to keep their names straight, but it's not exactly the same, as you ought to know. Are you arguing just to argue?  ;)

I like Rainbow's definition, it's a genius thing. And I often don't make sense, even to myself, so don't worry to much ;) BUT, I didn't say you were barely clinging to your sanity. You did! You said you were like Kelsier, that he was based on you.
AND, the whole team thinks he's crazy too. They even say it. And he agree's.

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