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Topics - Captain Morgan

Pages: [1]
Everything Else / Woohoo I got a promotion
« on: April 28, 2005, 09:57:58 AM »
I have been informed that I am going to Reactor Operators License Class. For those of you who know me, you should be really scared. Mawha ha ha. there going to let me operate a nuclear reactor. The class itself should only take 2 years to get the license. Man I am so excited. I just had to splooge it out.

Rants and Stuff / The Vicomte de Superfly
« on: February 14, 2005, 03:02:35 AM »
New thread following tradition. Sorry I'm late all

Rants and Stuff / Beneath the Planet of the Superfly Night Crew
« on: January 31, 2005, 12:26:49 AM »
I figured since MsFish will soon be here and the other thread is already to long that we should start a new one. I think the Planet of the Apes theme should be applied so here we have Beneath. Next is Escape from the Superfly Night Crew. Then Conquest for the Superfly Night Crew and then finally Battle for the Superfly Night Crew!

Movies and TV / Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead
« on: January 17, 2005, 01:09:12 AM »
Finally this movie is coming to DVD. I loved watching this movie. Funny funny funny. Well my style at least.

Rants and Stuff / The superfly night crew is back for more action!
« on: January 17, 2005, 12:55:45 AM »
Yo, yo, yo fellas, you ready for more ranting and raving and general BSing? I say Yes and lets party!

Everything Else / A Moment of Silence
« on: January 17, 2005, 12:54:06 AM »
Today a true American Hero has left us. A great man and a great father who has left a lasting impact on everyone who has spent anytime with him. To his survivors, please know that you are in my thoughts, and you all will carry on his legacy. Not knowing where else to turn to scream in frustration that such a noble man has been taken from us, I turn here to tell you that you will be missed. I ask for a moment of silence to honor this great man even though his time on earth was to brief.

Rants and Stuff / Cable TV is so useless
« on: December 14, 2004, 05:39:48 AM »
This is a rant, but this could also be in the Movies/TV section.

<Captain steps up onto his soap box and begins his rant>
I was an addict. I used to watch cable TV for no reason at all. I always had to get my fix of useless TV programs everyday. When I was bored, the TV came on. Then one day I realized that I'm paying almost $50 a month just to watch these stupid shows and documentaries. For years I thought that having cable TV was important so that I could watch the news for important events and watch the latest Star Trek, and various movies on cable. (By the way this rant includes airwave broadcast and satellite TV as well). Then one day I realized that I hated to leave home anytime for the fear of missing a show and get upset because I missed the show (I could tape the shows of course but usually the VCR got programmed wrong (by my wife, not me oh no)). At that point, it was time to cut the cable off. I've been cable free for about 6 months now, and I couldn't be happier. If there is a show that really warrants any attention I can just rent the show and not pay to watch commercials throughout the show. Plus now I can waste my time in other ways such as posting stupid threads like this.

The point is movies, TV shows and even documentaries aren't inherently useless, but 90% of stuff on TV is stuff that I don't care about and only watched because it was there. I was paying $50 bucks a month for three TV shows and the ability to watch the news. What I got was 200 channels of crap and more commercials than I could stand. The funny thing is commercials don't bother me if the medium is free. i.e. radio has commercials but you don't pay to listen. But with cable and the rest, you are paying to watch and be subjected to more commercials than you could count in an hour. Well more than I can count in an hour (does it scare you that I work in a nuke power plant?)

42 Days of Christmas said in the forklift training video thread:
I think it is admirable that Ookla can recognize that that particular short film was spiritually damaging to him.
Many people I know are not self-aware enough to recognize how media is effecting them unless it is something really extreme to them.

If you think about it, the stuff on TV can shape your viewpoints, and feeds you information that corporations and the media want you to know. While it is possible to get more than one viewpoint on TV, how much of it is truly your viewpoint. All media is tainted by the corporations that own them. CNN is more liberal and can help shape your viewpoint to theirs. FoxNews on the other hand is considered conservative. For example, both media organization can and often do report the same incident with President Bush with different flairs, could be a bad report from CNN and good report from FoxNews. Commercials on the other hand, try to convince you that you need their product or service and you can't live without it, and after a few hundred times you start to think that they may be right. Do you really need this kind of brainwashing in your lives?

I challenge everyone to go without TV for a month and see how it changes them. Your daily activities will change as you spend more time doing things with your family and friends. If you need the news, you still have the internet. If you like to be able to sit in front of the TV to not think and just relax for a bit then rent a movie that you choose because you want to watch it, and not what somebody else programmed for you. By giving up cable or the dish, you will find that your bank account will thank you, as well as having much more quality time with your family and friends. Of course you will still want to waste your time, as the reason we are all here, but try to waste your time differently than watching useless cable TV. I think you'll enjoy you free time all the more.

<Captain steps off his soap box and opens the floor for the debate>

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